• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가중계수

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이변량 반복측정자료에서 가중일치상관계수의 추정

  • 강보경;김규성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Statistical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2000
  • 이변량 반복측정자료에서 Chinchilli 등(1996)이 제안한 가중일치상관계수는 두 변수의 일치성을 나타내는 측도이다. 기존에 제안된 가중일치상관계수 추정법은 변동효과 및 측정오차의 분산성분을 각각 최소제곱법으로 비편향 추정하여 구하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 반복측정자료의 주변 우도함수를 설정한 후, 우도함수에 기초한 분산성분을 구하여 가중일치상관계수를 추정하는 방법을 제안한다. 이때, 각 분산성분은 유사/의사 우도함수 및 사후 분포에서 반복시행을 통하여 구해진다.

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Calculation of Intensity Factors Using Weight Function Theory for a Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Material (횡등방성 압전재료에서의 가중함수이론을 이용한 확대계수 계산)

  • Son, In-Ho;An, Deuk-Man
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2012
  • In fracture mechanics, the weight function can be used for calculating stress intensity factors. In this paper, a two-dimensional electroelastic analysis is performed on a transversely isotropic piezoelectric material with an open crack. A plane strain formulation of the piezoelectric problem is solved within the Leknitskii formalism. Weight function theory is extended to piezoelectric materials. The stress intensity factors and electric displacement intensity factor are calculated by the weight function theory.

Impact of Drag-Related Weighting Coefficients in Vegetated Open-Channel Flows (식생된 개수로에서 항력가중계수가 흐름에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kang, Hyeongsik;Choi, Sung-Uk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.5B
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    • pp.529-537
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    • 2006
  • This paper investigates the impacts of the drag-related weighting coefficients on mean velocity and turbulence structures. The transport equations for the Reynolds stress of vegetated open-channel flows are derived by using the temporal- and horizontal-averaging scheme. It is found that the total Reynolds stress of vegetated open channel flows consists of the Reynolds stress due to temporally fluctuating velocities and the Reynolds stress due to spatially fluctuating velocities. The drag-related weighting coefficient $C_{fk}$ for the total Reynolds stress component is found to be unit, while the coefficient for the Reynolds stress due to temporally fluctuating velocities can be negligible. This is the reason why very small weighting coefficients in previous studies yield very good agreements with measured data. In other words, the Reynolds stress due to spatially fluctuating velocities remains still unknown, especially due to the large number of measuring locations. Through a developed Reynolds stress model, vegetated open-channel flows are simulated and compared with measured data from the literature. Comparisons reveal that the computed mean flow and Reynolds stress structures are hardly affected by the drag-related weighting coefficients. However, the computed turbulence intensity profiles are significant different with the drag-related weighting coefficients. A budget analysis of the transport equations for the Reynolds stress component is carried to investigate why turbulence intensity is affected by the drag-related weighting coefficients.

Study on the Alternative of Thiessen Coefficient by One Perceptron Neuron (단층퍼셉트론을 이용한 Thiessen 계수 대안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Chun;Kim, Yong-Gu;Jeong, Cheon-lee;Moon, Byoung-seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.859-862
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    • 2004
  • 유역평균강우량은 강우-유출모형을 통하여 유출량을 산정할 경우에 사용되며, 산정 방법에는 산술평균법, Thiessen 가중법, 등우선법 등이 있으나 일반적으로 Thiessen 가중법을 많이 적용하고 있다. Thiessen 가중법의 유역평균 강우량 산정방법은 각 관측소가 지배하는 면적(지배면적)을 전체면적으로 나누어 가중치(Thiessen계수)를 구한 후 여기에 각 관측소의 강우량을 곱하고 이를 합산함으로써 유역평균 강우량을 산정하는 방법이다. 본 연구에서는 면적비로 구해지는 Thiessen 계수의 대안을 찾기 위해 대상 유역으로는 영산강 1지류인 지석천 유역을 선정하였고, 단층퍼셉트론을 이용하여 동면, 청풍, 능주의 강우자료를 Input, 능주지점의 유출자료를 Output으로 상호 상관분석으로부터 한 개의 유출 사상에 대해 가장 높은 상관계수를 선택하여 Input 자료를 재구성하였다. 재구성 한 자료를 이용하여 훈련시키고 여기서 발생한 가중치를 Thiessen 계수의 대안의 값으로 추천한다.

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Weighted-averaging Finite-element Method for Scalar Wave Equation in the Frequency Domain (가중평균 유한요소법을 이용한 주파수영역에서의 인공 음향파 합성)

  • Hyun Hye-Ja;Suh Jung-Hee;Min Dong-Joo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2002
  • We develop the weighted-averaging finite-element method which uses four kinds of element sets. By constructing global stiffness and mass matrices for four kinds of element sets and then averaging them with weighting coefficients, we obtain a new global stiffness and mass matrix. With the optimal weighting coefficients minimizing grid dispersion and grid anisotropy, we can reduce the number of grid points required per wavelength to 4 for a $1\%$ upper limit of error. We confirm the accuracy of our weighted-averaging finite-element method through accuracy analyses for a homogeneous and a horizontal-layer model. By synthetic data example, we reconfirm that our method is more efficient for simulating a geological model than previous finite-element methods.

Velocity Distribution in Meandering Channel by Roughness Coefficient and Eddy Viscosity (조도계수와 난류점성계수에 따른 사행수로에서의 유속분포)

  • Seo, Il-Won;Song, Chang-Geun;Choi, Hwang-Jeong
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.97.1-97.1
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 천수방정식의 매개변수인 조도계수와 난류점성계수에 따른 사행수로에서의 유속분포를 수치모의하였다. 벽면조도계수와 텐서형 난류점성계수를 변화시켜 8가지 수치모의 조건을 구성하였으며, 만곡부 정점에서의 횡방향 유속분포를 수리실험에 의한 측정값과 비교하였다. 벽면조도계수가 커질수록 벽면에서의 유속이 감소하여 실측값과 가까워지지만 벽면 이외의 영역에서는 오히려 유속이 증가하여 실측값보다 커졌다. 난류점성계수가 커질수록 만곡부 내외측의 유속차는 작게 나타났으며 xx와 yy방향으로 가중된 난류점성계수를 가지는 경우가 xy방향으로 가중된 난류점성계수를 가지는 경우에 비해 내외측 유속차가 약간 작게 나타났다.

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The Effect of Initial Weight, Learning Rate and Regularized Coefficient on Generalization Performance (신경망 학습의 일반화 성능향상을 위한 초기 가중값과 학습률 그리고 계수조정의 효과)

  • Yoon YeoChang
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.493-496
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 신경망 학습의 중요한 평가 척도로써 고려될 수 있는 일반화 성능과 학습속도를 개선시키기 위한 방안으로써 초기 가중값과 학습률과 같은 주요 인자들을 이용한 신경망 학습 영향을 살펴본다. 특히 초기 가중값과 학습률을 고정시킨 후 새롭게 조정된 계수들을 점차적으로 변화시키는 새로운 인자 결합방법을 이용하여 신경망 학습량과 학습속도를 비교해 보고 계수조정을 통한 개선된 학습 영향을 살펴본다. 그리고 단순한 예제를 이용한 실증분석을 통하여 신경망 모형의 일반화 성능과 학습 속도 개선을 위한 각 인자들의 개별 효과와 결합 효과를 살펴보고 그 개선 방안을 제시한다.

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  • An, Y.J.;Shin, B.R.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2010
  • A dependence of weighting parameter in preconditioning method for solving low Mach number flow with incompressible flow nature is investigated. The present preconditioning method employs a finite-difference method applied Roe‘s flux difference splitting approximation with the MUSCL-TVD scheme and 4th-order Runge-Kutta method in curvilinear coordinates. From the computational results of benchmark flows through a 2-D backward-facing step duct it is confirmed that there exists a suitable value of the weighting parameter for accurate and stable computation. A useful method to determine the weighting parameter is introduced. With this method, high accuracy and stable computational results were obtained for the flow with low Mach number in the range of Mach number less than 0.3.

Generalized predictive control with exponential weight to control tempera-tures in ceramic drying furnace (세라믹 건조로 온도 제어를 위한 가중계수를 갖는 일반형 예측제어)

  • 임태규;성원준;금영탁;송창섭
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.284-289
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    • 2003
  • The electric furnace, inside which the desired temperature is kept by the generated heat, is known to be a difficult system to control and model exactly because system parameters and response delayed time are varied as the temperature and positions are changed. In this study, the GPCEW (generalized predictive control with exponential weight), which always guarantees the stability of the closed loop system and can be effectively applied to the internally unstable system, was introduced to the ceramic drying electric furnace and was verified by showing its temperature tracking performance experimentally.

Flowrate Integration Errors of Multi-path Ultrasonic Flowmeter using Weighting Factors (가중계수에 의한 다회선 초음파유량계의 유량적분오차)

  • Lee, Ho-June;Hwang, Shang-Yoon;Kim, Kyoung-Jin
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.7 no.5 s.26
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2004
  • Multi-path ultrasonic flowrate measuring technology is being received much attentions from a variety of industrial fields to exactly measure the flowrate. Multi-path ultrasonic flowmeter has much advantage since it has no moving parts and little pressure loss. It offers good accuracy, repeatability, linearity and turn-down ratio can be over 1:50. The present study investigates flowrate integration errors using weighting factors. A theoretical flow model uses power law to describe a fully developed velocity profiles and wall roughness is changed. Gaussian, Chebyshev, and Tailor methods are used to integrate line-average velocities. The obtained results show that Chebyshev method in 2, 4-path arrangement and Gaussian method in 3, 5-path arrangement are not affected for wall roughness changes.