• Title/Summary/Keyword: 韓國地理

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The Alternative Policies for the Sustainable Development of New Town in Metropolitan Area, Korea -The case of Jisan.Bummul, Taegu- (대도시 신시가지의 지속가능한 개발 대안 모색 -대구시 지산.범물지구를 사례로-)

  • Jin, Won-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.135-155
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the environmental sustainability of new town development in metropolitan area, Korea and derive some policy implications for sustainable urban development. The case study area selected for empirical research is Jisan Bummul new town in Taegu. In the part of theoretical review, it is considered that the urban form suitable to sustainable development of a metropolis is the type of decentralized concentration. For the decentralized concentration form, we suggest developing suburban centers with self-sufficiency within a metropolis. This strategy is to develop a few suburban centers on the outskirts of a metropolis to decentralize urban activities of the central city, and to conserve the remaining. The empirical study evaluating the environmental sustainability of new town development shows that Jisan Bummul new town generally have low environmental sustain ability, because of the policy of mass housing provisions without consideration on overall natural conditions and environmental capacity of the area. To develop a new town. we must first select the locational site with minimum possibility of the destruction of natural environment, and then it is necessary to develop new towns into compact form to minimize the destruction of the natural environment. Second, a new town should be developed into a large scale to obtain urban self-sufficiency. Third plans must be established for decentralising both industrial and residential functions of a metropolis simultaneously. As more detailed policy implications, it is suggested that the policies are needed to improve the quality of educational conditions and enhance the level of services of public transport facilities. It is also necessary to establish the comprehensive development plan that takes the adjacent developmental area into consideration, and to prepare various action plans to bring up the facilities of self-sufficiency. In the selection of the location of a new town, the adaptability of public transportation planning must be emphasized. But, to take a program for short-term mass housing provisions must be restricted.

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Ecological Role of Urban Stream and Its Improvement (도시하천의 생태학적 역할과 개선방안)

  • Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 1998
  • A stream plays an important role as the source of drinking water, the ecological space and the living space. But the today's urban stream whose ecosystem is destroyed and water quality become worse in consequence of covering, concrete dyke construction, and the adjustment of high-water-ground[dunchi], is deprived of the function as a stream. Therefore this paper aims to elucidate the role that urban stream plays ecologically and to try to find a improvement to the problem. A stream is the pathway through which several types of the solar radiation energy are transmitted and the place which is always full of life energy. In the periphery of a stream, primary productivity is high and carrying capacity of population is great. Thus ancient cities based on agricultural products grew out of the fertile surroundings of stream. In Korea most cities of the Chosen Dynasty Period based on the agriculture have grown out of the erosional basins where solar energy is concentrated. The role of a stream in this agricultural system is the source of energy and material(water and sediment) and a lifeline. In consequence of the growth of cities and the rapid growing demands of water supply after the Industrial Revolution, a stream has become a more important locational factor of city. However, because cities need the life energy of urban streams no longer, urban streams cannot play role as a lifeline. And As pollutant waste water has poured into urban streams after using external streams' water, urban streams have degraded to the status of a ditch. As the results of the progress of urbanization, the dangerousness of inundation of urban stream increased and its water quality became worse. For the sake of holding back it, local governments constructed concrete dyke, adjusted high-water-ground[dunchi], and covered the channel. But stream ecosystem went to ruin and its water quality became much worse after channelization. These problems of urban stream can be solved by transmitting much energy contained in stream to land ecosystem as like rural stream. We should dissipate most of the energy contained in urban stream by cultivating wetland vegetation from the shore of stream to high-water-ground, and should recover a primitive natural vigorous power by preparation of ecological park.

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The Distribution and Geomorphic Changes of Natural Lakes in East Coast Korea (한반도 동해안의 자연호 분포와 지형 환경 변화)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to analyze distribution of natural lakes including lagoonal lake(lagoon) and tributary dammed lake(tributary lake) and calculate the size, morphology in order to interpret time-serial change of lakes using methodology of remote sensing images(1990s), GIS and topographic maps(1920s) in east coast of Korean Peninsular. Analysis results show that in 1990s, there are 57 natural lakes, with the total size of $75.62km^2$ over size $0.01km^2$. marine-origin lagoons are 48 with total size of $64.85km^2$, composing 85% of total natural lake, and the largest lagoon is Beonpo in Raseon City. Tributary lakes have been formed by damming of tributary channels by fluvial sand bars from main stream, located nearby at coastal zone, similar to lagoon sites. Large tributary lake, Jangyeonho, is developed in lava plateau dissection valley of Eorang Gun, Hamnam Province. There are more distributed at Duman River mouth$\sim$Cheongjin City, Heungnam City$\sim$Hodo Peninsular and Anbyeon Gun$\sim$Gangreung City. Geomorphometrically, correlation of size to circumference is very high, but correlation of size to shape irregularity is very low. The direction of lagoonal coast, NW-SE and NE-SW are predominated due to direction of tectonic structure and longshore currents. The length of the river into lake are generally short, maximum under 15km, and lake size is smaller, degree of size decreasing is higher. Geomorphic patterns of the lake location are classified as coast-hill range, coastal plain, coastal plain-channel valley, coastal plain-hill range and channel valley-hill range. During from 1920s to 1990s, change with lake size decreasing is highest at coastal plain-channel valley, next is coastal plain. Causes of the size decreasing are fluvial deposition from upper rivers and human impacts such as reclamation.

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The Spatial Linkage and Complex Location of Kumi Industrial Complex -The Case of No.1 Industrial Complex- (구미공업단지의 공장입지와 연계 -제1단지의 경우-)

  • Cho, Sung-Ho;Choi, Kum-Hae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.183-198
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    • 1997
  • This case study was conducted by verification the site characteristics based on the questionnaire and interview obtained from the all factories located at No. 1 developing area in Kumi industrial complex. The site characteristics were presumed from the process of location behavior and spatial linkage. Kumi industrial complex was developed to improve export industry at national levels by providing chief land price and benefiting various tax. Kumi industrial complex which enticed many factories is playing an important role in export industry in Korea. At beginning, the detention of large enterprises promoted the establishment of related small to medium sized factories into the complex. Two distinctive industries. textile and electronic, were reflected by the purpose to establish the complex and industrial characteristics of Taegu city. respectively. In Kumi industrial complex, positive responses on traffic and raw material supply and negative reactions on the environmental impact on social community as well as high labor charge were investigated. Especially the higher labor cost prevented to hire laborers effectively. In the linkages of spatial and raw material, most factories in the complex depended on the availability of out side the Kumi city. For the textile factories, the supply of raw material and parts were relied on Taegu and/or other cities, whereas in electronic factories purchased them mainly from other cities and partly from abroad. Although questionnaire and interview suggested it, most of the parts were supplied by a parts maturing companies on the complex to a few large enterprises. In the marketing linkage, textile factories revealed higher relation-ship with the foreign countries and sewing factories in Korea. On the other hand, electronic factories have strong relation-ships in the marketing linkage to the parts supplying companies in the complex or large-scale resembling companies in other cities. In the textile companies, the right for decision on purchasing raw materials and parts is belonging to the owner whereas mother enterprise usually have the right for the marketing. In the case of the electronic factories, all the purchasing activities are related to the sub-contracting companies. In the service linkage, the Quality of the service created spatial distinction. There was high linkages on inside of Kumi complex for the low grade services such as repairing and installing machines, whereas strong linkages on outside of the complex for the high grade services such as management, law, taxation, new product development. and manufacturing technology. In the linkages of activity on the R&D (research and development), electronic factories do not have sufficiently qualified institutes in the complex. Strong regional linkages in the field of textile and electronic industries revealed limitations of the local industrial complex. In the sub-contracting linkage, high linkage ship within Kumi boundary reflected the characteristics of industrial site in the complex. There, most decisions by the companies centered by the mother enterprise.

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Developing a New Area Study Methodology Suitable to the Globalization Era : With Revision of the Regional Geography of World-Systems. (세계화시대에 적실한 지역연구방법론 모색 -세계체제론적 지역지리학의 보완을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.115-134
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    • 1997
  • We now live in the new era of globalization which implies the functional integration or increase of inter-dependency between internationally dispersed economic activities. As globalization impacts our various activities and daily lives, social sciences, including, geography, attempt to approach social phenomena from a global perspective. From this point of view. new regional geography, which has been articulated in recent social theory since the 1980s, also must adjust to these new world realities. This paper aims to search for a suitable methodology or approach to area study or regional geography in the era of globalization and to suggest the field of area study that Korean geographers should be concerned with in the future. This paper has reviewed the existing various methodologies of regional geography such as the ecological approach, the landscape approach. the areal differentiation approach, the system approach, the structuration theory, the spatial division of labour, and the world-system, which have deviced in the traditional and new regional geography. Peter Taylor's regional geography of world systems among them has an appropriate rationale of area study in the globalization era, because world-systems theory explains well globalization. However the regional geography of world-systems must be revised to become more suitable to the area-study approach in the globalization era. Firstly, the regional geography of world-systems explains that regions(historical regions) are made by general mechanisms of the capitalist world-economy that operate through social, economic, and political agents within regions such as individuals, households, social classes, economic enterprises, states, political movements, and many other organizations. But these mechanisms can also act through other regional agents of geographical location, natural conditions, and cultural characteristics. Therefore, the generating process of regions needs to be explained by locational, natural, and cultural elements in addition to social, economic, and political elements within regions. Secondly, Taylor's world-systems approach does not express composite characteristics of regions, because it focuses on the economic characteristics or position of regions within the world-economy. Regions incorporated into world-economy systems are not only changed economically, but also changed spatially, socially, culturally, and politically. Hence the world-systems approach must try to analyze these composite characteristics and their change of regions. Thirdly, The world-system approach proposed that the geography of regions within world-systems could be divided and analyzed as three regional types at the geographical scale such as international regions, state regions, and intra-state regions. However such a regionalization is usually not identified distinctly, because the geographical range of regions in world-systems shaped by economic boundaries of the general mechanisms of the world-economy is fluid and also occasionally overlaps with other political regions. Hence I propose that the world-systems approach should choose political boundaries of states and local autonomies in addition to economic boundaries for objective regionalization and systematic areal study. The revised regional geography of world-systems that I have suggested in this paper can be more effectively and properly applied to regional geography or area study in the globalization era. Globalization intensifies competition between states and also between local autonomies in the world. Therefore we must make efforts to study such areas or regions through the revised regional geography of world-system.

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Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection in Rural Area: Youngyang-Gun, Kyungpook (농촌지역 쓰레기 매립장 입지선정에 관한 연구 -경상북도 영양군을 사례로-)

  • Park, Soon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 1997
  • This study attempts to establish the criteria of site selection for establishing solid waste disposal facility, to determine optimal solid waste disposal sites with the criteria, and to examine the suitability of the selected sites. The Multi-Criteria Evaluation(MCE) module in Idrisi is used to determine optimal sites for solid waste disposal. The MCE combines the information from several criteria in interval and/or ratio scale to form a single index of evaluation without leveling down the data scale into ordinal scale. The summary of this study is as follows: First, the considerable criteria are selected through reviewing the literature and the availability of data: namely, percent of slope, fault lines, bedrock characteristics, major residential areas, reservoirs of water supply, rivers, inundated area, roads, and tourist resorts. Second, the criteria maps of nine factors have been developed. Each factor map is standardized and multiplies by its weight, and then the results are summed. After all of the factors have been incorporated, the resulting suitability map is multiplied by each of the constraint in turn to "zero out" unsuitable area. The unsuitable areas are discovered in urban district and its adjacencies, and mountain region as well as river, roads, resort area and their adjacency districts. Third, the potential sites for establishing waste disposal facilities are twenty five districts in Youngyang-gun. Five districts are located in Subi-myun Sinam-ri, nine districts in Chunggi-myun Haehwa-ri and Moojin-ri, and eleven districts in Sukbo-myun Posan-ri. The first highest score of suitability for waste disposal sites is shown at number eleven district in Chunggi-myun Moojin-ri and the second highest one is discovered at number twenty one district in Sukbo-myun Posan-ri that is followed by number nine district in Chunggi-myun Haehwa-ri, number seventeen and twenty three in Sukbo-myun Posan-ri, and number two in Subi-myun Sinam-ri. The first lowest score is found in number six district in Chunggi-myun Haehwa-ri, and the second lowest one is number five district in Subi-myun Sinam-ri. Finally, the Geographic Information System (GIS) helps to select optimal sites with more objectively and to minimize conflict in the determination of waste disposal sites. It is important to present several potential sites with objective criteria for establishing waste disposal facilities and to discover characteristics of each potential site as a result of that final sites of waste disposal are determined through considering thought of residents. This study has a limitation of criteria as a result of the restriction of availability of data such as underground water, soil texture and mineralogy, and thought of residents. To improve selection of optimal sites for a waste disposal facility, more wide rage of spatial and non-spatial data base should be constructed.

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$\acute{E}$tude pour le D$\acute{e}$veloppement du G$\acute{e}$otourisme des $\hat{I}$les de Geomun et de Baek dans le Parc Marin National de Dadohae en Cor$\acute{e}$e du Sud (다도해해상국립공원 거문도.백도코스의 지오투어리즘 정착을 위한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong Hun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.282-299
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    • 2014
  • Cette $\acute{e}$tude a pour objectif de d$\acute{e}$velopper le g$\acute{e}$otourisme des $\hat{i}$les de Geomun et de Baek dans le Parc Marin National de Dadohae pour conna$\hat{i}$tre les caract$\acute{e}$ristiques de cette r$\acute{e}$gion du point de vue $\acute{e}$cologique, historique et culturel $\grave{a}$ partir de ses ressources g$\acute{e}$omorphiques et g$\acute{e}$ologiques qui ont la haute de valeur $prot{\acute{e}}g{\acute{e}}e$. Il y a plusieurs ressources g$\acute{e}$omorphiques et g$\acute{e}$ologiques sur l'$\hat{i}$le de Baek: falaise; caverne marine; tafoni; le relief li$\acute{e}$ $\grave{a}$ les roches volcaniques. Il y a aussi plusieurs ressources historiques et culturels sur les $\hat{i}$les de Go et d'Est: le cimeti$\grave{a}$r d'arm$\acute{e}$e anglaise li$\acute{e}$e $\grave{a}$ l'occupation ill$\acute{e}$gale de l'$\hat{i}$le de Geomun en 1885; le site historique de Kim Ryu(金劉) qui a enseign$\acute{e}$ les disciples de confucianisme et qui a $succ{\acute{e}}d{\acute{e}}$ au Confucius; la for$\hat{e}$t de feuillus de zone $temp{\acute{e}}r{\acute{e}}e$ sur l'$\hat{i}$le d'Ouest et la ceinture de falaise sur l'$\hat{i}$le de Baek. Une route g$\acute{e}$otouristique part de l'$\hat{i}$le d'Ouest et continue $\grave{a}$ l'$\hat{i}$le d'Est: c'est la route $\acute{e}$cologique, historique et culturel sur l'$\hat{i}$le de Geomun. L'autre route continue de la c$\hat{o}$te de l'$\hat{i}$le de Baek: c'est la route de paysages g$\acute{e}$omorphiques et g$\acute{e}$ologiques. Nous proposons des plusieurs exemples pour d$\acute{e}$velopper le g$\acute{e}$otourisme des $\hat{i}$les de Geomun et de Baek: installation de centre visiteur et de panneaux d'explication g$\acute{e}$otouristique sur le g$\acute{e}$osite central ; monitoring environmental.

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Applicabilité du Dark Tourisme sur les Vestiges de la Révolte Armée des Villes de Yeosu et de Suncheon en Corée du Sud (여순사건 사적지에 대한 다크투어리즘 적용 방안)

  • Lee, Jeong Hun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.826-842
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    • 2016
  • Depuis l'exposition mondiale 2012, la ville de Yeosu transforme remarquablement comme la ville touristique maraine $o{\grave{u}}$ on visit beaucoup, par la haute $d^{\prime}am{\acute{e}}nagement$ l'infrastructure pour son $d{\acute{e}}veloppement$. Pour cela, Yeosu, elle a besoin de programmes touristiques divers et de la $caract{\acute{e}}ristique$ $diff{\acute{e}}renci{\acute{e}}e$ de la $r{\acute{e}}gion$. On peut visiter des vestiages de la $r{\acute{e}}volte$ $arm{\acute{e}}e$ des villes de Yeosu et de Suncheon comme tourisme histoirique qui contient l'invasion japonaise en 1592, la $r{\acute{e}}volution$ paysan en 1894, $l^{\prime}activit{\acute{e}}$ de $r{\acute{e}}sistance$ contre Empire du Japon et la $r{\acute{e}}volte$ $arm{\acute{e}}e$ des villes de Yeosu et de Suncheon. Cette ${\acute{e}}tude$ a pour but de $d{\acute{e}}velopper$ le dark tourisme de Yeosu $apr{\grave{e}}s$ examiner son $applicabilit{\acute{e}}$ sur les vestiges. Pour cela, nous avons ${\acute{e}}valu{\acute{e}}s$ la $caract{\acute{e}}ristique$ de lieu des vestiges $fond{\acute{e}}s$ sur les conditions de vestiges et de tourisme de Yeosu. Nous avons aussi $essay{\acute{e}}s$ d'appliquer le dark tourisme, qui a les fonctions $d^{\prime}{\acute{e}}ducation$ et de symbole pour la $r{\acute{e}}gion$ $li{\acute{e}}e$ $\grave{a}$ l'histoire contemporaine, $\grave{a}$ des vestiges de la $r{\acute{e}}volte$ $arm{\acute{e}}e$ par la nouvel route touristique. Par ailleurs, nous avons besoin $d^{\prime}{\acute{e}}riger$ le Parc du $M{\acute{e}}morial$ de la Paix et le musee histoirique et de faire une loi $sp{\acute{e}}ciale$ pour la $r{\acute{e}}volte$ $arm{\acute{e}}e$ des villes de Yeosu et de Suncheon et de former le $comit{\acute{e}}$ consultatif touristique pour $d{\acute{e}}velopper$ le dark tourisme de Yeosu.

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The Suitable Region and Site for 'Fuji' Apple Under the Projected Climate in South Korea (미래 시나리오 기후조건하에서의 사과 '후지' 품종 재배적지 탐색)

  • Kim, Soo-Ock;Chung, U-Ran;Kim, Seung-Heui;Choi, In-Myung;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.162-173
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    • 2009
  • Information on the expected geographical shift of suitable zones for growing crops under future climate is a starting point of adaptation planning in agriculture and is attracting much concern from policy makers as well as researchers. Few practical schemes have been developed, however, because of the difficulty in implementing the site-selection concept at an analytical level. In this study, we suggest site-selection criteria for quality Fuji apple production and integrate geospatial data and information available in public domains (e.g., digital elevation model, digital soil maps, digital climate maps, and predictive models for agroclimate and fruit quality) to implement this concept on a GIS platform. Primary criterion for selecting sites suitable for Fuji apple production includes land cover, topography, and soil texture. When the primary criterion is satisfied, climatic conditions such as the length of frost free season, freezing risk during the overwintering period, and the late frost risk in spring are tested as the secondary criterion. Finally, the third criterion checks for fruit quality such as color and shape. Land attributes related to these factors in each criterion were implemented in ArcGIS environment as relevant raster layers for spatial analysis, and retrieval procedures were automated by writing programs compatible with ArcGIS. This scheme was applied to the A1B projected climates for South Korea in the future normal years (2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100) as well as the current climate condition observed in 1971-2000 for selecting the sites suitable for quality Fuji apple production in each period. Results showed that this scheme can figure out the geographical shift of suitable zones at landscape scales as well as the latitudinal shift of northern limit for cultivation at national or regional scales.

Typological Characteristics of Waterscape Elements from the Chapter 「Sancheon」 of the Volumes Gyeongsang-province in 『Sinjeung Donggukyeojiseungram』 (『신증동국여지승람』의 경상도편 「산천(山川)」 항목에 수록된 수경(水景) 요소의 특징)

  • Lim, Eui-Je;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • This study aims at the consideration of the usages of traditional waterscape elements, which are difficult to define their concepts and their differences and it has been proceeded mainly with analysis of literature. It elicited various waterscape types by extracting the place names associated with the watersacpe elements from the chapter "Sancheon" of the volumes Gyeongsang-province in "Sinjeung Donggukyeojiseungram", which is a government-compiled geography book in the early period of Joseon Dynasty, and drew the features of each waterscape element by interpreting the dictionary definition and the original text and studying the similar examples. The results of study are drawn as follows. 1. The chapter "Sancheon" includes 22 types of waterscape elements and they are classified by means of locations and water-flow forms: River Landscape, Lake & Pond Landscape, Coast landscape. 2. River landscape maintaining constant natural water-flow constitutes the linear type, related to the class of stream, which includes 'Su(water)', 'Gang(river)', 'Cheon(stream)' and 'Gye(brook)' and the dotty type, created by the nature of trenched meander rivers, which includes 'Tan(beach)', 'Roe(rapids)', 'Pok(waterfall)' and 'Jeo(sandbank)'. 3. Lake & Pond Landscape forming water collected in a certain area constitutes 'Ho(lake)', which is a broad and calm spot created around mid and down stream of river, 'Yeon(pool)', 'Dam(pond)', 'Chu(small pond)', which are naturally created on the water path around mid and down stream of river, 'Ji(pond)', 'Dang(pond)', 'Taek(swamp)', which is collected on a flatland and 'Cheon(spring)', 'Jeong(spring)' which means gushing out naturally. 4. Coast Landscape includes 'Ryang', 'Hang', which are the space between land and an island or islands, 'Got(headland)' which sticks out from the coast into the sea, 'Jeong(sandbank)' which forms sandy beaches and 'Do' which shows high appearance frequency by reflecting the geographical importance of islands. This study comprehended the diversity of traditional waterscape elements and drew the fact that they are the concept reflecting the differentiated locational, scenic and functional features. That way, it understood the aesthetic sense on nature, which ancestors had formed with the interests in natural landscape and the keen observation on it, became the basic idea elucidating the characteristic on Korean traditional gardens, which minimize the artificiality and make nature the subject.