• Title/Summary/Keyword: 基督教世界

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Christian Religious Education's Enchanting Duty : A Curriculum of Hope from the Underside of Civic Polarization, Moral Disimagination, and Learned Helplessness (책임을 노래하는 기독교적 종교교육 : 시민적 양극성, 도덕적 무감각, 학습된 무력감의 저변에서 시작된 희망의 교육과정)

  • Le Tran Mai Anh
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.77
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    • pp.7-27
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    • 2024
  • This study addresses the crucial role of Christian Religious Education (CRE) amidst civic polarization, moral disimagination, and learned helplessness. It begins her personal background as a 1.5-generation Vietnamese American and her academic engagement in immigrant faith and the challenges of teaching faith in violent contexts. The work underscores the public dimension and impact of religious education, highlighting its potential for fostering critical capacities for public engagement. However, that study observes a prevalent disconnection between congregational culture and the aim of public engagement, leading to a form of learned helplessness among students and communities. The researcher draws on Paulo Freire's concepts of "critical hope" and the need for a curriculum that transcends mere content delivery to foster transformative engagement with societal issues. The document critiques the disimigination machine that undermines critical thinking and collective resistance, as articulated by Henry Giroux, and explores the concepts of "learned helplessness" as a barrier to environmental and social activism. The researcher advocates for a theopoetic and theopolitical approach to education that nurtures hope and practical engagement with the world's injustice. She emphasizes small acts of theopoetic and theopolitical hope as transformative practices, using an example from Ferguson, Missouri, to illustrate how public liturgy and protest can mediate hope and justice. The document concludes with a call for a life-long, life-wide, and life-deep curriculum of enchantment towards responsible participation in societal repair, rooted in Christian hope.

A Study on the Relation between Matteo Ricci and Daesoon Thought: A Phenomenological Interpretation of Ricci in Daesoon Thought (마테오 리치와 대순사상의 관계성에 대한 연구 - 대순사상의 기독교 종장에 대한 종교현상학적 해석 -)

  • Ahn, Shin
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.36
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    • pp.117-152
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    • 2020
  • In Daesoon Thought, Matteo Ricci is regarded highly as a Jongjang, 'religious leader,' (of Christianity). This paper deals with the life and philosophical/theological thought of Matteo Ricci as homo-religiosus from the perspective of phenomenology of religion. Examining his historical background and biographical sketch, I will analyze Ricci's understanding of God, humanity, and salvation and re-evaluate his relationship with Daesoon Thought. Matteo Ricci, born in Italy, became a Jesuit missionary to China and transmitted various products of western civilization. Accepting the pro-cultural approach of Jesuit mission, he applied it to Chinese culture and language by learning the Chinese language and regarding Chinese people as his friends. This was a sympathetic way to transmit Western religion and culture while on Chinese soil. He suggested eight reasons to look towards the future of China with optimism and taught Chinese people his Christian message through his indirect means of understanding and persuasion. In China, Jesuit missionaries called the Christian God 'Tianzhu (Cheonju in Sino-Korean),' meaning Lord of Heaven. Ricci identified the Confucian notion of 'Shangdi (Sangje in Sino-Korean),' meaning Supreme Emperor (or God) with Tianzhu. While translating Confucian scriptures, he found the common ground between Confucianism and Christianity to be the monotheism of ancient Confucianism. He criticized the concepts of God in Buddhism and Daoism, and justified the Christian doctrine of God by way of a Confucian understanding of deity. Ricci's understanding of humanity was based on his Christian faith in creation, and he criticized the Buddhist concept of transmigration. He proposed Christian ethics and doctrine of salvation by using discourse on the afterlife and in particular, the concepts of heaven and hell. Concerning the relationship between Daesoon Thought and Ricci, the following aspects should be examined: 1.) Ricci's contribution to the cultural exchanges between East and West, 2.) his peaceful approach to his mission based on dialogue and persuasion, 3.) the various activities conducted by Ricci as a Christian leader, and 4.) his belief in miraculous healings. His influence on Korea will likewise be explored. Ricci's ultimate aim was to communicate with Asian people and unify East and West under a singular worldview by emphasizing the similarities between the Christian and Confucian concepts of God.

A Christian Answer to the Problem of Suicide in Korean Society (한국 사회의 자살 문제에 대한 기독교적 답변)

  • Je, Haejong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.552-566
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    • 2015
  • This paper deals with suicide that has become a serious problem in our society as well as in the world today from a Christian perspective. Historical position regarding suicide is divided into two; some see it as a brave and honorable act and give approval to it, the others view it as act of giving up the life that is given by God and are opposed to it. Though suicides in the Bible are mostly committed to maintain honor, because of Augustin's position it became negative in Christianity, leading to a thought that one who committed suicide goes to hell. Why then people commit suicide? The views of scholars on the cause of suicide are divided into three; biological, psychological, sociological. My position is that though each or all of them contribute to suicide, yet the decisive factor is on how a person reacts to them. Major factor of suicide is how humans as interpretive beings accept the present despair. On the basis of this understanding of suicide and humans, I conclude this paper with three new recognitions as an essential answer to suicide. First, humans are made in God's image and belong to Him, thus their life is precious. Second, Christianity views humans as ones look for the hope in the future as the eternal life. Third, suicide is a violation of the commandment 'do not kill' yet it is not an act of sin but a disease that needs to be cured. To achieve this Christianity must not only spread the idea of respect for life and also run suicide prevention center every city.

A Study on the Characteristics of Commemoration in the World War II Cemeteries - Focus on the Military Cemeteries of United States, the Commonwealth, and Germany in Western Europe - (제2차 세계대전 전쟁 묘지에 나타난 기념성 - 서유럽에 있는 미국군, 영연방군, 독일군 묘지를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze commemoration characteristics of the United States of America, the Commonwealth, and Germany through representative 14 military cemeteries of World war II in Western Europe. Based on the commemoration characteristics such as spacial characteristic, commemorative elements, and graves and headstone, the commemoration culture among U.S., the Commonwealth. and Germany were studied comparatively. The results are as follows. First, taking geometrical form with mainly square type, rarely circle and spiral patterned, most cemeteries were structured spatial central axis with symmetry, those cemeteries were styled neoclassical, but some of the U.S. cemeteries were modernistic, connecting spaces organically with curved line layout. Second, chapel, the wall of missing, the wall of battle map, and sculpture in the U.S military cemeteries, and 'the cross of sacrifice' and 'the stone of remembrance' as classical monument in the Commonwealth war cemeteries were commonly applied standardized commemorative elements, but commemorative monuments in German military cemeteries were restricted except monumental cross. Third, the symbolic cross of christianism was used all cemeteries to console and cherish the soul of soldiers, specially the Latin crosses in the U.S military cemeteries delivered political message as the american martyr for Western Europe and also the power of the U.S., but the cross in German and the Commonwealth war cemeteries were basically cherish and comfort individual spirit. Fourth, showing the power of victory with national patriotism, the U.S. strongly represented christianism and liberal democracy against communism, the Commonwealth showed imperialistic style, and German military cemeteries were quietly appeared as traditional style forwarding reconciliation and peace. This study suggest the war cemeteries have national identity with typical form and symbolic aesthetics. Further study will be required to materialize sublime commemoration in national cemeteries and to form advanced commemorative culture in Korea.

Christian Education for Human Spirit Transformation (인간 영의 변형을 위한 기독교교육)

  • Woo, Ji Yeon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.66
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    • pp.413-437
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    • 2021
  • Humans are created as spiritual beings that can relate to God. However, when a human spirit refuses to transform through confronting God, it experiences a crisis. A spiritual crisis results from disconnecting with God, who is the ultimate foundation, but we humans try to overcome such absence through accomplishments and efforts. In this technological age, the ethics issues of AI (Artificial Intelligence), robots, and cloning are related to anthropology. The development of the mind, heart, and logic cannot suggest a basis for destruction and confusion as much as the development of the world. In fact, education focused on the human mind cannot be considered holistic. Mind, together with thought, will, and belief, plays a crucial role in making choices and leading a human life. So it is actively studied in other domains other than Christian education. However, although the human spirit takes care of some territory of humanity, unlike the mind, it can neither be partial nor fragmentary. Instead, it manages the transformation that influences the core of human life. Therefore, Christian education must clearly concentrate on the spirit rather than on other human elements, intentionally concerning spiritual transformation through encounters with God. In other words, Christian education is the passage connecting a human spirit to God's presence at work, which enables us to understand the human being as a whole. For this, we must put our efforts to increase the chances of encountering God through Christian education. While "Encounter" requires both parties' interaction, "Transformation" stresses God as the main agent and His proactive nature. I also want to emphasize "worship" as the opportunity to communicate and experience God in our daily lives. By examining the preparation and the process of the spiritual transformation of humans, this paper would offer a theological foundation for continued transformation of the human spirit in the faith community, rather than personal experience or conviction.

A Study on the Direction of Mission Education Based on Ecumenical Mission (에큐메니칼 선교에 기초한 선교교육의 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun Joo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.66
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    • pp.179-208
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    • 2021
  • Due to COVID-19, the entire world is facing the unprecedented phenomenon. Amid the threat of the virus, the global community is struggling for life. In such circumstances, churches in Korea have been criticised as selfish groups threatening the community by spreading the virus. With such criticism, they are disregarded by Korean society because their immorality and exclusive attitude towards other religions and cultures were also mentioned in public. There are many reasons for Korean churches to lose trust from people. One of the reasons for that is the quantitative growth of church and expansion of the power of church, which is a direction that has been practised so far as a missionary goal. The zeal for spreading gospel has undermined the trust of church and become a deteriorating factor for mission, which is irony. In such problematic situations, the change of paradigm is required for new mission. The passion for evangelisation should not only focus on the quantitative growth of church; it should change its direction for serving the world in lieu with the plan of God for the activity of redemption on this land. A hint of such mission can be found in ecumenical mission. Ecumenical mission is a new paradigm which was discussed in ecumenical movement led mainly by WCC, and its aim is to participate in activities of redemption of God for life in this world. Christian education has been a tool for the expansion of Christian power in the context of traditional mission. Reflecting on the role of Christian education as such, the change of direction as practical movement for the kingdom of God was tried in ecumenical movement: the beginning of the discussion of Christian education based on ecumenical mission. Due to exclusivity, aggressive mission, and the excessive attention to the system of ecclesiastical authority rather than life, Korean churches, which have lost trust in this society, should recover themselves as the model of the kingdom of God, and the establishment of mission education based on ecumenical mission is required for them to become a community towards life. Furthermore, this is an urgent task for Korean churches to implement such mission education in a church community.

A Bible Didactical Approach to Bibliodrama on the Metaverse Platforms (메타버스 플랫폼을 통한 비블리오드라마 구현에 대한 성서 교수학적 접근)

  • Seo, Mikyoung
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.69
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    • pp.45-75
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of Bibliodrama on the metaverse platforms. In other words, to create interesting and effective Bible education for modern learners, this study took a didactical approach to the implementation of Bibliodrama through the metaverse. The main reason to be enthusiastic about using the metaverse for education is because users, who have been only content consumers, now able to experience and create values. As a Bible didactical approach, Bibliodrama is a an emphatical and communicative learning method in the form of role play. Bibliodrama seeks to interact with the world of the learner and the world of the Bible through improvisational acting, to study the Bible. Through the Bible didactical approach, the meeting of Bibliodrama and the metaverse can have a positive effect on modern learners, in terms of improving learning environment and, above all else, increasing learning interest. In terms of biblical didactics, implementing Bibliodrama in the metaverse has the following advantages. First, it helps to construct a dramatic situation and environment so that the meaning of the biblical text can be proved relevant to today's learners, not something belonging to the past. Second, in the metaverse, the historical space and characters of the Bible can be realized in virtual reality to produce a 'situational play'. Demonstrating freedom, imagination and creativity in the metaverse learners play in Bibliodrama. This way they also become aware of the hidden meaning of the blank pages in the Bible. Third, the metaverse environment is not static but dynamic and interactive; Bibliodrama pursues an interpretation that harmonizes spirit and body. Therefore, through the dynamic activities of discovering the meaning and significance of the Bible, it is possible to form a holistic faith in which spirit and body act as one.

A Study on the Characteristics of Commemoration in World War II Memorials - Focus on the War Memorials of the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany - (제2차 세계대전 전쟁 메모리얼에 나타난 기념성 - 미국, 소련, 독일의 전쟁메모리얼을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to analyze the commemoration characteristics of the national war memorials made by the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(the Soviet Union), and Germany that participated in World War II(WW II). The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, the creation of the WW II memorials of the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany aimed to commemorate the dead and victims. By country, the United States promoted unity and victory with representing the just and great cause for freedom, and the communist Soviet Union emphasized the Great Patriotic War that defeated fascist Nazi Germany. On the other hand, Germany, which had difficulty in national commemoration, cherish the victims of the war and aimed for peace. Second, WW II memorials were located in places of national significance such as national representative places and battlefields, and in Germany they were built in church cemeteries and public cemeteries. In addition, it showed concise and moderate aesthetic characteristics with a symmetrical and formal form centered on the axis of space in memorials. Third, the United States and the Soviet Union commonly visualized the appearance of war on the memorial wall. By country, the United States engraved sacrifice and dedication for freedom, and differently the Soviet Union and East Germany engraved messages promoting communist ideology as memorial texts. As for landscape details and sculpture, the United States emphasized national unity through eagles symbolizing the country and a colonnade representing each state and territory, and the Soviet Union set up a communist-style soldier sculpture. The United States and the Soviet Union, both countries used sculptures and laurels that symbolize victory, but in Germany, the statues of a fallen soldiers were installed in the memorial. Politically, the United States commemorated the victory of the war and also promoted unity, and the Soviet Union emphasized the Great Patriotic War and promoted communism. As the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Germans believed in Christianity universally, Christian symbols such as the crucifixion, the church, and the statue of Evita were often used. Further study will be required to establish national identity at memorials and advanced commemorative culture in Korea.

A Study on the Loss of Community and the Role of the Church in its Restoration as Seen through 'I, Daniel Blake' (<나, 다니엘 블레이크>를 통해 본 공동체 상실과 그 회복을 위한 교회의 역할에 대한 연구)

  • Kim Junghee;Hwang Hyejin
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.79
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    • pp.57-76
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    • 2024
  • Purpose of Research : This study aims to analyze a film that portrays the problem of community loss, a characteristic phenomenon of contemporary society, and to explore the role of the church in its restoration. Research Contents and Methods : Both Korea and the world are currently facing a crisis of subject alienation and community loss. While welfare systems are policies designed to overcome these situations, they reveal various limitations. This paper explores the concrete realities caused by such problems through the analysis of the movie "I, Daniel Blake." The film illustrates the potential for community recovery through mutual aid and solidarity, while also highlighting the limitations of such attempts. Consequently, it raises the necessity of reflecting on and practicing the community spirit of the early church to ultimately overcome the limitations of welfare systems. Results and Conclusions : In modern society, where subject alienation and community loss are accelerating, it is essential for the church to reaffirm and practice the community spirit of the early church to address these issues effectively.

Church Education in the COVID-19 Era (포스트 코로나 시대의 교회교육)

  • Yu, Jae Deog
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.63
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    • pp.13-37
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    • 2020
  • The World Health Organisation(WHO), paying attention to the spread and fatality of the coronavirus(COVID-19), which first occurred in Wuhan, China, declared a global emergency. Although many countries implement strict measures to slow down the spread, WHO officially declared a pandemic. COVID-19 has sparked fears of an impending economic crisis and recession. Due to the economic crisis caused by social distancing, self-isolation and travel restrictions, the collapse of the world economic system centered on free trade and the decline of globalization are mentioned. Political leadership that has not responded properly to the pandemic is challenged, and nearly all of society is rapidly changing to a non-contact and immobile culture. COVID-19 has seriously affected all levels of the education system, from preschool to tertiary education. The so-called old concept of deschooling is realizing in the field of education through digital media paradoxically. Church education is facing a serious crisis as well. Churches are seeking now a new normal that includes theological reflection on the pandemic, online worship, education, and non-face-to-face ministry to overcome the worst unexpected crisis. In the post-corona era, church education must actively seek alternatives in response to rapidly changing surrounding conditions and reconstruct educational philosophy(theology) that focuses on Christian values. In addition, it is necessary to start operating a mobile(or online) church school that combines offline and online. It is necessary to introduce 'Blended Learning' method that combines non-face-to-face and face-to-face learning, and by combining church school and homeschooling, churches and families need to share the responsibility of education in faith.