• Title/Summary/Keyword: 基督教世界

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Faith Formation Through Guided Participation in Practice (신앙형성과 원칙에 따르는 실천의 참여)

  • Joyce Ann Mercer
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 2023
  • In this study I want to explore faith formation through the framework of practice. First, I will describe discipleship as a lifelong process of identity formation, defining Christian religious education as a faith community's intentional work of equipping people to walk in the way of Jesus through apprenticeship in faith practices. I will argue that this process is more about the teaching of practices and engaging in theological reflection on practices than it is about dispensing correct information. This idea is not original with me, but has been expounded by many others particularly in the past decade in the U.S., as part of a larger movement within theological discourse emphasizing the centrality of practice. Second, I will describe some resources from educational theorists that can help us to understand what it means to educate through practices toward an identity as Christians. And finally, I will suggest that in our complex, broken and wounded world, as Christian religious educators we especially have a calling to equip disciples in two urgent faith practices: earth-care, and dealing with conflict.

Development of curriculum for humanity education in Christian university (기독교대학 인성교육을 위한 교과목 개발)

  • Hyang-Sook Park
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.317-339
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop liberal arts subjects for humanity education in Christian universities. Christian universities need to attempt Christian humanity education through Christian educational interpretation of humanity. This study defines the humanity not character or personality but rather humanity. Humanity is starting from an understanding of human conditions. And it is a perspective toward oneself and others based on human ontological questions and life style. Human is a being with developmental crises and are marginal being with existential anxiety. Therefore, humanity education of Christian universities should be a place to face the void of finite humans in order to understand what kind of existence they are and to transform their epistemology to understand self and the world. Christian humanity education will be realized by two approaches. The first is a theoria approach that extends from a two-dimensional understanding of the self and experienced reality to the speculative and introspective pursuit of the ultimate truth, The second is a praxis approach that consist of the interaction of reflection to human's act and reflective behavior. Therefore, this study develops a subject focused on a speculative and reflective understanding of humanity as an case of a liberal arts subject for humanity education in a Christian university, and a subject focusing on the understanding of reflexively participating in the actual social situation, which is the context of humanity.

A Case Study on the Christian Worldview Education Program through Maker Education Based Design Thinking at Christian University (기독 대학의 디자인사고 기반 메이커교육을 통한 기독교 세계관 교육 프로그램 운영 사례 연구)

  • Seongah Lee;Hyeajin Yoon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.117-137
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    • 2023
  • This is a case study of an extra-curricular program that designed and implemented maker education based on design thinking to foster a Christian worldview. The program was designed at K university in the course of 10 sessions as following stages; tinkering, providing a special lecture for motivation, finding issues, empathizing, making, sharing and reflecting. A total of 15 students in 5 teams participated in the program, progressed through each stage in the process of solving the problems they found around them so that their neighbors and the creative world could become better. As a result of operating this program, the participants became concerned about their neighbors and community and reflected on the change of perspective of the world from a Christian worldview. As a suggestion for follow-up research and projects, to develop a model of maker education based on design thinking for cultivating a Christian view of the world is proposed in order to support to easy design and management of the program even if there is a lack of professional related knowledge and experience. In addition, it is needed to develop a manual and guide book including a facilitator's role and an assessment tool like a rubric that can give feedback on the performance of the program and make improvement.

A Study on Christian Ecological Spirituality Education in the Post-Corona Era (포스트코로나 시대를 위한 기독교적 생태영성교육)

  • Euntaek Choi
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.367-392
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study present directions and a model of Christian ecological spirituality education in the post-corona era, and to expand Christian education beyond the private to the public. There are various problems in today's modern society. The 4th Industrial Revolution and COVID-19 has changed daily life and standards over the past few years As a result, the post-corona discourse is becoming more active. In this context, this study conducted a study on what educational alternatives should be prepared in terms of Christian education for the post-corona era. Especially, one of the urgent problems that modern society needs to solve today is the problem of the ecological environment, and I tried to prepare an alternative in perspective of Christian spiritual education. To this end, the causes of today's ecological environmental problems were examined in three perspectives: global, social, and personal. It could be summarized as the problems of neoliberal globalization, anthropocentrism, and ecological ignorance, respectively. To solve this, the direction of Christian ecological spirituality education was presented as the spirituality of participatory responsibility, the spirituality of ecocentrism, and the spirituality of ecological conversion. The specific model of Christian ecological spirituality education was established by presenting educational purposes and goals, educational methods and contents, educational environment and evaluation.

A Comparative Study on the Similarities and Differences between Western Christianity and Chinese Culture in Taiping Religion (태평천국운동에 있어서 서양 기독교와 중국 문화의 상관관계에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Sukjoo
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.42
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    • pp.475-503
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    • 2016
  • This paper explores the extent of the Christian influence of Liang Fa's Quanshiliangyan and Isaachar J. Roberts on Hong Xiuquan and the Taiping Movement. Hong's religious background was in Confucianism, but when he encountered Liang Fa's Quanshiliangyan, he identified with Christianity. Subsequently, he studied with Roberts for two or three months. The religious experiences of Hong served as motives for the establishment of the Society of God Worshippers and the Taiping Movement. Therefore, this paper develops Liang's key ideas and Roberts' main teachings, describes Hong's beliefs and the actual practices of the Taiping Movement, as found in official documents of the Taipings, and compares their similarities and differences. Hong and his leaders received the new ideas of Christianity at the expense of their traditional culture. Furthermore, they attempted to combine Chinese culture with Christianity, as well as believe in Christianity to the limits of their understanding. Finally, this study finds that even though the Quanshiliangyan and Isaachar J. Roberts may have given the Taiping Movement its religious form and driving force, the theological vision of both Liang and Hong that also emerged from their Chinese culture energized the Taipings. The Taiping Movement resulted from a deliberate synthesis of Christian ideas and native Chinese practices in China.

The Convergence of India and West in the IoT Environment: Mughal and Christian Paintings (사물인터넷환경에서 바라 본 인도와 서양의 융합: 무갈 회화와 기독교 성화(聖畫)의 만남)

  • Lee, Choonho
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2022
  • Connectivity and knowledge are the main keywords of the IoT. In this paper, I analyzed how the two civilizations, Christianity and Islam, were connected through Mughal paintings and what result they have brought in the spread of knowledge. For that, I analyzed literature as well as paintings of those days. In terms of theme matter, Western painting was used as a means of strengthening the royal authority of the Mughal Emperor. In terms of style, perspective and shading from the Western Paintings began to be used in Mughal painting. Later, Christian symbols and themes were linked to absolute power of kingship, and further utilized them to develop into the concept of kingship = spirituality = divinity, creating an original art style that was unprecedented in the history of world painting. By analyzing the two disparate cultures in terms of 'connectivity' and 'knowledge' of the Internet of Things, such research could serve as a platform for future humanities research on the Internet of Things.

Civilization conflict factors of the spread of Terrorism - Focusing on Islam and Christianity - (테러 확산의 문명 갈등적 요인 : 기독교와 이슬람을 중심으로)

  • Gong, Bae Wan
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2013
  • Occur in various parts of the world and the new aspects of the regional conflict is spreading. Nation and civilization, one based on religious ideology, hegemonic tendencies areas of conflict are factors that appear. It has the characteristic that inheritance and conflict between civilizations is spreading. Christian and Islamic books, especially the confrontation and conflict is surfaced in the international political aspects, and a threat to the security of the human race is approaching. To assert the superiority of Western Christianity emerging countries, the salvation of mankind and world peace mission with the historical non-democracy, human rights, women's rights, underdevelopment, nuclear issues, and the spirit of Christian civilization, considered to be linked and reverse, Democracy Launching and human rights issues are forcing Western development model. Islam believes in absolute monotheism that God Lord only determined by the 'slave' and having the determination to serve the religious, political, social and cultural nature ingrained, and closely adjacent to each other geographically, to focus on in quency characteristics higher than the other civilizations are appearing. To assert the doctrine of non-violent Islam 'Koran' and 'knife' became known as the violent images appear in the armed conflict between the culture method. Today the world is facing a clash of civilizations is derived from the religious conflicts and confrontation and friction between the nations appear. In particular, the deep religious roots of Christianity and Islam, the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the right to live in strife confrontation between Christianity and Islam was spread. By a factor of civilization and the spread of terrorism occurred historically proven came here from all over the earth that is being generated is true. Civilization are the symbol of the nation and the species identity.

Christian educational understanding of worship as habit formation (습관 형성으로서의 예배에 대한 기독교교육적 이해)

  • Kim, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.70
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    • pp.239-265
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the Christian educational understanding of habit formation through the practical field of Christianity called worship. In the Cultural Liturgy series, James Smith criticized the intellectualistic Christian education so far and opened up a completely different level of possibility for Christian education through a unique study on habit formation. He focuses on education through actions, not education through the mind, and deals in depth with the relationship between habits and the body, between habits and knowledge, between habits and meaning systems, and between habits and human formation. Among them, it is emphasized that worship is a major liturgy that forms the identity of the participants through habits. Accepting Smith's position positively, this thesis first deals with the concept and understanding of major thinkers about habit. Second, we will look at habitual knowledge through the body. And lastly, it deals with Christian educational understanding of worship as a place of habit formation. Worship is not a one-time event, but an inseparable relationship with habit in terms of regular body practice. In particular, when we look at worship from the point of view of habits, it can be seen that the accumulation of experiences through bodily activities plays an important role in forming the horizon and background for understanding the world of the worshiper. Therefore, this thesis is meaningful in seeking and reconfirming the Christian educational possibility of worship as a habit formation.

The Direction of Christian Education in the Post COVID-19 (코로나19 시기 이후의 기독교교육의 방향)

  • Kim, Sung-Joong
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.63
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    • pp.39-64
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    • 2020
  • COVID-19 is sweeping the world, and it is in crisis in all aspects of politics, economy, culture, and religion. As people experience the beginning and spread of COVID-19, wince and re-spread, the people are living in anxiety and depression. Because of the COVOD-19 crisis, Korean churches were unable to provide on-site worship, and online worship began, and churches that started on-site worship also performed online worship. In the case of church schools, the functions of fellowship and education were paralyzed and many are offering online Sunday service only. Many people eagerly want to go back to what it was before COVID-19, but it seems difficult because COVID-19 has become a global issue and a pandemic situation. We can't wait to get better out of this. In the COVID-19 crisis, the church was unable to properly handle the church's original work and to fully fulfill the mission of education. The response of many churches was to postpone the planned ministry to the second half of 2020. Now, we should try to set a new direction and prepare specifically to move in the new direction. With this perspective, this paper studied the direction of Christian education in the post COVID-19. Specifically, the theoretical basis of the direction of Christian education in the post COVID-19 was found in the theory of Agape's encounter, Catechesis theory, and diakonia theory, and specific directions were suggested according to these theories. Specifically, based on the theory of Agape's encounter, Christian education that emphasizes the encounter with the natural environment, Christian education that emphasizes the encounter among family members, Christian education that emphasizes the encounter among citizens of the world, and Christian education that emphasizes the encounter through online were presented. Based on the Catechesis theory, Christian education copping with the attack of heresy was presented. Finally, based on the diakonia theory, Christian education of service for society and Christian education of service based on data were presented.

A Study on Epistemology of the Body and Christian Education (몸의 인식론과 기독교교육에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Keum Hee
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.62
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    • pp.43-74
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    • 2020
  • This paper examines the epistemology of the body and the direction of Christian education based on it. Looking at Merleau-Ponty, Damagio, and Nelson's epistemology of the body, it found that they had a common point, even though they studied in different areas like philosophy, brain science, and body theology; the body is a subject that perceives the world in a sensuous and direct way, and is a channel that mediates humans and the world, and plays a decisive role in human self-formation. In particular, theology of body revealed, that the body is a pathway for our understanding of God just as a pathway for our understanding the world. In addition, theology of body revealed that the body is regarded as the place of 'embodiment of God', and in the end, the world in which our incarnated body participates should also become the place of 'God's incarnation'. It also examined Christian education based on the epistemology of the body, focusing on 'education starting from the senses', 'education as a participation', and 'incarnational education'. From these three concepts, it found that epistemology of body suggests an alternative view of traditional knowledge-based education or schooling education. It suggests an open paradigm centered on sense and experience, personal participation, non-verbal experience, and field of education, beyond a fixed and closed paradigm of doctrine-centered, objective knowledge mediation, language-centered, and content-centered. Furthermore, this paper found that the body is like a well that can pump up metaphors that provide a basic metaphor for re-conceptualizing Christian education.