This study was done to investigate the relationship between ultrasonograph fat density (ULFD) using objective measurement and serum enzymes for testing liver function in 101 healthy adults(43 males and 58 females). Average serum enzyme activities in males and females were GOT27.111U/L and 22.46IU/L, GPT 34.06IU/L and 18.501U/L, and ${\gamma}$-GTP 37.67IU/L and 17.201U/L, respectively. Males showed significantly higher activities of GPT and ${\gamma}$-GTP than females. ULFD of the obese group (BMI$\geq$25) was significantly higher than that of the nonobese group. GOT, GPT, and ${\gamma}$-GTP tended to be high in the obese group. GPT and ${\gamma}$-GTP of the high TG group (TG$\geq$170) tended to be markedly high for males, but not for females. GPT was positively correlated with ULFD, body weight , and weight-to-height, ratio, and ${\gamma}$-GTP was positively correlated with body weight, weight-to-height ratio. BNI, and KI. ULFD and ${\gamma}$-GTP were positively correlated with serum TG. These results suggests that , among serum enzymes for testing liver function, GPT has a close relationship with ULFD using objective measurement, while GOT does not. Also , ${\gamma}$-GTP has a close relationship with parameters for obesity.
Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
The multi-lamellar and liquid crystal structures have drawn great public attention in the functional cosmetic and skin-related medicinal areas recently. The structure of an emulsion containing aqueous phase as a binding water and fixed oil phase components forming an association compound of the multi-lamellar structure can reconstruct the intercellular lipid lamellar structure in the stratum corneum and restore barrier function of the skin. In this study, we investigated the beneficial effect of bio-mimic liquid crystal emulsions (BLCE) containing higher fatty alcohol, lecithin, and cholesterol on the skin barrier function, and evaluated its cytotoxicity.
Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
This study was made through the utilization of heavy soil taken from the experimental plot of heavy soil in Konkuk University, Changan-dong, Sungdong-ku, Seoul. The soil used in the experiment has the following physical characteristics: 1. The soil is very compact, impervious, and unfit for any plant growth, 2. For improvement of the soil, tile drainage practice has been employed, 3. According to the general theory of tile drainage, it is unnatural that the effect of drainage is actually observed in such a soil. The followings are the results of the experiment: 1. Water moved to crosswise when the plotted soil profile was not broke. In this case the upper sloped part was dry while the bottom part was moistned. The upper part of the tile was also moistned. 2. The crosswise movement of water was not observed in the artificially broken plot of subsoil. However, the water flow from the tile was observed for long period as a result of the increase of soil void, seepage, aeration, and water holding capacity. However, the water flow from the tile in the plot of unbroken subsoil was observed only in short period and soon the flow was stopped. 3. the distance between the tile laid in the heavy soil should not exceed 10m for the efficient drainage. 4. When the pF is 2.5 in the subsoil the moisture content was between 23.97% and 28.20%. However, when the water saturated in the subsoil the moisture content was between 34.30% and 22.10%. Accordingly without the higher pF than 2.5 the water can not be absorbed and therefore the drainage can not be occured.
Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
The liposomes have been developed in many drugs and cosmetics fields. In this context, it should be mentioned that MLV liposomes can be prepared standing with the main compounds of the intercellular lipids, cholesterol, palmitic acid, cholesteryl ester and lecithin, by swelling reaction. We report properties of the formation of MLV liposomes with use of the lipid base and Microfluidizer. MLV liposomes formed as multilamellar vesicles(MLV). The effect of the gelation of MLV liposomes have been on swelling reaction which have been mixed lipid with polyol and water phase at high temperature(90$\pm$5$^{\circ}C$). MLV liposomes have been prepared in incorporating alpha hydroxy acid ligrediens. Optimum condition of MLV liposomes were passed three times in the microfluidizer, particle size of the vesicles should be within 150-350nm and those confirmed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy.
Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
지난 20년간 방목 초지관리에 관해 국내 대학과 연구기관에서 발표된 성적을 간략히 고찰해 보는 것은 지금까지의 시험연구를 종합정리하고 앞으로의 연구방향을 제시하는데 나름대로 커다란 의미를 부여할 수 있을 것이다. 채초관리에 있어서는 그간 괄목할만한 성과가 거양되었으나 방목관리분야에 관한 시험연구는 전반적인 체계없이 단편적인 결과보고에 치우친 감이 많다. 초지의 방목관리와 관련되어 발표된 주요 연구로는 예취와 방목이용비교, 초기 방목관리, 방목시기, 방목강도, 휴목기간, 시비관리, 임간방목지 관리, 방목체계 확립 이용방법과 가축생산성, 혼파조합과 가축생산성, 초지 형태와 가축생산성 등이 있다. 최근 노동력 부족과 인건비 상승 및 수입개방 등 국내외적인 어려운 여건으로 볼 때 초지관리의 연구목표는 생력관리와 생산비 절감에 두어져야 하며, 특히 앞으로의 초지개발이 산지에서 이루어지고 우리나라 산지의 특수성에 미루어 방목관리 이용에 관해서는 다각적인 연구검토가 요망된다. 앞으로의 연구과제로서는 가족 노동중심의 방목관리, 농가규모의 적정방목시스템, 방목지에서의 적정 질소시비수준, 경사지 방목시 유지년한 연장과 토양유실 방지, 가축 분뇨의 초지환원과 환경오염 방지, 임간지에서 목초와 토양 및 나무피해와 방목효율증진, 전기목책 등 간이목책시설 및 기타 초지생산과 방목가축 생산 효율 증진방안 등을 들 수 있다.
Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
Although the utilization of drone photogrammetry that can generate spatial information using ultra-high-resolution images is increasing in the civil engineering and construction fields, analysis of areas that can be used is insufficient. Therefore, this study attempted to determine how far drone photogrammetry can be used in the civil engineering and construction fields by applying a detailed analysis method. The status map and cross-sectional map were actually vectorized using drone photogrammetry outcomes, compared and analyzed with the results acquired in the field, and the qualitative aspects of traffic safety facilities were analyzed to determine their usability. As a result, the accuracy of the plane position using drone photogrammetry was reliable, but the height accuracy was difficult to trust. Accordingly, although there is a possibility of preparing a status map, the use of it in areas requiring high accuracy such as cross-sectional plans was limited, and it is believed that it can be used in the construction management field where qualitative analysis is conducted.
This study examined the structural characteristics of the royal tomb equipped with only rail stones in the early Joseon Dynasty. Bongneung(封陵: the burial mound of royal tomb) equipped with only rail stones was constructed from 1468 to 1632. During this period, Hyeongung(玄宮: the underground chamber for the coffin of the king or queen) was constructed with lime. When the Hyeongung is completed, the soil is covered with a thickness of 1 foot parallel to the ground surface. On top of that, as the base of the Bongneung, the rail ground stone is constructed with a height of about 1.5 to 2 feet. The inside of the rail ground stone is also firmly filled with soil. On top of this, semicircular lime is installed with a convex center. Lastly the soil is divided and compacted several times to form a hill, and then covered with grass to complete the Bongneung. The notable feature is that between the Hyeongung made of lime and the Bongneung made of soil, the rail ground stone serves as a stylobate with the inside compacted by the soil.
To catch the relative importance of varietal and environmental variation in various grain quality components associated with palatability of cooked rice, grain appearance, milling recovery, several physicochemical properties of milled rice and texture or eating quality of cooked rice for rice materials of five japonica cultivars, produced at four locations of the mid-mountainous and alpine area of Korea in 1989, were evaluated and analyzed the obtained data. Highly significant varietal and locational variations were detected in 1000-grain weight, amylose content, K/Mg ratio, gelatinization temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown and setback viscosities as compared with variety x location interaction variation. Also, marked locational variations were recongnized in milling recovery from rough to brwon rice, alkali digestibility and protein content, and significant varietal variation was caught in stickiness /hardness ratio of cooked rice. The variety x location interaction variation was especially large in quality components of grain appearance and ripening, palatability of cooked rice and consistency viscosity. One thousand kernel weight was heaviest in Jinbuolbyeo and Odaebyeo, and the unfilled grain ratio was lowest in Jinbuolbyeo. Odaebyeo showed slightly' lower ratio of intact and clear milled rice because of more chalky rice kernels compared with other cultivars. Amylose content of Jinbuolbyeo and Sobaegbyeo was about 1% lower than that of others and K/Mg ratio of Odaebyeo was the lowest one among rice materials. Odaebyeo, Sobaegbyeo and Jinbuolbyeo revealed significantly low gelatinization temperature and setback viscosity while high peak and breakdown viscosities. Cholwon rice showed the greatest kernel weight, good grain filling but lowest ratio of intact and clear milled rice while Jinbu rices exhibited the highest milling recovery from rough to brown rice and ratio of sound milled rice. Amylose content of milled rice in Jinbu rices was about 2-3% lower than those in other locations. Protein content of polished rice was about 1% lower in rice materials of middle zone than those of southern part of Korea. K/Mg ratio of milled rice was highest in Jinbu rice and potassium content was slightly higher in the rice materials of middle region than in those of southern region. Alkali digestion value and gelatinization temperature of polished rice was markedly high in Jinbu rices as compared with other locations. Breakdown viscosity was hightest in Chlown rices and next higher with the order of Hwaso>Unbong>Jinbu rices, and setback viscosity was the quite contrary tendency with breakdown. The stickiness /hardness ratio of cooked rice was relatively higher value in Cholwon rices than in the others and the palatability of cooked rice was a little better in Unbong and Cholwon rices than in Jinbu and Hwaso rices, although variety x location interaction variation was large. The rice materials can be classified largely into two groups of Jinbu and the others by the distribution on the plane of 1st and 2nd principal components (about 60% of total informations) contracted from twelve grain quality properties closely associated with eating quality of cooked rice. Also, Jinbu and the other rices were divided into two and three rice groups respectively. Varietal variation of overall rice quality was smallest in Hwaso. The most superior rice group in overall quality evaluation included Odaebyeo produced at Cholwon, Unbong and Hwaso, and Sobaegbyeo grown at Unbong
A series of experiment was carried out to study the effect of commonly used dietary fat or oils on the growth, feed efficiency, nutrient utilizability, nitrogen retention and serum cholesterol of rats and chicks fed various fat or oils at the level of 10% during 12 weeks of experimentation. Fat and oils used in this experiment were also analyzed for the composition of some fatty acids. The main observations made are as follows: 1. All groups received fat or oils gained more body weight than unsupplemented control group except chicks fed fish oil and rapeseed oil although no statistical significance was found between treatments. It was found that body weight gain achieved by the rats fed soybean oil, rapeseed oil, animal fat or corn oil was much greater than other group and that achieved by the chicks fed corn oil and animal fat was greater than other vegetable oil groups, although no statistical significance was found among treatments. 2. Feed intake data indicated that corn oil group of both rats and chicks consumed considerably more feed than other groups. Whereas feed intake of fish oil groups was the lowest among the experimental animals indicating that fish oil might contain unfavorable compound that depresses the palatability. In feed efficiency, soybean oil group of rats and corn oil group of chicks were significantly better than other experimental groups. In general, addition of fat or oils in the diet improved feed effeciency of diet. 3. Nutrient utiIizabiIity and nitrogen retention data showed that fat in the experimental diet containing 10% fat or oils was absorbed better than crude fat in control diet. It was also found that there was no significant difference in nitrogen retention among treatment. 4. Liver fat content of rapeseed oil group was much higher than that of control group and other group. It was also noticed that feeding more polyunsaturated fatty acids resulted in higher content of Iiver fat. 5. Present data indicated that serum cholesterol content of rapeseed oil and sesame oil group of rat was the higher than that of control group. Serum cholesterol content of animal fat group of chicks was higher than other group. It was interesting to note that serum cholesterol content of chicken was higher than that of rats?regardless of the kind of oils received. 6. Analytical data revealed that fatty acid composition of vegetable oil was composed mainly of oleic acid and linoleic acid, whereas animal fat and fish oil were composed of saturated fatty acid such as, myristic and palmitic acid. It should be mentionted that the perilla oil contained a very large amount of linolenic acid (58.4%) comparing with that in order vegetable oils. Little arachidonic acid was detected in vegetable oil, whereas none in animal fat and. fish oil.
Background: Drug-eluting stents are contributing to the exponential growth of percutaneous coronary intervention, and even in the patients with left main coronary artery disease, owing to the decreased restenosis rate. Our study aimed at comparing the one-year results after coronary artery bypass grafting versus percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stents in patients with left main coronary artery disease. Material and Method: Those patients who underwent coronary bypass surgery or stenting at our hospital under the diagnosis of left main coronary artery disease were divided in two groups. The variables for comparison were the preoperative disease severity, the length of the hospital stay, the early mortality and the cumulative incidence of mortality, myocardial infarction and repeated revascularization. Result: There were 101 cases in the surgery group and 78 cases in the stent group. Age, gender, the risk factors, the left ventricular ejection fraction and the proportion of acute coronary syndrome showed no significant differences between the two groups. The surgery group showed a more severe condition according to the Euroscore, a greater incidence of urgency, a longer hospital stay and a greater incidence of multi-vessel disease. The early mortality and one-year cumulative mortality were not different between the groups. The Euroscore-matched comparison for the surgery group (41 patients) and the stent group (78 patients) showed no significant differences in the Euroscore, age, gender, risk factors and the proportion of acute coronary syndrome. The surgery group in the Euroscore-matched comparison showed more multi-vessel disease and a longer hospital stay. The surgery group showed lower early mortality and lower one-year cumulative mortality, but this was statistically insignificant (0% vs 2.6%, respectively, p=0.55; 0% vs 6.6%, respectively, p=0.30). The rates of repeated revascularization and major adverse events (death or myocardial infarct) were lower in the CABG group, but this was not statistically significant (13.3% vs 6.3%, respectively, p=0.48; 10.0% vs 0%, respectively, p=0.09). Conclusion: Percutaneous coronary intervention using drug-eluting stents in low-risk patients with left main coronary artery disease resulted in a shortened length of the hospital stay, as compared with that of the CABG group of patients. However, the patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention using drug-eluting stents showed a tendency for an increased rate of repeated revascularization and higher one-year cumulative mortality. Further studies with large populations and longer follow-up will be necessary to reaffirm our findings.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
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제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
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③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
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제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
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제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.