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Intestinal Atresia - A Survey by the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons - (선천성 장폐쇄증 - 대한소아외과학회 정회원을 대상으로 한 전국조사 -)

  • Kim, I.K.;Kim, S.Y.;Kim, S.K.;Kim, W.K.;Kim, J.E.;Kim, J.C.;Kim, H.H.;Park, K.W.;Park, Y.S.;Park, W.H.;Song, Y.T;Yang, J.W.;Oh, S.M.;Yoo, S.Y.;Lee, D.S.;Lee, M.D.;Lee, S.K.;Lee, S.C.;Chang, S.I.
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 1999
  • A survey on the intestinal atresias was made among 34 members of Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons. The response rate was 82.4 %. Two hundred and fifteen patients from the January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1996 were analyzed. The lesions were 73 cases of duodenum(DA), 72 cases of jejunum(JA), 71 cases ileum(IA) and 2 cases cecum and sigmoid colon respectively. There were 2 cases of combined anomalies (DA + JA + IA and DA + JA). Male to female ratio was 1:1 in DA, and 1.8:1 in JA. Seventy four cases(34.3 %) were premature babies(DA 35.2 %, JA:48.6 %, IA:19.2 %), and 62 cases(28.7 %) had low birth weight (DA:39.4 %, JA 33.0 %, IA:13.7 %). Antenatal diagnosis was made in 92 cases(43.6 %). However 22 cases (23.9 %) of them were transferred to pediatric surgeon after delivery. Maternal polyhydramnios was observed in 63 cases(28.9 %). Seventy· five cases(34.4 %) were taken only simple abdominal film for diagnostic studies. The associated malformations were observed in 54 aresia and were observed more frequently in DA(35 cases, 47.9 %). Meconium peritonitis due to intrauterine bowel perforation was more frequently associated with IA compared to DA and JA. The overall mortality rate was 30 %. (Abbreuations: $P_{T}$;p-value in total, $P_{DJ,DI,JI}$;p value between two groups among duodenal, jejunal and ileal groups).

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Study on Acknowledge and State of Clinical Experience for 3-years Dental Technology Department (3년제 치기공과 임상실습에 대한 인식 및 실태조사 - 일부 치과기공소 소장을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Myung-Ja
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.41-57
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to collect and analyze previous information in order to manage efficience, improve experience effect and promote employment rate. The questionnaire interview with 27 chief of dental Laboratory refered clinical experience in technology department about clinical experience in 14 Jumior colleges were also investigated. The results were summarried as follows : The portion of age of 35-39 among chief of dental Laboratory was 40.7% which was the highest, that of male was 96.3%, that of junior college graduate was 97.5%, that of 10years experience was 92.6% and that of ceramic technician was 85.2%, 63.0% dental laboratory for clinical experience was a bore space of 30pyong. Aspect of dental laboratory management, manufacturing all part of prosthetic restoration was 29.6%, othodontic appliance and ceramic restoration was 7.4%, 3.8%, each. The percentage of 40.7 was having connection with 30-3a dental clinics and referring case per day was 10-19 cases(40.7%), manufacturing time of referred prosthetic restoration was 3-4 days(77.8%), places preparing seminar room for education was 29.6%, above a place of 40pyong was 11.1% 30-34 pyong and 35-39 pyong was 7.4% each. During training of 2 years education course student, 18.5% was rack of thorough occupational career. While 44.4% will want the more salary among 3years education course student, 74.1% will expect the more dental techmicians would engaged in their field, 51.9% will hope improve of their theory and practice, 29.6% be expected better skill and 14.8% be expected better theory. Attitude of clinical experience places was distributed by 59.3% of offering only experience chance, 25.9% of wasting time and 29.0% of annoying. The big emphasis of climical experience was thorough occupational career(44.4%). The clinical experience places of our college were selected after direct visiting, so their condition of management was not that bad but most of dental laboratory were poor in management state and working environment. Therefore it is difficult to choose appropriate places and dental Laboratory are also limited manpower and time as suppliers. So that it recommended to induce flexible management of experience period by interval and rotation of experience places among college and to applicate intern-system for employment ant industry-college cooperation aspect.

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Assessment of Demand and Use of Fresh-Cut Produce in School Foodservice and Restaurant Industries (학교급식 및 외식업체에서의 신선편이 농산물 사용실태 및 요구도 평가)

  • Sun, Shih-Hui;Kim, Ju-Hee;Kim, Su-Jin;Park, Hye-Young;Kim, Gi-Chang;Kim, Haeng-Ran;Yoon, Ki-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.909-919
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the demand and use of fresh-cut produce in school foodservice and restaurant industries. The subjects of this survey study were 200 school nutritionists and 70 cooks or managers in the restaurant industry nationwide. The data were collected by means of self-administered or e-mail questionnaires. Data analysis was completed using the SPSS window (ver. 12.0) program including frequency, $\chi^2$-test and t-test. Survey questions assessed the general characteristic of respondents, and the supply, use, and demand of fresh-cut produce in school foodservice and restaurant industries. Over 74% of the subjects have used fresh-cut produce. Most of the school foodservice (84.0%) kept fresh-cut produce for one day, while restaurant industry (28.3%) kept them up to three days. The nutritionists of school foodservice and managers of restaurant industry considered origin and date of production as the most important factor, respectively, when fresh-cut produce were being used. Fresh-cut root vegetable, such as potato and carrot was used mostly. The main reason not to use the fresh cut produce was due to the distrust of the fresh-cut produce safety in school foodservice and cost in restaurant industry. The main problem in fresh-cut produce use was the need of rewashing (29.9%) in school foodservice and irregular size (39.0%) in restaurant industry. These results indicate that the quality standard and size specification must be prepared with production guideline of safe fresh-cut produce.

Smoking-Induced Dopamine Release Studied with $[^{11}C]Raclopride$ PET ($[^{11}C]Raclopride$ PET을 이용한 흡연에 의한 도파민 유리 영상 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Kyeong;Cho, Sang-Soo;Lee, Do-Hoon;Ryu, Hye-Jung;Lee, Eun-Ju;Ryu, Chang-Hung;Jeong, In-Soon;Hong, Soo-Kyung;Lee, Jae-Sung;Seo, Hong-Gwan;Jeong, Jae-Min;Lee, Won-Woo;Kim, Sang-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.421-429
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: It has been postulated that dopamine release in the striatum underlies the reinforcing properties of nicotine. Substantial evidence in the animal studies demonstrates that nicotine interacts with dopaminergic neuron and regulates the activation of the dopaminergic system. The aim of this study was to visualize the dopamine release by smoking in human brain using PET scan with $[^{11}C]raclopride$. Materials and Methods: Five male non-smokers or ex-smokers with an abstinence period longer than 1 year (mean age of $24.4{\pm}1.7$ years) were enrolled in this study $[^{11}C]raclopride$, a dopamine D2 receptor radioligand, was administrated with bolus-plus-constant infusion. Dynamic PET was performed during 120 minutes ($3{\times}20s,\;2{\times}60s,\;2{\times}120s,\;1{\times}180s\;and\;22{\times}300s$). following the 50 minute-scanning, subjects smoked a cigarette containing 1 mg of nicotine while in the scanner. Blood samples for the measurement of plasma nicotine level were collected at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, and 90 minute after smoking. Regions for striatal structures were drawn on the coronal summed PET images guided with co-registered MRI. Binding potential, calculated as (striatal-cerebellar)/cerebellar activity, was measured under equilibrium condition at baseline and smoking session. Results: The mean decrease in binding potential of $[^{11}C]raclopride$ between the baseline and smoking in caudate head, anterior putamen and ventral striatum was 4.7%, 4.0% and 7.8%, respectively. This indicated the striatal dopamine release by smoking. Of these, the reduction in binding potential in the ventral striatum was significantly correlated with the cumulated plasma level of the nicotine (Spearman's rho=0.9, p=0.04). Conclusion: These data demonstrate that in vivo imaging with $[^{11}C]raclopride$ PET could measure nicotine-induced dopamine release in the human brain, which has a significant positive correlation with the amount or nicotine administered bt smoking.

Decentralized Composting of Garbage in a Small Composter for Dwelling House I. Laboratory Composting of the Household Garbage in a Small Bin (가정용 소형 퇴비화용기에 의한 부엌쓰레기의 분산식 퇴비화 I. 실험실 조건에서 퇴비화 연구)

  • Seo, Jeoung-Yoon;Joo, Woo-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.321-337
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    • 1994
  • The garbage from the dwelling houses was composted in two kinds of small composter in laboratory to investigate the possibility of garbage composting. They were general small composters. One (type 1) was insullated but the other (type 2) was not. Because it was found that type 2 was not available for composting under our meteorological conditions through winter experiment, only type 1 was tested in spring and summer. The experiment was performed for 8 weeks in each season. The seasonal variation of several compounds in compost was evaluated and discussed. The result summarized belows are those taken at the end of the experiment, if the time was not specified. 1) The maximum temperature was $58^{\circ}C$ in spring, $57^{\circ}C$ in summer and $41^{\circ}C$ in winter. This temperature was enough to destroy the pathogen except for winter. 2) The mass was reduced to average 62.5% and the volume reduction was avergae 74%. 3) The density was estimated as 0.7kg/l in spring, 0.8kg/l in summer and 1.1kg/l in winter. 4) The water content was not much changed for composting periods. It had 75.6% in spring and 76.6% in summer and winter. 5) There was a great seasonal difference in pH value. It was reached to pH 6.13 in spring, pH 8.62 in summer and pH 4.75 in winter. 6) The faster organic matter was decomposed, the greater ash content was increased. Cellulose and lignin content were increased, but hemicellulose content was reduced during composting period. 7) Nitrogen contents were in the range of 3.1-5.6% and especially high in summer. After ammonium nitrogen contents were increased at the early stage of composting period, they were decreased. The maximum ammonium nitrogen content was 3,243mg/kg after 2 weeks in winter, 6,053mg/kg after 3 weeks in spring and 30,828mg/kg after 6 weeks in summer. C/N-ratios were not much changed. Nitrification occurred actively in spring and summer. 8) The contents of volatile and higher fatty acids were increased in early stage of composting and reduced after that. The maximum content of total fatty acid was 10.1% after 2 weeks in winter, 5.8% after 2 weeks in spring and 15.7% after 4 weeks in summer. 9) The contents of inorganic compounds were not accumulated as composting was proceeded. They were in the range of 0.9-4.4% $P_2O_5$, 1.6-2.9% $K_2O$, 2.4-4.6% CaO and 0.30-0.80% MgO. 10) CN and heavy metal contents did not show any tendency. They were in the range of 0.11-28.99mg/kg CN, 24-166mg/kg Zn, 5-129mg/kg Cu, 0.8-14.3mg/kg Cd, 7-42mg/kg Pb, ND-30mg/kg Cr and $ND-132.16\;{\mu}g/kg$ Hg.

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Meteorological Constraints and Countermeasures in Rice Breeding -Breeding for cold tolerance- (기상재해와 수도육종상의 대책 - 내냉성품종육성방안-)

  • Mun-Hue Heu;Young-Soo Han
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 1982
  • Highly cold tolerant varieties are requested not only at high latitute cool area but also tropical high elevated areas, and the required tolerance is different from location to location. IRRI identified 6 different types of cold tolerance required in the world for breeding purpose; a) Hokkaido type, b) Suweon type, c) Taipei 1st season type, d) Taipei 2nd season type, e) Tropical alpine type and, f) Bangladesh type. The cold tolerance requested in Korea is more eargent in Tongil group cultivars and their required tolerance is the one such as the physiological activities at low temperature are as active as in Japonica group cultivars at least during young seedling stage and reproduction stage. With conventional Japonica cultivars, such cold tolerant characters are requested as short growth duration but stable basic vegetative growth, less sensitive to high temperature and less prolonged growth duration at low temperature. The methods screening for cold tolerance were developed rapidly after the Tongil cultivar was reliesed. The facilities of screening for cold tolerance, such as, low temperature incubator, cold water tank, growth cabinet, phytotron, cold water nursery in Chuncheon, breeding nursery located in Jinbu, Unbong and Youngduk, are well established. Foreign facilities such as, cold water tank with the rapid generation advancement facilities, cold nurseries located in Banaue, Kathmandu and Kashimir may be available for the screening of some limitted breeding materials. For the reference, screening methods applied at different growth stages in Japan are introduced. The component characters of cold tolerance are not well identified, but the varietal differences in a) germinability, b) young seedling growth, c) rooting, d) tillering, e) discolation, f) nutrition uptake, g) photosynthesis rate, h) delay in heading, i) pollen sterility, and j) grain fertility at low temperature are reported to be distinguishable. Relationships among those traits are not consistent. Reported studies on the inheritance of cold tolerance are summarized. Four or more genes are controlling low temperature germinability, one or several genes are controlling seedling tolerance, and four or more genes are responsible for the pollen fertility of the rice treated with cold air or grown in the cold water nursery. But most of those data indicate that the results may come out in different way if those were tested at different temperature. Many cold tolerant parents among Japonicas, Indicas and Javanicas were identified as the results of the improvement of cold tolerance screening techniques and IRTP efforts and they are ready to be utilized. Considering a) diversification of germ plasm, b) integration of resistances to diseases and insects, c) identification of adaptability of recommending cultivars and, d) systematic control of recommending cultivars, breeding strategies for short term and long term are suggested. For short term, efforts will be concentrated mainly to the conventional cultivar group. Domestic cultivars will be used as foundation stock and ecologically different foreign introductions such as from Hokkaido, China or from Taiwan, will be used as cross parents for the adjustment of growth durations and synthsize the prototype of tolerances. While at the other side, extreme early waxy Japonicas will be crossed with the Indica parents which are identified for their resistances to the diseases and insects. Through the back corsses to waxy Japonicas, those Indica resistances will be transfered to the Japonicas and these will be utilized to the crosses for the improvement of resistances of prototype. For the long term, efforts will be payed to synthsize all the available tolerances identified any from Japonicas, Indicas and Javanicas to diversify the germ plasm. The tolerant cultivars newly synthsized, should be stable and affected minimum. to the low temperature at all the growing stages. The resistances to the diseases and insects should be integrated also. The rapid generation advancement, pollen culture and international cooperations were emphasized to maximize the breeding efficiency.

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Upper Boundary Line Analysis of Rice Yield Response to Meteorological Condition for Yield Prediction I. Boundary Line Analysis and Construction of Yield Prediction Model (최대경계선을 이용한 벼 수량의 기상반응분석과 수량 예측 I. 최대경계선 분석과 수량예측모형 구축)

  • 김창국;이변우;한원식
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2001
  • Boundary line method was adopted to analyze the relationships between rice yield and meteorological conditions during rice growing period. Boundary lines of yield responses to mean temperature($T_a$) and sunshine hour( $S_{h}$) and diurnal temperature range($T_r$) were well-fitted to hyperbolic functions of f($T_a$) =$$\beta$_{0t}$(1-EXP(-$$\beta$_{1t}$ $\times$ ($T_a$) ) and f( $S_{h}$)=$$\beta$_{0t}$((1-EXP($$\beta$_{1t}$$\times$ $S_{h}$)), to quadratic function of f($T_r$) =$\beta$$_{0r}$(1-($T_r$ 1r)$^2$), respectively. to take into account to, the sterility caused by low temperature during reproductive stage, cooling degree days [$T_c$ =$\Sigma$(20-$T_a$] for 30 days before heading were calculated. Boundary lines of yield responses to $T_c$ were fitted well to exponential function of f($T_c$) )=$\beta$$_{0c}$exp(-$$\beta$_{1c}$$\times$$T_c$ ). Excluding the constants of $\beta$$_{0s}$ from the boundary line functions, formed are the relative function values in the range of 0 to 1. And these were used as yield indices of the meteorological elements which indicate the degree of influence on rice yield. Assuming that the meteorological elements act multiplicatively and independently from each other, meteorological yield index (MIY) was calculated by the geometric mean of indices for each meteorological elements. MIY in each growth period showed good linear relationship with rice yield. The MIY's during 31 to 45 days after transplanting(DAT) in vegetative stage, during 30 to 16 days before heading (DBH) in reproductive stage and during 20 days after heading (DAH) in ripening stage showed greater explainablity for yield variation in each growth stage. MIY for the whole growth period was calculated by the following three methods of geometric mean of the indices for vegetative stage (MIVG), reproductive stage (HIRG) and ripening stage (HIRS). MI $Y_{I}$ was calculated by the geometric mean of meteorological indices showing the highest determination coefficient n each growth stage of rice. That is, (equation omitted) was calculated by the geometric mean of all the MIY's for all the growth periods devided into 15 to 20 days intervals from transplanting to 40 DAH. MI $Y_{III}$ was calculated by the geometric mean of MIY's for 45 days of vegetative stage (MIV $G_{0-45}$ ), 30 days of reproductive stage (MIR $G_{30-0}$) and 40 days of ripening stage (MIR $S_{0-40}$). MI $Y_{I}$, MI $Y_{II}$ and MI $Y_{III}$ showed good linear relationships with grain yield, the coefficients of determination being 0.651, 0.670 and 0.613, respectively.and 0.613, respectively.

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A Study to Decrease Exposure Dose for the Radiotechnologist in PET/CT (PET/CT 검사에서 방사선 종사자 피폭선량 저감에 대한 방안 연구)

  • Cho, Seok-Won;Park, Hoon-Hee;Kim, Jung-Yul;Ban, Yung-Kak;Lim, Han-Sang;Oh, Ki-Beak;Kim, Jae-Sam;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Positron emission tomography scan has been growing diagnostic equipment in the development of medical imaging system. Compare to $^{99m}Tc$ emitting 140 keV, Positron emission radionuclide emits 511 keV gamma rays. Because of this high energy, it needs to reduce radioactive emitting from patients for radiotechnologist. We searched the external dose rates by changing distance from patients and measure the external dose rates when we used shielder investigate change external dose rates. In this study, the external dose distribution were analyzed in order to help managing radiation protection of radiotechnologists. Materials and Methods: Ten patients were searched (mean age: $47.7{\pm}6.6$, mean height: $165.5{\pm}3.8$ cm and mean weight: $65.9{\pm}1.4$ kg). Radiation were measured on the location of head, chest, abdomen, knees and toes at the distance of 10, 50, 100, 150 and 200 cm. Then, all the procedure was given with a portable radiation shielding on the location of head, chest and abdomen at the distance of 100, 150 and 200 cm and transmittance was calculated. Results: In 10 cm, head (105.40 ${\mu}Sv/h$) was the highest and foot (15.85 ${\mu}Sv/h$) was the lowest. In 200 cm, head, chest and abdomen showed similar. On head, the measured dose rates were 9.56 ${\mu}Sv/h$, 5.23 ${\mu}Sv/h$, and 3.40 ${\mu}Sv/h$ in 100, 150 and 200 cm respectively. When using shielder, it shows 2.24 ${\mu}Sv/h$, 1.67 ${\mu}Sv/h$, and 1.27 ${\mu}Sv/h$ in 100, 150 and 200 cm on head. On chest, the measured dose rates were 8.54 ${\mu}Sv/h$, 4.90 ${\mu}Sv/h$, 3.44 ${\mu}Sv/h$ in 100, 150 and 200 cm, respectively. When using shielder, it shows 2.27 ${\mu}Sv/h$, 1.34 ${\mu}Sv/h$, and 1.13 ${\mu}Sv/h$ in 100, 150 and 200 cm on chest. On abdomen, the measured dose rates were 9.83 ${\mu}Sv/h$, 5.15 ${\mu}Sv/h$ and 3.18 ${\mu}Sv/h$ in 100, 150 and 200cm respectively. When using shielder, it shows 2.60 ${\mu}Sv/h$, 1.75 ${\mu}Sv/h$ and 1.23 ${\mu}Sv/h$ in 100, 150 and 200 cm on abdomen. Transmittance was increased as the distance was expanded. Conclusion: As the distance was further, the radiation dose were reduced. When using shielder, the dose were reduced as one-forth of without shielder. The Radio technologists are exposed of radioactivity and there were limitations on reducing the distance with Therefore, the proper shielding will be able to decrease radiation dose to the radiotechnologists.

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Clinical Analysis of Children with Transitory Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome (MCNS) to Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSCS) (미세변화형 신증후군(MCNS)으로부터 국소성 분절성 사구체 경화증(FSGS)으로 이행된 환아의 임상양상)

  • Lee Ji Eun;Yook Jinwon;Lee Eui Seong;Kim Ji Hong;Kim Pyung-Kil;Chung Hyun Joo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: MCNS is found in approximately $85\%$ of the idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children and shows good prognosis with initial steroid therapy. However in FSGS, there is poor prognosis with initial therapy and shows higher rate of progression to chronic renal failure and relapse after kindney transplantation. We have experienced 8 patients who were diagnosed as MCNS on initial renal biopsy and then progressed to FSGS on follow-up biopsy. So we have investigated their clinical course and risk factors for transition of MCNS to FSGS. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study with a review of histopathologic findings and clinical manifestations of 296 cases of MCNS and FSGS that were diagnosed from January 1988 to May 1999. We classified them into 3 groups according to the histopathologic finding; MCNS, FSGS, MCNS progressed to FSGS in follow-up biopsy. Results: The number of children was 296 cases comprising 241 cases($81.4\%$) showing MCNS, 8 cases($2.7\%$) transition group, 47 cases($15.9\%$) FSGS. The mean onset age was $6.0{\pm}2.6$years in MCNS, transition group $8.3{\pm}2.3$years, FSGS $7.2{\pm4.3$years, and the gender (M:F) ratio was 3.7:1 in MCNS, 3:1 in transition group, 1.8:1 in FSGS. Comparing the presence of initial hematuria, hypertension,24 hour urine protein, serum albumin, serum creatinine, there were significant difference between the transition group and the FSGS group in the following points; 24hour urine protein $684:342mg/m^2/hr$(P<0.05), serum albumin 1.92: 2.47g/dL(P<0.05), serum cholesterol 494:343mg/dL(P<0.05). Refractoriness to steroid therapy was 13.3$\%$ in MCNS. $12.5\%$ in transition group, $29.6\%$ in FSGS; significantly higher in FSGS(P<0.05). Immunosuppressant therapy was performed in $58.5\%$ of MCNS, $100\%$ in transition group, $80.8\%$ in FSGS; transition group showed significantly higher .ate(P<0.05) comparing with MCNS. Mean number of relapse and duration from onset to first relapse showed no significance difference between these groups. Conclusion: 249 patients with MCNS have been followed and $3.2\%$ (8 patients) of them has shown change in pathologic diagnosis from MCNS to FSCS. The risk factor for transition could not be found. Our results point to the need for a follow-up biopsy to certify the possibility of transition to FSCS in some MCNS cases with refractory cases to steroid therepy, frequent relapsing cases, or in case of no remission in spite of vigorous immunosuppressant therapy.

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Comparative growth and development of the metacercariae of Fibricola seorszensis (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) in vitro, in vivo and on the chick chorioallantois (Fibricolu seoulensis (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) 피낭유충의 in vitro, in vivo 및 닭 장뇨막 상에서의 생존 및 발육 성장 비교)

  • 서병설
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.231-248
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    • 1989
  • The growth and development of the metacercariae of F. seoulensis cultivated in vitro or on the chick chorioallantois were assessed by comparison with the optimum process of maturation in albino rats and new born chickens. The process of maturation was divided for convenience into six stages: Stage 1 ; cell multiplication, Stage 2; body shaping, Stage 3; separation of genital anlagen, Stage :1 organogeny, Stage 5; gametogony, and Stage 6: oviposition. In Hank's and Tyrode's .solutions, the metacercariae were alive up to 200 days or more at $4^{\circ}C$ without any development. The in vivo maturation process in rats or chicks was as follows: stage 1 from 6 hours; stage 2 from 24 hours; stage 3 from 48 to 72 hours; stage 4 from 3 to 4 days; stage 5 from 4 to 5 days; and stage 6 from 5 to 8 days. Despite unsuccessful infection of the metacercariae to 12 day old chicks, fully mature worms of stage 5 or 6 were recovered from new born chicks (1 to 2 days old), The metacercariae of F. seoulensis grown in vitro were up to stage 3 and no further maturation was observed. Of various media employed, the medium NCTC 109 (Gibco) or NCTC 135(Gibco) supplemented with 20% egg yolk or 20% whole egg macerate or 0.5% yeast was basically required for the earlier development of the fluke. It took 16.1 days(in average) to reach the stage 3 after cultivation. The metacercariae cultivated on the chorioallantoic membranes of 6∼13 day old chick embryo at 37∼38℃ showed their full development up to stage 5 or 6. However, the worms were in general remarkably retarded, compared with those grown in rats or chickens. In the experiments of worm transplant, although the transfer was failed from in vitro culture to in vivo of rats(Per os), the transplants from in vitro culture to the chorioallantois and from the choriollantois to in vivo of rat host were successful with or without development of the transferred worms. In the present study, it was observed that the metacercariae of F, seoulensis can be maintained in vitro media with poor development as well as fully matured in 1 to 2 day-old chicks or on the chorioallantois at a very low rate.

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