• Title/Summary/Keyword: 갈등전환

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학교 환경교육 10년 - 평가와 전망

  • Lee, Sun-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Environmental Edudation Conference
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    • 2004.12a
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 2004
  • 환경운동 10년의 결과 '생태적 감수성'이라는 '감성영역'이 새롭게 개발되고 보편화 되었으며, 녹색소비의 정신이 확산되고, '환경'은 늘 관심을 기울어야 하는 '문제영역'으로 설정될 수 있었다. 이는 환경교육에도 확산되어, 녹색소비 운동과 관리주의적 실천은 이제 보편화되었다. 지방정부에서 '의제21'을 채택하여 개발연대에 직강화된 '도시하천'의 생태적 복원이 활발하게 진행중이고, 초중고교의 '녹색화' 사업이 생태숲이나 생태연못 등등의 명칭하에 진행중이다. 한편 '환경교육진흥법'은 아직 계류중이긴 하나, 경기도와 같이 지방정부 수준에서 체험적 생태교육 시설을 정책적으로 확장해 나가고자 하는 흐름도 있다. 또한 1999년의 동강댐 반대투쟁, 2003년과 2004년의 새만금 저지투쟁과 부안항쟁을 거치면서 생명의 소중함에 대한 인식은 이제 '생명권' 개념의 확산을 앞두고 있을 정도로 보편화되고 있다. 그리고 이는 생태적 감수성을 함양하는 '체험 환경교육'의 보편화로 나타나고 있다. 하지만 교과교육으로서의 환경교육과 체험학습 영역의 환경교육은 '접점'을 찾지 못하고 있다. 한편으로 온 나라를 떠들썩하게 만드는 '환경갈등'에 대하여 그것의 '뿌리'를 완전히 뽑아내는 방식의 '재발 방지' 정치적 성과는 제대로 축적되고 있지 못하며, 환경교육은 '환경갈등'의 정치경제적 속성을 정면으로 응시하고 있지 못하다. 2004년의 환생교사업방향중 하나가 '사회적 실천'을 강조하는 흐름이었던 것은 바로 이와 같은 사정을 반영한다. '생태적 감수성'은 실천이라기 보다 안주와 '누림'의 영역으로 되기 십상이었기에 그러하며 실제로 상품화된 '생태기행'의 등장은 그런 맥락에서 이해된다. 그럼에도 이는 10년전 '군사문화'가 우리안에 살아있던 것에 비하면 분명 큰 진전이다. 군사훈련식의 수련활동이 생명과 생태에 대한 감수성을 일깨우는 '생태적 감수성' 함양으로 전환된 것이 단적인 경우이다. 이제 이러한 성과를 토대로 이후 학교환경교육 10년을 전망할 수 있어야 하겠다. 필자는 그 화두를 '환경정의'와 '생태적 합리성'에서 찾고자 한다. 생태적 감수성 키우기가 상업화 단계에 이를 정도로 보편화되었다면, 이를 바탕으로 '생태적 합리성'이라는 체계적인 지식교육을 거쳐서, '환경정의' 의식의 제고로 이어가고, 굵직한 '환경갈등'의 상황에서 뚜렷한 정치적 태도와 실천을 할 수 있는 '생태적 인간상'의 육성으로 나아갈 수 있어야 한다는 것이 필자의 생각이다. 이를 위해서는 어찌되었건 체험학습 영역에서는 환경현안에 대한 사회적 실천을 '교육 소재'로 삼을 수 있어야 하며, 교과학습 영역에서는 한국사회의 환경현안에 대한 정치경제적 접근을 외면하지 말고 교과서 저작의 소재로 삼을 수 있어야 하며, 이는 '환경관리주의'와 '녹색소비'에 머물러 있는 '환경 지식교육'과 실천을 한단계 진전시키는 작업으로 이어질 것이다. 이후 10년의 환경교육은 바로 '생태적 합리성'과 '환경정의'라는 두 '화두'에 터하여 세워져야 한다.

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A Case Study of Family Therapy for Marriage Migrant Woman who Experienced Family Violence - Focusing on Chinese Woman Who Participated in Counseling alone - (가정폭력 피해 결혼이주여성의 가족치료 사례연구: 단독으로 상담에 참여한 중국출신 여성을 중심으로)

  • Moon, Jung Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.55
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    • pp.91-128
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an effective intervention strategy for marriage migrant woman in family therapy. For this purpose, we collected counseling cases of professional counselors who successfully completed counseling and attempted the qualitative analysis of treatment intervention strategies and effects. The results of the study were obtained by dividing the meaning units in the immigrant woman's statements made during the counseling process composed of a total of 6 sessions. The counselors were analyzed to have tried the following intervention strategies. They attempted the following six strategies: Helping emotional differentiation by searching for unresolved emotional problems, dealing with undifferentiation due to family projection process and love triangle, dealing with multi-generational transfer process of the original family relationship patterns and coping mechanism, shedding lihgt on ineffectiveness of inconsistent communication due to emotional oppression applying a communication model of MRI, switching client's awareness through reorganization, suggesting a way of communication that leads to real self. Such counselors' attempts resulted in positive changes and treatment effects were found to include first, cognitive insights and motivation for change, second, improved communication skills and third, anxiety reduction and self-differentiation. Due to their husbands' refusal to participate in counseling, marriage migrant women often get involved in counseling alone, so they tend to worry that the effectiveness of family therapy may be low but it was found that the proper intervention of the counselor could improve the ability of the wife to resolve conflicts, which would be a great help in solving problems such as family violence and this study is meaningful in that it provided the appropriate therapeutic intervention strategies needed.

A study on the policy conflict structure to Identify Demand for Regulatory Innovation in OTT Industry (OTT산업의 규제혁신 수요 파악을 위한 정책 갈등구조 분석)

  • Choi, HaeOk;Lee, KwangHo;Ha, ReeDa
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • Although the OTT industry is an area that needs urgent policy response as a priority area under the new industry regulatory reform master plan, various issues are occurring due to the lack of related institutional infrastructure. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the policy conflict structure in which regulatory obstacles and delays occur by listening to the opinions of major stakeholders and using the Q methodology to identify the regulatory innovation demand of the OTT industry. The analysis results are as follows. The analysis results are as follows. First, in the implementation of OTT-related policies, it is necessary to improve the standard system for the method of settlement of copyright fees. Second, it is required to improve the support method that can reduce the burden of OTT operators' fund. Third, it is necessary to supplement the system by changing the regulatory application method for potential regulatory issues related to zero-rating. This study can be utilized in the process of introducing a system in which various stakeholders are connected and developed in a complex manner in the process of regulatory innovation in new industries and services.

Paradoxes of Living Lab as a Social Innovation Arena (사회혁신의 장으로서 리빙랩과 패러독스)

  • Jung, Byung Kul
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.41-69
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    • 2017
  • The Living Lab, key elements are user involvement and experimentation in real life environment, is attracting public and academic attention as a crucial means of science and technology innovation and societal innovation. In recent years, there has also been a qualitative change, such as being utilized for social innovation and sustainable system transition. However, in the Living Lab approach, the paradox due to the tension between the different demands can appear in terms of homogeneity, user experience, conflict, commercialization, and diffusion of innovation. We need to understand and solve these paradoxes of Living Labs in order not only to solve social problems but also to be a good means of social innovation and sustainable system transition. Living labs are very useful instruments for solving certain types of problems, but they are not panacea. Living Labs, which still lack theoretical rationale and empirical results, need to accept and manage paradoxes to achieve results as a good means of social innovation.

Analyzing the Current Situation and Issues of Urban Renewal Projects in Korea: Focused on Housing Redevelopment Projects and Housing Reconstruction Projects (전국 도시재정비사업 추진실태 분석을 통한 개선방안 고찰: 주택재개발사업 및 주택재건축사업을 중심으로)

  • Lim, Jung-Min;Lee, Young-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Sung;Kim, Sung-Youn
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.333-348
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    • 2013
  • The detailed current situation of urban renewal projects which have implemented in all over the country is sorted by regional and divisional groups, researching press reports. Problems in the progress of promoting urban renewal projects made the paper are analyzed in this research. This research examined the actual condition about urban renewal projects synthetically and then, deduced the following improvement plan. First, formulating long-term renewal plan is needed. Secondly, It should be changed into the gradual urban renewal project on a small scale according to various conditions of each local area. Finally, support of the central government in consideration of local conditions should be carried out.

A Study of Direction of VR Animation <Goodbye Mr Octopus> (VR애니메이션 <Goodbye Mr Octopus> 연출 연구)

  • Lee, TaeGu;Park, Sukyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2023
  • VR animation allows you to see 360-degree screen production that cannot be seen in existing animation production while being located in the space within the animation. <Goodbye Mr Octopus>, a VR animation produced in 2020, was selected at the 77th Venice Film Festival as an immersive short film. This is the story of an adolescent girl, Stella, who is celebrating her 16th birthday, and her conflict with her strict father is resolved through a letter from her mother. It is a narrative composed of a total of 11 scenes, and in each scene, new directing elements of VR video grammar, such as gaze induction, time flow, and space conversion directing, were analyzed. Gaze-inducing directing minimized the inconvenience of 360-degree gaze, and time and space conversion directing was analyzed as an effect of increasing the audience's immersion according to narrative events.

Analysis on the Local Residents' Consciousness of Participation and the Direction of Policies (지역주민의 참여의식분석과 정책방향)

  • Ko, Seung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed not only to analyze local residents' awareness of local government, basic functions related to local government main agent's participation, and residents' consciousness/will of participation, but also to seek for the policy direction for the residents' participation. In the results of the analysis, the positive responses to the awareness of local government, residents participation system, and the collection of opinions were low. The residents' participation can reduce the conflict of policies and increase the outcomes while it can also increase the residents' happiness through their interest in the region and personal participation in politics. In order to continuously and stably develop the local self-governing system in Korea, it is required to put efforts into reviewing and improving various issues like the change in the awareness of residents' participation and efficient management of the system.

Deconstructing the Dichotomy between Ecology and Art in Contemporary Landscape Architecture (현대 조경설계에서 생태-예술 이원론의 해체)

  • Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2003
  • 20세기 후반을 거치며 환경 관련 이슈는 조경 이론과 설계에서도 중심 주제로 자리잡아 왔다. 환경에 대한 고려를 중심에 둔 이른바 생태적 조경계획 설계는 조경의 패러다임에 일대 전환을 가져오고 조경의 대사회적 역할을 교정했다는 평가를 받고 있다. 그러나 이러한 흐름은 동시대 조경 이론과 설계의 가장 첨예한 쟁점 중의 하나인 생태학과 예술 사이의 이분법을 심화시켰다는 비판에 직면하고 있는 것 또한 사실이다. 즉 생태적 조경은 환경적 가치 대형태 구축, 부지의 생태적 분석 대 창조적 표현이라는 이원론적 갈등 관계를 형성해 온 것이다. 이 논문은 이러한 양상의 생태-예술 이원론을 해체하고 대안적 조경의 지평을 구축하는 일이 현대 조경설계가 풀어야 할 최우선의 과제라고 파악한다. 이 논문은 특히 최근의 조경설계에서 실험되고 있는 경험의 구축, 변화와 프로세스의 고려, 일시성과 불확정성을 존중하는 태도 등을 통해 생태-예술 이원론을 해체할 수 있는 실천적 전략을 모색한다. 뿐만 아니라 그러한 전략에서 드러나는 대안적 조경미학이 최근의 환경미학과 공유하고 있는 이론적 지형을 검토함으로써 생태학과 예술의 접점을 가로지르는 조경설계의 새로운 좌표를 탐색한다.

Hotel employee's perceptions of artificial intelligence concierge robots effect on switching cost, resistance, turnover intention (호텔 종업원의 인공지능 컨시어지로봇에 대한 인식이 전환비용, 저항 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Wang, Danping;Chung, Namho
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.206-223
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    • 2023
  • The introduction of Smart technologies such as Artificial Intelligence(AI) systems are have a powerful impact in a variety of industry fields. Some experts predict that smart technology will completely change people's daily life and work styles, causing technological innovation, productivity improvement, and discovery and emergence of new fields. On the one hand, this vision cannot ignore negative views and concerns. Despite many social debates about employment, such as job loss and rising unemployment, there have not been many studies based on employee experience that provide a fundamental solution to the conflict between AI and employment. Therefore, this study finds out the effects and related factors of AI concierge robots for hotel employees, focusing on the hotel industry, and how employees' perceptions of AI concierge robots affect user resistance and turnover intention. This study, conducted a questionnaire survey of 322 hotel employees who had experience working with AI concierge robots in China, and used SPSS and SmartPLS statistical analysis programs to draw conclusions. We found that hotel employees' perceptions of AI concierge robots were significantly related to user resistance and turnover intention, and this association was related to employee self-efficacy, perceived organizational support, quality of AI services and new tasks. In addition, it was found that the quality of AI concierge robots directly or indirectly had the greatest influence on user resistance and turnover intention. The findings of this study provide theoretical implications for academia and practical implications for industry practitioners.

'Becoming Regular Employees': A Variation of the Struggle and Bargaining of Irregular Workers at Hyundai Motor Company, 2003-2016 (현대자동차 비정규직의 정규직 되기: 투쟁과 협상의 변주곡, 2003-2016년)

  • Yoo, Hyung-Geun;Jo, Hyung-Je
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the process of the struggle and bargaining for the change of the employment position of the irregular (in-house subcontracted) workers being at work in the Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) plants into the status of the regular employee of the company, and evaluate the results and limitation of the irregular workers' movement. Since the unionization of irregular workers in 2003, they have carried on the struggle against and the bargaining with the HMC, over the past 10 years and more, making claims for abolishing 'illegal temporary agency work' and for converting their positions into the regular ones. The HMC have gradually altered a confrontational stance against the workers' claim at the early stage, into the bargaining relationship with irregular workers' union. Eventually, the collective agreement on the 'special hiring' of about six thousands irregular workers by the HMC was reached in 2016. We attempt to analyze in depth the overall process by dividing three phases of the movement, according to the criteria of the relationship between the alliance and conflict system, and the cycle of protests of irregular workers. Furthermore, we try to trace the long and winding path of the movement, focusing on the cooperation/conflict relationship within the movement's alliance system, the confrontation/bargaining relationship between the movement and the conflict system, and the critical roles played by mediators (or third parties) between two systems. In the conclusion of the paper, we evaluate the results and limitation of the irregular workers' movement upon the basis of the following points; the convergence of the workers' demands into the prime goal of 'becoming HMC's regular employee,' the breakaway of regular workers' union from the movement's alliance system, and a virtual extinction of irregular workers' union after the final labor-management agreement of 2016.