Background: The transplantation of organs between phylogenetically disparate or harmonious species has invariably failed due to the occurrence of hyperacute rejection or accerelated acute rejection. But, concordant cardiac xenograft offer us an opportunity to study xenotransplantation in the absence of hyperacute rejection. Current therapeutics for the prolongation of survival of rodent concordant xenotransplantation are not ideal with many regimens having a high mortality rate. Cyclosporine A & Mycophenolate Mofetil are new immunosuppresive agent which has been shown to be effective at prolonging survival of allograft, as purine synthesis inhibitor. Material and Method: We used white mongrel rats as recipient and mice as donor, divided 4 groups(n=6), control group(Group 1) has no medication or pretreatment, Group 2 has splenectomy as pretreatment 7∼10 days before transplantation, Group 3 has Cyclosporine A treatment group, Group 4 has combined treatment of Cyclosporine A & Mycophenolate Mofetil(RS 61443). We compared survival time. Reuslt: We can't find significant difference of survival time between each groups. Conclusion: We concluded that rejection of cardiac xenograft was different from rejection of allograft, and new immunossuppresive Agent(Mycophenolate Mofetil, Cyclosporine A) was not effective for prolongation of survival time after cardiac xenograft.
In order to determine ecological variations of flowering date and yields under the different seasonal cultures, and to select the higher yielding varieties which were adaptable to Korean climate, 100 mungbean cultivars were sown at the interval of 15 days from April 22 to July 21 in 1976. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The number of days required to flowering from seeding were decreased by delaying the seeding date. 2. When accumulated temperature at first flowering from seeding were reached $945-1,126^{\circ}C$, the mungbean cultivars started to flower regardless of seeding dates. Especially, when mungbean was planted around standard planting date, the plants flowered for very short duration. 3. There were highly significant correlations between the number of days from seeding to flowering at each seeding date and standard planting date. 4. Yields per plant were tend to decrease with the delay of seeding date but there were no significant difference between seeding dates. Therefore, it appears that mungbean can be planted for longer period of time compared to other crops such as rice and soybean. 5. Highly significant correlations were found between the number of days of first flowering and yields per plant at most seeding dates. 6. It may be feasible to grow high yielding mungbean cultivars such as CES 140, LM 2100, LM 690, L 576 and LM 689 after harvesting of spring vegetables in May and before planting of fall vegetables.
This study examined the structural changes and volatility in the global stock markets using a Markov Regime Switching ARCH model developed by the Hamilton and Susmel (1994). Firstly, the US, Italy and Ireland showed that variance in the high volatility regime was more than five times that in the low volatility, while Korea, Russia, India, and Greece exhibited that variance in the high volatility regime was increased more than eight times that in the low. On average, a jump from regime 1 to regime 2 implied roughly three times increased in risk, while the risk during regime 3 was up to almost thirteen times than during regime 1 over the study period. And Korea, the US, India, Italy showed ARCH(1) and ARCH(2) effects, leverage and asymmetric effects. Secondly, 278 days were estimated in the persistence of low volatility regime, indicating that the mean transition probability between volatilities exhibited the highest long-term persistence in Korea. Thirdly, the coefficients appeared to be unstable structural changes and volatility for the stock markets in Chow tests during the Asian, Global and European financial crisis. In addition, 1-Step prediction error tests showed that stock markets were unstable during the Asian crisis of 1997-1998 except for Russia, and the Global crisis of 2007-2008 except for Korea and the European crisis of 2010-2011 except for Korea, the US, Russia and India. N-Step tests exhibited that most of stock markets were unstable during the Asian and Global crisis. There was little change in the Asian crisis in CUSUM tests, while stock markets were stable until the late 2000s except for some countries. Also there were stable and unstable stock markets mixed across countries in CUSUMSQ test during the crises. Fourthly, I confirmed a close relevance of the volatility between Korea and other countries in the stock markets through the likelihood ratio tests. Accordingly, I have identified the episode or events that generated the high volatility in the stock markets for the financial crisis, and for all seven stock markets the significant switch between the volatility regimes implied a considerable change in the market risk. It appeared that the high stock market volatility was related with business recession at the beginning in 1990s. By closely examining the history of political and economical events in the global countries, I found that the results of Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990) were consistent with those of this paper, indicating there were the structural changes and volatility during the crises and specificly every high volatility regime in SWARCH-L(3,2) student t-model was accompanied by some important policy changes or financial crises in countries or other critical events in the international economy. The sophisticated nonlinear models are needed to further analysis.
Purpose: To investigate the degree and effect of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 expression on the survival of patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GM). Materials and Methods: Between 1997 and 2006, thirty consecutive GM patients treated with surgery and postoperative radiotherapy (dose range: $44{\sim}65.1$ Gy, median dose: 61.2 Gy) were included in the study. Three patients were excluded that discontinued radiotherapy before receiving a dose of 40 Gy due to mental deterioration. The expression of the COX-2 protein in surgical specimens was examined by immunohistochemical analysis. Survival analysis and verification were performed with respect to sex, age, performance status, resection extent, radiotherapy dose, and degree of COX-2 expression using the Kaplan-Meier method and the log rank test. Results: The median length of follow-up was 13.3 months (range:$6{\sim}83$ months). Staining for COX-2 was positive in all patient samples. Staining for COX-2 that was positive for over 75% of the tumor cells was found in 24 patients. Staining for COX-2 that was positive in less than 25% of tumor cells was found in 3 patients (10.0%), staining for COX-2 that was positive in 25 to 50% of tumor cells was found in 1 patient (3.3%), staining for COX-2 that was positive in 50 to 75% of tumor cells was found in 2 patients (6.7%) and staining for COX-2 that was positive in 75 to 100% of tumor cells was found in 24 patients (80.0%). The median survival and two-year survival rate were 13.5 months and 17.5%, respectively. The survival rate was influenced significantly by the degree of resection (tumor removal by 50% or more) and radiotherapy dose (59 Gy or greater) (p<0.05). The median survival of patients with staining for COX-2 that was positive in less than 75% of tumor cells and in at least 75% of tumor cells was 15.5 and 13.0 months, respectively (p>0.05), and the two-year survival for these groups was 33.3 and 13.3%, respectively (p>0.05). Conclusion: The absence of a statistical correlation between the degree of COX-2 expression and survival in GM patients, despite the high rate of COX-2 positive tumor cells in the GM patient samples, requires further studies with a larger series to ascertain the prognostic value of the degree of COX-2 expression in GM patients.
Purpose: Various treatment techniques have been attempted for the radiotherapy of anal cancer because of acute side effects such as perineal skin reactions. This study was performed to investigate an optimal radiotherapy technique in anal cancer. Materials and Methods: The study subjects included 35 patients who underwent definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy for anal cancer in Yonsei Cancer Center between 1990 and 2007. The patients' clinical data, including irradiation technique, were reviewed retrospectively. The primary lesion, regional lymph nodes, and both inguinal lymph nodes were irradiated by $41.4{\sim}45\;Gy$ with a conventional schedule, followed by a boost does to the primary lesion or metastatic lymph nodes. The radiotherapy technique was classified into four categories according to the irradiation field and number of portals. In turn, acute skin reactions associated with the treatment interruption period were investigated according to each of the four techniques. Results: 28 patients (80.0%) had grade 2 radiation dermatitis or greater, whereas 10 patients (28.6%) had grade 3 radiation dermatitis or greater during radiotherapy. Radiation dermatitis and the treatment interruption period were relatively lower in patients belonging to the posterior-right-left 3 x-ray field with inguinal electron boost and in patients belonging to electron thunderbird techniques. The interruption periods were $8.2{\pm}10.2$ and $5.7{\pm}7.7$ for the two technique groups, respectively. Twenty-seven patients (77.1%) went into complete remission at 1 month after radiotherapy and the overall 5 year survival rates were 67.7%. Conclusion: Field size and beam arrangement can affect patients' compliance in anal cancer radiotherapy, whereas a small x-ray field for the perineum seems to be helpful by decreasing severe radiation dermatitis.
Purpose: Cytogenetic analysis of spontaneous abortions (SABs) provides valuable information to establish the causes of fetal loss, information that is essential to provide accurate reproductive and genetic counseling couples. Such analysis also provides information on the frequencies and types of chromosomal abnormalities and associated risks of recurrence. However, there have only been a few reports of chromosomal abnormalities in small samples of SABs in the Korean population. Here, we report the incidence and spectrum of chromosomal abnormalities for cases of 470 SAB in Korea. Material and Methods: Between 2005 and 2010, a total of 470 products of conception (POC) resulting from SABs were submitted to our laboratory for cytogenetic analysis from various medical sites in Korea. The incidences and types of specific chromosomal abnormalities were determined. The abnormalities were distinguished by gestational age at the time of SAB and by maternal age. Results: The frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in POCs was 54.3% (255/470), including 228 (89.3%) numerical and 27 (10.7%: 3 balanced and 24 unbalanced) structural abnormalities. Among the numerical abnormalities, trisomy was predominant (67.0%), followed by monosomy X (12.5%), polyploidy (8.2%), triple X (0.8%), and autosomal monosomy (0.8%). The overall sex ratio (male: female) among the 470 POCs with normal and abnormal karyotypes were 0.58 and 0.65, respectively. Trisomies were identified for each autosome, with the exceptions of 1, 3, and 19. Among the 171 autosomal trisomies, trisomy 16 was the most common (19.9%), followed by trisomy 22 (13.5%), trisomy 21 (12.3 %), trisomy 15 (9.9%), and trisomies 18 and 13 (5.3%). The frequency of chromosomal abnormalities decreased with gestational age and increased with maternal age, but only because of increases in trisomies and complex abnormalities. Conclusions: We have presented a large collection of cytogenetic data for SABs collected during the past 6 years and provided a database for prenatal genetic counseling of parents who have experienced SABs in Korea.
Chung Woong-Ki;Ahn Sung Ja;Nam Taek Ken;Chung Kyung-Ae;Nah Byung Sik
Radiation Oncology Journal
Purpose : This study was performed to analyze the factors affecting local control in malignant tumors of the parotid gland treated with surgery and postoperative radiation. Materials and methods : Twenty-six patients were treated for malignant tumors of the parotid gland from 1986 to 1995 at Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Chonnam University Hospital. Age of the patients ranged from 14 to 72 years (median : 55 years). Histologically 10 patients of mucoepidermoid carcinoma, 7 of squamous cell carcinoma, 4 of acinic cell carcinoma, 4 of adenoid cystic carcinoma and 1 of adenocarcinoma were treated. Total parotidectomy was performd in 15 of 26 patients, superficial in 7, subtotal in 4. Facial nerve was sacrificed in 5 patients. Postoperatively 4 patients had residual disease, 4 had positive resection margin. Radiation was delivered through an ipsilateral wedged pair of photon in 11 patients. High energy electron beam was mixed with photon in 15 patients. Electron beam dose ranged from 900 cGy to 3800 cGy (median 1700 cGy). Total radiation dose ranged from 5000 cGy to 7560 cGy (median : 6020 cGy). Minimum follow-up period was 2 years. Local control and survival rate were calculated using Kaplan-Meier method. Generalized Wilcoxon test and Cox proportional hazard model were used to test factors affecting local control. Results : Five (19$\%$) of 26 patients had local recurrence. Five year local control rate was 77$\%$. Overall five year survival rate was 70$\%$. Sex, age, tumor size, surgical involvement of cervical lymph node, involvement of resection margin, surgical invasion of nerve, and total dose were analyzed as suggested factors affecting local control rate. Among them patients with tumor size less than 4 cm (p=0.002) and negative resection margin (p=0.011) were associated with better local control rates in univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis showed only tumor size factor is associated with local control rate (p=0.022). Conclusion : This study suggested that tumor size is important in local control of malignant tumors of parotid gland.
This study was carried out to investigate work analysis and productivity of school foodservice systems through Questionnaire. The subjects Participated in this survey were 342 cook who engaged in school foodservice. The results were as follows : Average number of meal produced by a cook was 114 meals and 85 meals in conventional and commissary foodservice, respectively. Average lead time per meal were 7.65 and 9.37 minutes in conventional and commissary foodservice. It was no significant in average lead time per meal before noon were 2.86 and 3.35 minutes, as working time before dining and total working time of commissary foodservice required more time than conventional foodservice in conventional and commissary foodservice.
Seed germination test done in laboratory does not coincide with field emergence in general. The experiments were carried out to examine the effect of priming and $GA_3$, treatment to seeds of Platycodon grandiflorum; Codonopsis lanceolata and C. pilosula on lapsed time to first seedling emergence, seedling emergence, morphological characters and growth and the cause of poor emergence of C. pilosula. No-treatment as Control (water), priming or $GA_3$ treatment was done with only distilled water for 2 days, $CA(NO_3)_2$ 150 mM for 2 days or $GA_3$ 0.1 mM for 3 days, respectively. Seedling emergence rate was counted every 2 days but morphological characters and dry weight of shoot and root were measured on 38 days after sowing. Their internal seed structures were examined with Scanning Electron Microscope. C. pilosula had poorer seedling emergence rate than P grandiflorum and C. lanceolata showing nearly same rate: Compared to the other treatment (s) P. grandiflorum displayed higher rate in priming and $GA_3$, treatments but C. lanceolata or C. pilosula did the greatest rate in only $GA_3$ or priming treatment, respectively. $GA_3$ treatment to seeds of P. grandiflorum and C. lanceolata shortened the lapsed time to seedling emergence in comparison with Control, 2-days water imbibition before sowing. In all the species plant height and number of leaves per seedling became shorter and less in priming treatment than the other treatments except plant height of C. Pilosula while their hypocotyl length was nearly same in all treatments. Although priming treatment had nearly similar effect to morphological characters, $GA_3$ treatment forced greater shoot, root and aftermath total dry weight per seedling. Poor seedling emergence of C. pilosula was caused by its seed defect like cleavage or lack of embryo, poor development of embryo and endosperm or their separation.
Purpose: To establish basic data for effective clinical practice program by investigating the clinical practice importance and needs for ophthalmic optics students and optical shop owners. Methods: 263 students and 100 optical shop owners who had experience in clinical practice were surveyed in importance and needs of clinical practice and analyzed the results. Results: In general importance for clinical practice, realized the optician's job aptitude $4.29{\pm}0.72$ was highest among students and understanding the work of optician $4.48{\pm}0.52$ was highest among shop owners. Importance of specific duty for clinical practice, communication strategy & customer service was highest in both students $4.46{\pm}0.70$ and shop owners $4.18{\pm}0.86$ each. Importance of time & optical shop for clinical practice, supportive guide and education by opticians & shop owner was highest in both students $4.53{\pm}0.66$ and shop owners $4.35{\pm}0.59$ each. Importance of school support for clinical practice, administrative support for optical shop and students was highest among students $4.10{\pm}0.78$ and orientation from the school before clinical practice $3.98{\pm}0.68$ was highest among shop owners. In general needs for clinical practice, expanding the clinical practice field $4.43{\pm}0.73$ was highest among students and needs of clinical practice in the curriculum $4.39{\pm}0.65$ was highest among shop owners. Needs of specific duty for clinical practice, spectacle fitting $4.40{\pm}0.71$ was highest among students and ophthalmic dispensing $4.12{\pm}0.83$ was highest among shop owners. Conclusions: For effective clinical practice, clinical practice program should be develop which is reflecting the importance and needs of students and optical shop and also cooperation and interest of school and optical shop are required.
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저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.