• Title/Summary/Keyword: 갈등전환

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공공부문 소프트웨어사업의 대기업 참여제한 제도: 최근 연구결과 및 추가연구를 위한 제안사항 검토

  • Lee, Seung-Yul;Jeong, Tae-Hyeon
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 2022
  • 디지털 전환(Ditigal Transformation)이 가속화되고 있는 가운데 소프트웨어는 변화를 이끄는 주요한 기반 기술로 자리매김했다. 이러한 흐름에 따라 정부도 미래 국가경쟁력 확보를 위한 국가 디지털 정책 로드맵을 발표하며 다양한 정책을 추진하고 있다. 성공적이고 지속 가능한 디지털 전환을 위해 정부와 민간이 함께 힘을 모으고 걸림돌이 될 수 있는 규제와 같은 요인에 대해서도 해결책을 찾아야 한다. 많은 규제 중에서 해결이 필요한 부분 중 하나는 국내 공공부문 소프트웨어 시장에 적용 중인 대기업 참여제한 제도가 있다. 제도가 시행된 이후부터 다양한 의견이 엇갈리고 특히 기업규모에 따른 이해당사자 간 사회적 갈등이 해결되지 않는 모습이다. 그동안 제도의 실효성과 영향도를 확인하고자 하는 여러 시도가 있었지만 보다 종합적인 관점에서 조망 가능한 검토는 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 이러한 검토를 제공하고 이를 바탕으로 향후 대기업 참여제한 제도와 관련된 연구에서 추구해야 할 방향을 파악하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 제도의 입법이 시작된 2012년 이후부터 현재까지의 관련 문헌을 검토한 결과, 제도의 취지에 부합하는 중소기업 시장 참여 및 외형 성장 증가의 측면에서 긍정적인 부분이 확인된 반면 수익성 및 품질 저하, 시장구조 왜곡으로 인한 산업 전체 경쟁력 저하, 제도의 법리적 문제점 등 부정적인 부분이 다수 확인되었다. 종합적으로는 부정적인 영향 또는 제도에 대한 지적이 더욱 많은 것으로 나타났고 제도의 유지, 철폐 등의 향후 제도의 운영 방향에 대해서도 전반적인 연구에서 유지 보다는 철폐 또는 전면 개선 등의 의견이 다수를 이루었다. 이와 같은 결과를 토대로, 본 연구에서는 건전한 산업 생태계 조성을 통한 소프트웨어 경쟁력 강화를 위한 향후 연구 방향을 제시하고자 한다.

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Negative Transition of Smart Device Utility: Empirical Study on IT-enabled Work Flexibility, After Hours Work Connectivity, and Work-Life Conflict (스마트기기 효용의 부정적 전이: IT기반 업무 유연성, 근무시간 외 업무 연결성, 일-삶 갈등에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jin;Lee, Yoon-ji;Lee, Ho-Geun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.36-61
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    • 2019
  • While smart devices can have a positive impact on work efficiency and productivity by reducing time-space constraints and enabling rapid processing of tasks, side effects can arise from the imbalances between work and personal life. In recent years, as smart devices are increasingly used in work environments, it is more necessary than ever to understand the related phenomenon, find the cause of negative effects, and search for appropriate solutions. This study has developed and verified a theoretical model that shows how the technical characteristics known as the utility of smart devices are converted into negative results such as work-life conflict. As a result of analyzing the collected data from the employees, our study provides significant implications for the researchers, as well as the practitioners and policy makers, regarding various relationships among IT-enabled work flexibility, after-hours work connectivity and work-life conflict, and the new knowledge about the important role of segmentation supplies from the organization.

The Effect of Social Relationship on Unmarried Mother's Self-Esteem (미혼모의 사회적 관계망이 자아존중감에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Jae-Jin;Kim, Ji-Hye
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.61-87
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    • 2004
  • In Korea, since the systematic efforts to help unmarried mothers are rather limited, the unmarried mother's social relationship is expected to play a critical role in the adjustment of unmarried mothers after the birth of a baby. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of social relationship on unmarried mother's self-esteem. Especially, this study focused a negative aspect of social relationship, social conflict, which has been ignored by the previous researches. For this study, survey method was employed. The respondents of the questionnaire were 205 unmarried mothers staying at six out of eight institutions for unmarried mothers available in Korea. The multiple regression and other descriptive statistical methods were conducted and the results of analysis are as follows. First, the higher the level of perceived social support was, the higher the level of self-esteem of unmarried mothers was. Second, the higher the level of perceived social conflict was, the lower the level of self-esteem of unmarried mothers was. Third, even though the level of perceived social conflict was much lower than the perceived social support, the effect of social conflict on unmarried mothers' self-esteem was as powerful as the social support. This means that the effect of social conflict also can be very important. These findings suggest a new direction for intervention for unmarried mothers. Until now, the major target of intervention in social relationship was to strengthen existing social support or establish new social support system. Now, in addition to augmenting social support, we should pay attention to removal of social conflict, since it has significantly powerful effect on the adjustment of unmarried mothers.

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Information Analysis Framework for Supporting Evidence-based Research and Development Policy: Practical Considerations for Rationality in the Policy Process (증거기반 연구개발 정책 지원을 위한 정보 분석 프레임워크에 대한 연구: 정책과정의 합리성 제고에 관한 실무적 고찰)

  • Lee, Do-Yeon;Kim, Keun-Hwan
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on a review of how and in which stages evidence can be used, in practice, in the policy process and proposes an information analysis framework capable of inducing continuous interaction among stakeholders and an operation procedure that allows experts to reconcile conflicts through the analyzed information. In particular, it focuses on the strategic planning process carried out in the policy formation stage of the R&D policy process, which promotes the creation of knowledge related to science and technology required to improve national competitiveness and solve social and environmental problems. Conflicts are negotiated and resolved by ensuring rationality in the policy process, following the operation procedure and inducing communication between the stakeholders participating in national R&D strategic planning related to the issue of population aging throughout utilizing the provided useful information. Our results showed that the proposed operating procedures and information analysis framework had a positive effect on the communication-oriented shift. Thus, in order to promote conflict management, an agreed operating procedures and information analysis framework should be established between stakeholders, thereby reducing a conflict of opinions in advance. This article realizes the true meaning of movement of evidence-based policies. In addition, the framework is helping support evidence-based R&D policies by strengthening rational behavior.

A Study on Working Time and Psychological Difficulties of National and Public Daycare Center Teachers in the Operation Process of an Accreditation System (평가인증 운영과정에서 국공립 어린이집 보육교사의 직무수행 시간과 심리적 어려움에 관한 연구)

  • An, So Young
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.203-223
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to reveal working time and psychological difficulties of national and public daycare center teachers in the operation process of an accreditation system and seek ways of resolving them. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 413 teachers in 291 national and public daycare centers in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 7 nursery teachers. It showed that in the operation process of an accreditation system, teachers had been performing heavy tasks of 11 hours daily, and they were experiencing psychological difficulties with the conflict 'between interactions with infants and other duties', 'between free exploration and safety health', and 'between our story and external criteria'. Based on the findings, the following changes of recognition for nursery teachers were required. First, there is a need for the change of recognition concerned with the child-care of high quality, rather than performing evaluation index. Second, there is a need for the change of recognition concerned with overall optimization rather than sectional optimization. This study is significant in that it suggested the basic direction for the operation process of an accreditation system, by exploring the psychological difficulties of nursery teachers.

Managing Information as Records Asset : Public Records Policies in the Digital Transformation Era (디지털 전환 시대의 공공기록정책 기록자산으로서 정보의 관리)

  • Seol, Moon-won
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.63
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    • pp.5-36
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    • 2020
  • The E-government Act is in the complete revision process to promote the digital information preservation of the administrative information systems although the preservation of digital information in public sectors is now being regulated by the Public Records Act. In this challenging situation reconstruction of the public records policies has become a task that can no longer be delayed. The current public records policies are insufficient to manage various forms of digital information. The purpose of this study is to suggest the directions of the public records policies in digital transformation era. To this end, it analyze the recent changes in public records policies in the U.K. and Australia as leading models. The analysis derives four trends such as; i) extending management policies from declared records to all information, ii) adopting digital continuity policy, iii) managing information as records asset, and iv) establishment of information governance systems at national level.

An Exploratory Study on Contactless Digital Economy: the Characteristics, Regulatory Issues and Resolutions (비대면 디지털 경제에 대한 탐색적 연구: 특성, 규제쟁점 및 개선방안을 중심으로)

  • Shim, Woohyun;Won, Soh-Yeon;Lee, Jonghan
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.66-90
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    • 2022
  • The radical digital transformation and development of the contactless digital economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic are increasing the need to solve various problems such as conflicts of interest among market participants and delays in related laws and regulations. This study investigates the concept and characteristics of the contactless digital economy and identifies the related regulatory issues and resolutions through literature review, news article analysis, and expert interviews. From the literature review, it is identified that the contactless digital economy has eight hyper-innovation characteristics: hyper-intelligence, hyper-connectivity, hyper-convergence, hyper-personalization, hyper-automation, hyper-precision, hyper-diversity, and hyper-trust. From news article analyses and expert interviews, this study identifies various regulatory issues, such as competition between incumbents and new entrants, the collision of constitutional rights, collision of social values, conflict between market participants, absence of laws and regulations, and existence of excessive market power, and then proposes a series of resolutions.

China's Wind Energy Development and the Socio-political Conditions for Energy Transition: Focusing on Norm Promotions by Transnational Actors (중국 풍력발전 사례를 통한 에너지전환의 정치사회적 조건 연구: 초국가 행위자의 규범확산 활동을 중심으로)

  • Kyu Youn Choi
    • The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction (JLCCI)
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.197-241
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    • 2019
  • The rapid development of China's wind energy sector was facilitated by a number of transnational actors including organisations for international cooperation and international environmental organisations. This paper explores their evolving roles at different development stages in order to extend our understanding of the socio-political conditions for energy transition. Employing the framework of norm diffusion theories, this study focuses on the transnational advocacy group supporting wind energy for environmental purposes and analyses their norm promotion activities in interaction with domestic proponent as well as opponent groups. This analysis shows that the transnational actors successfully laid the foundation for the commercial wind energy development throughout the 1990s but experienced marginalisation during the sector expansion due to the dominance of the central government and its protectionist industrial policy. As the domestic opponent groups caused high-level wind curtailment in the 2010s, the international advocacy group has increasingly conducted offensive norm promotion activities. This case of the Chinese wind energy development suggests that the international transfer of technology and policy measures in combination with the mobilisation of economic resources support the growth of the wind energy sector, which nonetheless suffers lacking influence of environmental norms and faces conflicts with the traditional players of the electricity sector. Based on these findings, this study concludes that the key socio-political condition for energy transition is the formation of a power configuration which facilitates the effectiveness of environmental norms and thus confronts the powerful opponents of wind energy.

The Politics of Internet Content Regulation in the U.S.: A Case Study on Communications Decency Act Section 230 Reform with New Institutionalist Approach (미국 인터넷 내용규제의 정치: 신제도주의로 본 연방통신품위법 230조 개정 논의)

  • Choi, Jaedong
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.48-60
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    • 2022
  • This research analyzes the potential reform of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act through the new institutionalist approach. The immunity provision of the Section 230, which has developed the U.S. Internet content regulation regime and protected big tech firms, is facing a significant change today. The chambers of Congress have attempted to limit the immunity shield for platforms with bipartisanship. As a result of analysis through the perspective of historical institutionalism, a critical change could come from external events including fake news controversies and data privacy scandals, as well as endogenous factors such as conflicts among actors. The discussion deals with the possible direction of Internet content regulation reforms in Korea.

A Study on the Continues Use Intention of Artificial Intelligence RPA in the Financial Industry (금융업의 인공지능(AI) RPA 지속사용의도에 관한 연구)

  • Kyeong-Rok Seo;Hyeon-Suk Park
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the intention to continuously use the RPA program used in the financial industry for those working in the financial industry. In particular, the purpose of this study is to understand the will to accept and the perception of acceptance conflict by considering the characteristics of individuals in the relationship between work and information technology. As a result of the study, it can be confirmed that the RPA system based on intelligent process automation including artificial intelligence should be further strengthened in the transformation of a digitalized enterprise rather than the RPA based on simple task automation that is currently most used. In general, the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance was prominent for the adoption of new technology, but the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance did not appear for the continued use of RPA in the financial industry. Able to know. In the future in the financial industry, it is thought that the change in the labor organization will be accelerated as the suitability of repetitive tasks and technologies is increased.