• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가속 변수

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가속도 집합이론과 매니퓰레이터 설계에의 응용

  • 김용일
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 1991
  • 본 글에서는 일반적인 공간 매니퓰레이터에 관한 가속도 이론을 서술하였다. 즉, 주어진 매 니퓰레이터에 대하여 액튜에이텨 토크집합 T에 대한 치역 $S_t$와 관절변수변화율집합 F에 대한 지역 $S_q$를 정의하였다. 또한 상태공간에서의 한 점 u에서의 상태가속도 집합 $S_u$를 정의하였다. 치역 $S_t$를 결정하고 그 성질인 최대가속도와 동방가속도를 결정하였다. 아울러, 가속도이론의 하나의 적용례로서 정해진 동방기동가속도를 얻을 수 있는 최소한의 액튜에이터 토크의 크기를 결정하는 방법을 도시하였다. 본 결과의 다양한 응용예는 기존연구를 참조하기 바란다.

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Detection of a Bias Level in Prediction Errors due to Input Acceleration (입력 가속에서 비롯된 예측오차 바이어스 레벨의 검출)

  • Shin, Hae-Gon;Hong, Sun-Mog
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 1993
  • In this paper the normalized innovations squared of a Kalman filter is used to detect a bias level in prediction errors due to target accelerations. The probability density function of the normalized innovation squared is obtained for a steady state Kalman filter, and it is used to calculate the detection probability of the bias level. A typical example is given to compute the detection probability and to plot the maneuver detector operating characteristic curves.

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Premixture Composition Optimization for the Ram Accelerator Performance Enhancement (램 가속기 성능 향상을 위한 예 혼합기 조성비 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • 전용희;이재우;변영환
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2000
  • Numerical design optimization techniques are implemented for the improvement of the ram accelerator performance. The design object is to find the minimum ram tube length required to accelerate projectile from initial velocity $V_o$ to target velocity $V_e$. The premixture is composed of $H_2$, $O_2$, $N_2$ and the mole numbers of these species are selected as design variables. The objective function and the constraints are linearized during the optimization process and gradient-based Simplex method and SLP(Sequential Linear Programming) have been employed. With the assumption of two dimensional inviscid flow for internal flow field, the analyses of the nonequilibrium chemical reactions for 8 steps 7 species have been performed. To determined the tube length, ram tube internal flow field is assumed to be in a quasi-steady state and the flow velocity is divided into several subregions with equal interval. Hence the thrust coefficients and accelerations for corresponding subregions are obtained and integrated for the whole velocity region. With the proposed design optimization techniques, the total ram tube length had been reduced 19% within 7 design iterations. This optimization procedure can be directly applied to the multi-stage, multi-premixture ram accelerator design optimization problems.

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실리콘 다이오드를 적용한 다채널 중성 입자 분석기 개발

  • Cheon, Se-Min;Jwa, Sang-Beom;Gang, In-Je;Lee, Heon-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.211-212
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    • 2011
  • 플라즈마를 제어하기 위해서는 플라즈마의 온도, 밀도, 에너지 분포등과 같은 플라즈마의 특성을 정확히 측정할 수 있어야한다. 핵융합발전에서는 플라즈마를 발생하기 위하여 플라즈마의 온도, 밀도 등 각종 변수들을 시공간적으로 계측, 분석할 수 있는 진달설비를 사용하고 있으며, 정확한 플라즈마 제어와 측정을 위한 새로운 진단기술을 개발하고 있다. 그리고 중요한 변수중에 하나인 플라즈마 이온온도를 측정하기 위해 중성입자 검출법이 잘 알려져 있다. 이 실험은 수소 중성입자가 토카막 내부의 플라즈마 이온과 충돌하면서 생성된 고속 중성입자의 에너지를 분석하는 실험이다. 본 연구의 실험방법은 수소 중성입자를 이온빔 장치에서 이온화 시킨 후 자체 제작한 가속기를 통하여 가속시켜 에너지 특성을 분석을 하는 것이다. 본 연구의 실험장치로 에너지 교정용 100 keV 이온빔 소스를 제작 하였고 이온빔 장치 내부에 수소기체를 주입하고 기체방전을 일으켜 플라즈마를 발생시켰다. 이온빔 외부에는 팬을 설치하고 전도성이 강한 물 대신 전도성이 약한 오일을 사용하여 냉각 하였다. 이온빔 장치와 결합될 이온 가속장치는 지름 300 mm, 두께 2 mm의 원형 구리판을 여러층으로 쌓아 전극으로 제작하였고 전극과 전극 사이에서 코로나 방전과 스파크를 방지하기 위해 전극 둘레에 코로나링을 설치 하였다. 또한 전극 사이마다 1G${\Omega}$의 저항을 설치한 후 고전압을 생성하여 이온 가속 효율을 증대시켰다. 진공시스템으로는 Alcatel사의 CFF100 터보분자 펌프와 우성진공사의 MVP24 진공로타리펌프를 결합하여 사용하였으며, 진공도측정은 Alcatel사의 ACS1000 장치를 사용하였다. 고진공후 고속 중성입자의 이온화와 에너지 측정을 위한 전하교환기를 설치하였다. 전하교환기로는 진공시스템을 별도로 설치하고 비용이 비교적 많이 드는 기체형 전하교환기 대신 소형화가 가능하고 유지보수가 좋은 고체형 전하교환기 제작하여 실험 하였다. 전하교환기에서 이온화된 고속 중성입자가 전기장이나 자장에 영향을 받았을때 에너지분포를 디텍터를 통해 측정하였다. 즉, 이온화된 중성입자의 에너지가 실리콘 다이오드를 통해 전압 펄스 신호로 변환되고 이차 증폭기를 통해 전압 펄스 신호들이 증폭한다. 에너지 측정을 위한 디텍터는 소형화가 가능하고 비용이 비교적 적게 드는 실리콘 다이오드를 설치하였다. 본 연구결과 중성입자 에너지 분석 장치가 실제 핵융합 장치의 플라즈마 이온온도와 특성 측정에 적용할 수 있으며, 앞으로 개발될 여러 형태의 응용 플라즈마 발생장치의 플라즈마 진단에 이용될 것으로 기대한다.

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Accelerometry of Upper Extremity During Activities of Daily Living in Healthy Adults (정상인에서 일상생활활동 수행시 상지의 가속도 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Park, Kyung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2014
  • Objective : The objectives of this study were to compare the variables from Fitmeter accelerometer with them from CMS-70P(Zebris Medizintechnik Gmbh, Germany) and to suggest the availability the accelerometer in the field of occupational therapy. Methods : Twenty participants performed calling, drinking water, washing face and spooning and we measured Sum of Single Vector Magnitude(SSVM) and range of motion(ROM) on the wrist and elbow joints. Results :With respect to the wrist and elbow joints, SSVM and ROM differed significantly according to the task(calling, drinking water, washing face and spooning)(p<.001; p<.001; p<.001; p<.001). As for the wrist joint, SSVM and ROM did not show the significant correlation(p>.05) but as for the elbow joint, SSVM and ROM did show the significant correlation according to the task(p<.01; p<.001; p<.01; p<.05). With regard to the SVM-difference of wrist and elbow joints, calling and washing showed the significant difference (p<.001; p<.05) but drinking and spooning did not show the significant difference(p>.05; p>.05). Conclusion : We suggest that Fitmeter accelerometer would be use to record the kinematic variables during performance of ADL and it can compensate the function of CMS-70P as for the elbow joint than the wrist joint.

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A Study on Acceleration·Pattern-recognition technology using Ubiquitous Fire Prevention System (가속도·패턴인식 기술을 이용한 유비쿼터스 화재 방재 시스템 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hyuk;Lim, Il-Kwon;Li, QiGui;Kim, Myung-Jin;Lee, Jae-Kwang
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.169-172
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    • 2010
  • 유비쿼터스 화재 방재 시스템은 온도, 습도, 조도, 가속도, CO2, 등의 다양한 센서로부터 얻는 값을 이용해 화재를 판별하여 관리자에게 전달하고 시스템 설정 값에 따라 소화설비를 동작시키는 지능형 화재 탐지 시스템이다. 기존 화재 판별 기법은 크게 영상인식, 퍼지추론, 베이지안 추론으로 나뉠 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 앞선 기술들을 분석하고, ARM9 S3C2440/SHT-75를 이용한 센서기반 유비쿼터스 화재 방재 시스템 최적의 화재 판별 기술로서 가속도 알고리즘과 벡터 랜덤변수 표본공간 영역을 이용한 패턴인식 기술을 사용한 복합 화재 판별 방법을 제안한다.

A Model-Fitting Approach of External Force on Electric Pole Using Generalized Additive Model (일반화 가법 모형을 이용한 전주 외력 모델링)

  • Park, Chul Young;Shin, Chang Sun;Park, Myung Hye;Lee, Seung Bae;Park, Jang Woo
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.445-452
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    • 2017
  • Electric pole is a supporting beam used for power transmission/distribution which accelerometer are used for measuring a external force. The meteorological condition has various effects on the external forces of electric pole. One of them is the elasticity change of the aerial wire. It is very important to perform modelling. The acceleration sensor is converted into a pitch and a roll angle. The meteorological condition has a high correlation between variables, and selecting significant explanatory variables for modeling may result in the problem of over-fitting. We constructed high deviance explained model considering multicollinearity using the Generalized Additive Model which is one of the machine learning methods. As a result of the Variation Inflation Factor Test, we selected and fitted the significant variable as temperature, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, dewpoint, hours of daylight and cloud cover. It was noted that the Hours of daylight, cloud cover and air pressure has high explained value in explonatory variable. The average coefficient of determination (R-Squared) of the Generalized Additive Model was 0.69. The constructed model can help to predict the influence on the external forces of electric pole, and contribute to the purpose of securing safety on utility pole.

Lifetime Estimation of a Bluetooth Module using Accelerated Life Testing (가속수명시험을 이용한 블루투스 모듈의 수명 예측)

  • Son, Young-Kap;Chang, Seog-Weon;Kim, Jae-Jung
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2008
  • This paper shows quantitative reliability evaluations of a Bluetooth module through extending previous qualitative methods limited to structure reliability tests and solder joint reliability tests for Bluetooth modules. Accelerated Life Testing (ALT) of the modules using temperature difference in temperature cycling as an accelerated stress was conducted for quantitative reliability evaluation under field environment conditions. Lifetime distribution parameters were estimated using the failure times obtained through the ALT, and then Coffin-Manson model was implemented. Results of the ALT showed that the failure mode of the modules was open and the failure mechanisms are both crack and delamination. The ALT reproduced the failure mode and mechanisms of failed Bluetooth modules collected from the field. Further, a quantitative reliability evaluation method with respect to various temperature differences in temperature cycling was proposed in this paper. $B_{10}$ lifetime of the module for the temperature difference $70^{\circ}C$ using the proposed method would be estimated as about 4 years.

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Life Estimation of Elevator Wire Ropes Using Accelerated Degradation Test Data (가속열화시험 데이터를 활용한 엘리베이터 와이어로프 수명 예측)

  • Kim, Seung Ho;Kim, Sang Boo;Kim, Sung Ho;Ham, Sung Hoon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.997-1004
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    • 2017
  • The life of elevator wire ropes is one of the most important characteristics of an elevator, which is closely related to the safety of users and its maintenance policy. It is not cost effective to measure the lifetime of elevator wire ropes during their use. In this study, the life estimation of elevator wire ropes (8x19W-IWRC) is considered using accelerated degradation test data. A bending fatigue tester is used to perform the accelerated degradation tests, incorporating the acceleration factor of tensile force. Assuming that the life of wire ropes is log-normally distributed, two life estimation methods are suggested and their results are compared. The first method estimates the life of wire ropes utilizing the accelerated life model with pseudo lives obtained from a linear regression model. The second method estimates the life using a logistic model based on failure probability.

Hardware and Software Co-Design Platform for Energy-Efficient FPGA Accelerator Design (에너지 효율적인 FPGA 가속기 설계를 위한 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 공동 설계 플랫폼)

  • Lee, Dongkyu;Park, Daejin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2021
  • Recent systems contain hardware and software components together for faster execution speed and less power consumption. In conventional hardware and software co-design, the ratio of software and hardware was divided by the designer's empirical knowledge. To find optimal results, designers iteratively reconfigure accelerators and applications and simulate it. Simulating iteratively while making design change is time-consuming. In this paper, we propose a hardware and software co-design platform for energy-efficient FPGA accelerator design. The proposed platform makes it easy for designers to find an appropriate hardware ratio by automatically generating application program code and hardware code by parameterizing the components of the accelerator. The co-design platform based on the Vitis unified software platform runs on a server with Xilinx Alveo U200 FPGA card. As a result of optimizing the multiplication accelerator for two matrices with 1000 rows, execution time was reduced by 90.7% and power consumption was reduced by 56.3%.