• Title/Summary/Keyword: 감정 상태 추정 모형

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Multimodal Emotional State Estimation Model for Implementation of Intelligent Exhibition Services (지능형 전시 서비스 구현을 위한 멀티모달 감정 상태 추정 모형)

  • Lee, Kichun;Choi, So Yun;Kim, Jae Kyeong;Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2014
  • Both researchers and practitioners are showing an increased interested in interactive exhibition services. Interactive exhibition services are designed to directly respond to visitor responses in real time, so as to fully engage visitors' interest and enhance their satisfaction. In order to install an effective interactive exhibition service, it is essential to adopt intelligent technologies that enable accurate estimation of a visitor's emotional state from responses to exhibited stimulus. Studies undertaken so far have attempted to estimate the human emotional state, most of them doing so by gauging either facial expressions or audio responses. However, the most recent research suggests that, a multimodal approach that uses people's multiple responses simultaneously may lead to better estimation. Given this context, we propose a new multimodal emotional state estimation model that uses various responses including facial expressions, gestures, and movements measured by the Microsoft Kinect Sensor. In order to effectively handle a large amount of sensory data, we propose to use stratified sampling-based MRA (multiple regression analysis) as our estimation method. To validate the usefulness of the proposed model, we collected 602,599 responses and emotional state data with 274 variables from 15 people. When we applied our model to the data set, we found that our model estimated the levels of valence and arousal in the 10~15% error range. Since our proposed model is simple and stable, we expect that it will be applied not only in intelligent exhibition services, but also in other areas such as e-learning and personalized advertising.

Convolutional Neural Network Model Using Data Augmentation for Emotion AI-based Recommendation Systems

  • Ho-yeon Park;Kyoung-jae Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we propose a novel research framework for the recommendation system that can estimate the user's emotional state and reflect it in the recommendation process by applying deep learning techniques and emotion AI (artificial intelligence). To this end, we build an emotion classification model that classifies each of the seven emotions of angry, disgust, fear, happy, sad, surprise, and neutral, respectively, and propose a model that can reflect this result in the recommendation process. However, in the general emotion classification data, the difference in distribution ratio between each label is large, so it may be difficult to expect generalized classification results. In this study, since the number of emotion data such as disgust in emotion image data is often insufficient, correction is made through augmentation. Lastly, we propose a method to reflect the emotion prediction model based on data through image augmentation in the recommendation systems.

Analyzing Contextual Polarity of Unstructured Data for Measuring Subjective Well-Being (주관적 웰빙 상태 측정을 위한 비정형 데이터의 상황기반 긍부정성 분석 방법)

  • Choi, Sukjae;Song, Yeongeun;Kwon, Ohbyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.83-105
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    • 2016
  • Measuring an individual's subjective wellbeing in an accurate, unobtrusive, and cost-effective manner is a core success factor of the wellbeing support system, which is a type of medical IT service. However, measurements with a self-report questionnaire and wearable sensors are cost-intensive and obtrusive when the wellbeing support system should be running in real-time, despite being very accurate. Recently, reasoning the state of subjective wellbeing with conventional sentiment analysis and unstructured data has been proposed as an alternative to resolve the drawbacks of the self-report questionnaire and wearable sensors. However, this approach does not consider contextual polarity, which results in lower measurement accuracy. Moreover, there is no sentimental word net or ontology for the subjective wellbeing area. Hence, this paper proposes a method to extract keywords and their contextual polarity representing the subjective wellbeing state from the unstructured text in online websites in order to improve the reasoning accuracy of the sentiment analysis. The proposed method is as follows. First, a set of general sentimental words is proposed. SentiWordNet was adopted; this is the most widely used dictionary and contains about 100,000 words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs with polarities from -1.0 (extremely negative) to 1.0 (extremely positive). Second, corpora on subjective wellbeing (SWB corpora) were obtained by crawling online text. A survey was conducted to prepare a learning dataset that includes an individual's opinion and the level of self-report wellness, such as stress and depression. The participants were asked to respond with their feelings about online news on two topics. Next, three data sources were extracted from the SWB corpora: demographic information, psychographic information, and the structural characteristics of the text (e.g., the number of words used in the text, simple statistics on the special characters used). These were considered to adjust the level of a specific SWB. Finally, a set of reasoning rules was generated for each wellbeing factor to estimate the SWB of an individual based on the text written by the individual. The experimental results suggested that using contextual polarity for each SWB factor (e.g., stress, depression) significantly improved the estimation accuracy compared to conventional sentiment analysis methods incorporating SentiWordNet. Even though literature is available on Korean sentiment analysis, such studies only used only a limited set of sentimental words. Due to the small number of words, many sentences are overlooked and ignored when estimating the level of sentiment. However, the proposed method can identify multiple sentiment-neutral words as sentiment words in the context of a specific SWB factor. The results also suggest that a specific type of senti-word dictionary containing contextual polarity needs to be constructed along with a dictionary based on common sense such as SenticNet. These efforts will enrich and enlarge the application area of sentic computing. The study is helpful to practitioners and managers of wellness services in that a couple of characteristics of unstructured text have been identified for improving SWB. Consistent with the literature, the results showed that the gender and age affect the SWB state when the individual is exposed to an identical queue from the online text. In addition, the length of the textual response and usage pattern of special characters were found to indicate the individual's SWB. These imply that better SWB measurement should involve collecting the textual structure and the individual's demographic conditions. In the future, the proposed method should be improved by automated identification of the contextual polarity in order to enlarge the vocabulary in a cost-effective manner.

Factors Influencing Emotional Labor and Emotional Intelligence on Burnout among Nurses at a General Hospital (종합병원 간호사의 감정노동과 감성지능이 소진에 미치는 영향 요인)

  • Seung-Hyun Jeong;In-Sook Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.727-737
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to identify the factors Influencing the burnout of general hospital nurses. Method: The study subjects were 150 nurses in three general hospital. The collected data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Multiple regression analysis. Results: The factors affecting the burnout of the subjects, multiple regression analysis results showed that emotional intelligence(β=-.441, p<.001), emotional labor(β=.403, p<.001), current position was more than responsible nurse(β=-.111, p<.018), and health status was healthy(β=-.100, p<.029). In addition, the F statistics for the fitness of the estimated regression model were 35.51(p<.001), which was very significant. The explanatory power was 79.7%. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that emotional intelligence of the general hospital nurse was the most influential factor on burnout, and the higher the position, the better the health status, the lower the emotional labor, the lower the burnout. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that it is necessary to find ways to reduce emotional labor and improve health and emotional intelligence in order to reduce burnout of nurses, and it is considered to be useful as basic data for developing intervention programs to lower burnout.

A Value Evaluation Research of the Old-growth and Giant Tree - Focus on Gyeongju Gyerim's Zelkova Serrata - (노거수의 가치 평가 연구 - 경주 계림숲 느티나무를 대상으로 -)

  • Son, Hee-Jun;Xia, Tian-Tian;Kim, Young-Hun;Kang, Tai-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2016
  • Old-growth and giant tree is a nonrenewable resource with great value. The purpose of this study is to provide scientific and reasonable evaluations for the preservation and management of the old-growth and giant tree. Until now the research of old-growth and giant tree's value evaluation and authoritative index is so insufficient and imperfection. Combining with the particularity of the old-growth and giant tree, this study analyzed the main value factors of the old-growth and giant tree and objectively selected the evaluation indicators. According to the actual situation value appraisal model of the old-growth and giant tree was builded. The main value factors can be divided into economic value, cultural history, growing place, tree state, tree form, tree vigor, protection level, growth environment, tree species, tree canopy, and so on. The evaluate indicators can be selected and the indicators' weight can be calculate using analytic hierarchy process methods(AHP). Based on economic value and indicators' weight, tree's total value can be revealed. After calculation and analysis, Gyeongju Gyerim Zelkova serrata's value evaluation results is 491,503,300 won. The research results of this study can provide scientific basis and reference to the old-growth and giant trees' value appraisal and loss compensation, and arouse people's environmental awareness.