• Title/Summary/Keyword: 地域協力

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A study on the Wonju Medical Equipment Industry Cluster (원주의료기기산업 클러스터의 형성과정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Chun;Yoon, Hyung-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Academic Society of Industrial Cluster
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-86
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    • 2007
  • Wonju Medical Equipment Industry, despite of its short history, poor sales and weak manpower and so on, have shown remarkable outcomes in a relatively short period. At the end of 2007, totally 79 enterprises (only 4.6% of whole enterprises in Korea) made 10% of the nationwide production and 15% of the nationwide exports with an annual average growth rate of 66.7%, contributing domestic medical equipment industry tremendously. In addition, many leading medical equipment enterprises in various fields already moved or plan to move to Wonju, accelerating Wonju Medical Equipment Cluster. Wonju Medical Equipment Industry Cluster now enters into the growth stage, getting out of the initial business setup stage. Especially, the nomination of Wonju cluster project from the government accelerates networking (e.g. the development of the universal parts, the establishment of the mutual collaboration model among enterprises, and the mutual marketing), making a rapid growth in Wonju Medical Equipment Industry. Wonju Medical Equipment Industry Cluster revealed positive outcomes despite of the weakness in investment size and infra-structure comparing with the other medical industry cluster in the advanced country, while many domestic enterprises pursued their own growth models and thus failed to promote the international competitive power. Wonju Medical Equipment Industry has been developed rapidly. However, there are many challenging problems to support enterprises: small R&D investment and thus weak technology power, difficulties in recruiting R&D engineers, and poor marketing capabilities, financial infrastructure & policies, and network architecture. In order to develop a world-competitive medical equipment industry cluster at Wonju, the complement of infrastructures, the technology innovation, the mutual marketing, and the network expansion to support enterprises are further required. Wonju' s experiences in developing medical equipment industry so far suggest that our own flexible cluster model considering the industry structure and maturity for different regions should be developed, and specific action plans from the local and central governments based on their systematic strategies for industry development should be implemented in order to build world-competitive industry clusters in Korea.

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Determinants of the Location and Relocation of Domestic Logistics Firms in Korea (focused on complementary commodity flow survey for 2006) (우리나라 국내 화주기업의 입지 및 재입지 선택 특성 분석 (2006년 물류현황보완조사를 중심으로))

  • Do, Hwa-Yong;Jang, Hoon;Kim, Chan-Sung;Won, Jai-Mu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2008
  • In general, most of the firms do not settle down in one place for their pursuit of profit. There are many reasons for the relocation of the firms; procurement of raw material, market area, transportation cost and housing cost. The aspect of national policy, firm relocation has been systemically promoted for the purpose of logistics system efficiency. Nowadays balanced regional development has been issue. Another aspect, many countries have struggled for the preoccupancy of new place because of its production cost saving and curtailment of expenditure. The aim of this article is qualitative and quantitative analysis of relocation influence factors of domestic goods firms in Korea. This article dynamically analyzed the relocation influence factors for domestic goods firms in Korea. For the analysis this article made use of complementary survey (2006) out of the 3rd national logistics survey (2005). The complementary survey conducted pre-business district, business period, relocation reason, etc. This article dynamically analyzed from the three aspects; observation of average residence time in one business district, relocation factors, influence of market area. Analysis shows that relocation of firm is very high rate and the reasons of relocation play compositeness role. The results of determinants of location, firms approach the established market area closely and the firm's relocation is influenced by market area.

Drug Abuse Status and Its Determinants of Male High School Students in Taegu (대구시(大邱市) 일부(一部) 남자고등학생(男子高等學生)의 약물남용(藥物濫用) 실태(實態)와 관련요인(關聯要因))

  • Nam, Jung-Rak;Kam, Sin;Park, Jae-Yong;Han, Chang-Hyun;Ha, Young-Ae
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.3 s.54
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    • pp.451-469
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    • 1996
  • To identify the drug abuse status and its determinant factors in high school boys in Taegu, the study was performed from April to May, 1995. Study population were selected by cluster sampling method and total 5,665 students replied to the self-administered questionnaire survey (2,207 in academic high school, 3,458 in business high school). The major findings were as follows; The proportion of drinking, smoking experience was 55.0%, 45.8%, respectively, and the proportion of current drinker, current smoker was 27.2%, 27.5%. The drinking, smoking experience rate of second grade students was higher than first grade and it was higher in business high school boys. The proportion of a stimulant, a hallucinogen, hemp leaf cigarets experience was 3.2%, 1.6%, 0.1%, respectively. Drug abuse had significant association with home environment(lower economic status, frequent move, death of father or mother, apart from family), parents environment(parents' indifference, parents' drinking and smoking, etc.), school life(lower school grades, intimate friend's drug abuse, etc.), generous attitude to drug abuse, higher level of stress. Students who replied that the law prohibited immature person(students) from drinking and smoking showed lower drug abuse rate. In multiple logistic regression analysis, second grade students, business high school students, parents' indifference, lower school grades, intimate friend's drug abuse, no recognition of the fact that the law prohibits high school students from drinking and smoking, generous attitude to drug abuse, higher level of stress were significantly related with alcohol abuse and smoking. Other drugs abuse were related with above factors. On consideration of above findings, to prevent students from drug abuse, we have to try together in house, school, and society.

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A Study on Understanding of Middle-East Terrorism : Focusing on Islamic Fundamentalism (이슬람 원리주의를 통해 본 중동지역테러리즘의 이해)

  • Park, Gi-Beom;Kang, Min-Wan;Jun, Yong-Tae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.12
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    • pp.149-175
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the character of Islamic fundamentalism and Middle-Ease Terrorism. The aim of Islamic fundamentalism is reconstruction of Ummah(Muslim Unity), thee early society of Muhammad's age. Islamic movement insist to restore the spirit of Islam and purify the society of Islam from the United State and Western world. Now, Islamic fundamentalism movement as a new ideology, appeals to muslim in the world. The concept of modern national state from the Western countries do not accord with the traditional Islamic principles of reign and a spirit of nationalism. On the other hand, Islamic movement have no legitimacy in the system of modern state which govern the Arab world, regardless of the form of government. For this reasons, Islamic fundamentalist have an insecure position and their political activities. It is yet far from their purpose, to reconstruct the muslim unity, to realize the Islamic political principle close to their practical methods. Yet Islamic fundamental movement have not overcome the system of secular state. The Middle East terrorism supported by government might be eradicated by America's anti-terrorism policy. However, it will be serious and spread all over the world that the terrorist attack against the U. S. and western countries is acted by militant warriors of Islamic fundamentalism, uniting Arab and Islamic people's emotions against America and western countries. There are some reasons that we need to focus on the Arab and Islamic fundamentalism. We need to get out of misunderstanding and discrimination about Islamic religion and culture from America's and Western' standard Which are only their new world order. The discrimination of America and western nations against muslim could make other ideologies, opposite to the world peace. There are a lot of foreign workers from Islam countries in Korea. We need to give consideration and attention to them for the our globalization and world peace. It is time to consider what to do for the nation's profit(economical, political, strategic)with right understanding. We are not safe and free from the terrorism yet.

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A Survey of Role Perception and Function Performance Related to Public Health Service among the Medical Staff in a National Hospital (일개 공공병원 종사자의 공공보건의료에 대한 인식과 기능수행에 대한 조사연구)

  • Cho, Young-Hye;Lee, Sang-Yeoup;Jeong, Dong-Wook;Choi, Eun-Jung;Kim, Yun-Jin;Lee, Jeong-Gyu;Go, Yu-Young;Lee, Yu-Hyone;Bae, Mi-Jin;Kim, Chang-Hoon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: While there have recently been efforts to improve public health service at a governmental level, there is actually insufficient research on awareness of the roles related to public health service among hospital employees. This study examined role perception and function performance related to public health service among the medical staff in a national hospital. Methods: 15% were randomly sampled from each type of occupation among the medical staff in a national university hospital, a survey was conducted in 323 persons, and there were a total of 265 participants (80.2%): 103 doctors(38.9%), 98 nurses (37.0%), and 64 others (24.1%). Results: The hospital employees had insufficient awareness of their roles as public health service providers in terms of six required items for public health service: 1) services for supporting establishment, implementation, and assessment of public health service policies, 2) participation in the health service activities and support services by central or local governments, 3) technological support and educational services for private health service institutions, 4) health service for unprivileged brackets, 5) health service that requires association with other areas dealing with geriatric, disabled, and mentally-disordered people, and 6) health service for children and mothers. Conclusions: In general, since the hospital employees had insufficient awareness of their roles and responsibilities as public health service providers, it is necessary to secure manpower exclusively in charge of public health service and provide education about strategic public health service.

Field Assessment of Sanitation Management for School Foodservice Suppliers in the Seoul Area (서울지역 학교급식 식재료 납품업체 위생관리 실태 평가)

  • Lee, Kyung-Mi;Ryu, Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.650-663
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the sanitation management items of school foodservice suppliers that require improvement, by assessing their sanitation practices with food commodities. Our field assessment was performed using a total of 20 vendors supplying agricultural products, meat products, seafoods and processed products; all were located in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas. The assessment tool for sanitation management was composed of 93 checklist items and was used to evaluate seven different categories; the facility and environment, management of the facility and equipment, food materials management, process control, water management, personal hygiene management, and laboratory instrument management. A score of two was given for "satisfactory", one for "fair", and zero for "unsatisfactory". The overall average supplier score was 1.7/2.0 (85.8%). The score of the seafood vendors was highest at 1.9 (95.4%), while the lowest score of 1.3 (65.7%) occurred with the processed product suppliers. Among the sanitation management categories, water management was scored at 2.0, while inspection management was lowest at 1.4. The subcategories indicating needed improvements for the processed product suppliers were raw materials, storage, transport and recall. For the agricultural product suppliers it was preparation management. furthermore, one item within the laboratory instrument management category was unsatisfactory for both the agricultural and processed product suppliers. In conclusion, these results can be used to develop sanitation management procedures for suppliers, as well as by administration agencies to evaluate and guide those suppliers.

A Case Study on Implementation of a School-Based Tooth Brushing Program in Gangneung City, Korea (강릉시 일부 초등학교 양치교실 운영 사례 보고)

  • Shin, Sun-Jung;Shin, Bo-Mi;Bae, Soo-Myoung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.518-527
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    • 2013
  • In 2011, South Korea's Ministry of Health and Welfare started a national tooth brushing room program without a pilot project. This study aimed to assess the effect of the implementation of this program in Gangneung, Korea. One-year outcomes of oral health behavior and self-reported oral symptoms in the study group after installation of the tooth brushing room were evaluated and compared with those of the control group using chi-square test. The prevalence rate of good self-rated oral health in grade 1-3 students increased from 35.7% immediately after installation to 48.9% after 6 months (p=0.031) compared to 37.3% in the control group (p=0.051). Immediately after installation of the tooth brushing room, 53.5% of grade 1-3 students in the study group brushed their teeth every day, but after 6 months, only 35.5% of students brushed daily (p<0.001) compared to 28.6% in the control group (p=0.007). The prevalence rate of bad breath in grade 1-3 students was 26.2% for the study group immediately after installation compared to 25.5% in the control group (p=0.065), but it declined 16.5% after 6 months (p=0.055). The prevalence rate of bad breath in grade 4~6 students was 14.7% for the study group after 6 months compared to 25.3% in the control group (p=0.016). We recommend the creation of a healthy school environment through a school-based tooth brushing program under the active supervision of classroom teachers and the continuous monitoring of program processes in order to promote children's oral health.

The Key Success Factors of University Entrepreneurship Education: Implication from USA University Cases (대학 창업교육 핵심 성공요인: 미국 대학 사례의 시사점)

  • Choi, Jong-In;Park, Chygwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2013
  • Entrepreneurship courses and programs in Korean universities tend to increase steadily but seem to have some limitations. They are usually recognized as another domain of Business Administration. Entrepreneurship program is practical like Business Administration but should be much more interdisciplinary than that. Because Korean Entrepreneurship programs are in the early stage, they must be reinforced with factors such as education culture, faculties, curriculum and relationships with communities. This study aims to get some implications from Entrepreneurship programs have been run by universities in America in order to facilitate Entrepreneurship program in Korean universities. Based on 11 success factors found by our case universities' Entrepreneurship programs and Kauffman Campus, this study has drawn implications of critical success factors of Entrepreneurship programs as follow. First of all, because Entrepreneurship programs should focus on Entrepreneurship mind sets such as innovative idea generation and courage to overcome risk, it is more desirable that Entrepreneurship programs are introduced in all departments of universities such as Arts, Science and Engineering. These programs also need to take interdisciplinary approach and required to be opened from liberal arts course. In order to be sustained during all their academic careers, vision, mission and strategy for Entrepreneurship programs should be based on strong leadership and support of top leaders. Entrepreneurship culture of each university is also one of the most important success factors. Entrepreneurship programs not only as major programs but also as specific Entrepreneurship minors designed for departments such as Arts, Science and Engineering could be considered according to each university's situation. This study also suggest to make a motivation system for Entrepreneurship faculties, Ph d. programs for Entrepreneurship, communication network for Entrepreneurship programs and mentor system in community. To begin Entrepreneurship programs, it also needs to develop good education contents as many as possible. When it concerned with teaching method, project based 4 year program can be suggested to be effective and efficient. To introduce project based program that should be consistent till participants' graduation, university must prepare regulations to support team teaching, mentor and interdisciplinary cooperation. To dissipate the concept that Entrepreneurship is another version of management, this study support the idea that Entrepreneurship programs should be designed and run by independent and central-focused governance system, Entrepreneurship education center.

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Effects of School Attendance Policy on Breakfast Eating, Sleep, and Physical Activity in Middle School Students (9시 등교정책이 중학생의 아침식사, 수면 및 신체활동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ha Na;Kim, Seong Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.11
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    • pp.1397-1407
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    • 2017
  • The aim of a school attendance policy (SAP) is to ensure breakfast time for school-aged adolescents. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of SAP on dietary behavior, particularly breakfast consumption, among adolescent middle school students (n=426) in the Ansan area of Gyeonggi-do. After implementation of the SAP, the response rates for eating breakfast every-day among boys (P>0.05) and girls (P<0.05) slightly increased by 44.6% and 35.8%, respectively, compared to before the SAP. Further, the degree of satisfaction with breakfast increased among both boys ('satisfied' and 'strongly satisfied'; 32.4% and 21.6%, respectively) (P<0.01) and girls ('satisfied' and 'strongly satisfied'; 32.8% and 14.2%, respectively) (P<0.001) compared to before the SAP. Moreover, boys (56.8%) and girls (53.9%) were aware that the SAP increased breakfast-eating frequency. Increases in deep sleep as a result of the SAP were high in both boys (39.2%) and girls (47.1%), and sleeping hours among boys (P<0.05) and girls (P<0.01) increased compared to before the SAP. The respondents were aware of the positive effects on physical function such as reduction of physical fatigue (boys 40.1%, girls 38.2%) and improvement of physical health (boys 36.5%, girls 32.8%). Thus, systematic and sustained political support at the national level is required to encourage healthy breakfast eating and physical activity in middle school students.

The Development and Features of Discussion about Community Design (커뮤니티디자인의 전개와 논의의 특징)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Reigh, Young-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2012
  • This study was prompted by the recognition that the tenn "Community design" has recently been used in diverse practical fields without prior discussion about its underpinnings, a potentially problematic state of affairs. Based on these problems, this study studied the special quality about the concept of community design. Community design can be discussed from two perspectives. The first views community design as a design that concerns the community, an inhabited area populated with people who have common interests, at least in part because of geographic proximity to each other. The second sees community design as a movement that started in the 1960s and places a great importance on democratic decision making, communication, and collaboration. This study will focus on the latter. This branch of community design encompasses an advocacy planning approach, in which design professionals represent deprived communities in their resistance against comprehensive redevelopment. This was associated to the wider social protest movements of the mid and late 1960s. In the 1970s, this branch of community design was developed alongside community design centers, which provided local-level technical assistance to the communities on a number of issues, such as design and planning. The discussion about community design started in earnest from the early 1980s. A review of the literature m community design reveals several characteristics. First, community design deals with the relationship between the physical environment and several aspects of a region, including the social and cultural. Second, it involves community participation, which many scholars believe is the core of community design. Specifically, community design has been characterized by increased participation and democratic debate and decision making. The Third is about communication methods. Since the 1960s, diverse methods had been developed to promote communication effectively. Finally, community design must consider the relationship between designers, who typically value aesthetics and efficiency of form, and the needs of the community with which they are working. Indeed, some scholars believe that this relationship is generally contentious, although the designer can also be thought of as the facilitator of the community's needs. As community design practice becomes more prevalent, a review of the foundation of institution and policy and the role of experts is also needed. The community design movement bas been theorized ex post facto through diverse discussion that has sought to ascribe meaning and direction to its practice. In other words, the relationship between this theory and practice is cyclical. Therefore, this study can contribute to the virtuous circle.