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An Animated Documentary Study of Korean Youth Culture and Identity (한국 청소년들의 온라인 게임문화와 정체성에 관한 애니메이션 다큐멘터리 연구)

  • Park, Man
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.45
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    • pp.397-415
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    • 2016
  • This paper will investigate how animated practice can be a research form as practice-led research in an ethnography approach. This practice-led research will explore the issue of the construction of contemporary identities (based on the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) and in particular, the Korean youth culture and identity, exemplified, for example, creation of 'avatars' in the virtual characters of animated online games such as Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games (MMORPGs). In this proposed discussion, I will argue that the sudden period of change in contemporary Korea bears some resemblance to the Victorian era as explored in gothic fiction (e.g. Jekyll and Hyde). In this sense, my animation investigates the connection between the fictional Jekyll and Hyde and a real murder incident by a young Korean boy, which actually happened on the 16th November 2010, in SouthKorea.I will, therefore, construct this practice-led research to obtain the primary data consisted of online and offline practices in 'social ethnography'. These practices engage with specific Korean youth identity, comparing the 'avatar' with the real lives of participants. However, this paper will only focus on the (ethnographic) research process and strategy, using animated (visual) practices, rather than giving the meaning of the specific case of 'Korean-ness'. Eventually, I will explore the four different animated representations as it presents the distinctive animated realties or documentaries by online and offline practices. My intention is to visually interpret the issue of 'Korean-ness' within its socio-cultural context, adapting the convention and code of Jekyll and Hyde concept into an animated documentary in the 'virtual' world (auto-animated documentary by recording avatar interviews and online game footages) and the 'real' world (self-created animated documentary, based on real people and events).

A Study on the storytelling strategy of Animation Studio using Mythology - Based on the comparative analysis of Disney and Dream Works (신화를 활용한 애니메이션 스튜디오의 스토리텔링 전략 -디즈니<미녀와 야수>와 드림웍스<슈렉>의 비교분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.25-52
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    • 2017
  • As the expansion of the cultural industry expands, various competitive structures are formed and the methodologies for producing commercial success are being discussed. Among them, Hollywood studios use political relationships and apply ideologies that can produce the best interests. Also, they use a structure that can convey this ideology, which is a mythology. The myth has satisfied the public for a ling time. Campbell suggested that strategies come from the myth, and the ideology emerged as a result of what mythology has to do with existing powers. Disney and Dream Works use the mythology and combine their own values into ideology. Disney and Dream Works choose conflicting ideologies in a different growth background. If Disney is recognized as an educational animation by the ruling class, Dream Works are supported by the public for their actions against Disney. Disney has conservative and patriotic personality, Dream Works is more liberal and progressive. Disney's structure came out first, and Dream Works parodied it. So we can compare Disney and Dream Works with similar myths to create a storytelling structure that embodies ideology. As a result, Disney and Dream Works have been choosing the 9 stages the key of Ideology form the 17 stages of the mythology and reduced them to the introduction, growth and completion. In the first units of the introduction, Disney dealt with the subject of social leaders who sacrificed to the ruling class and Dream Works hinted at the overthrow of the ruling class through the irony. If Disney had deployed colored races in the main characters, Dream Works used a variety of races from the main characters to others. In the second units of growth, Disney organized the process of accepting the value of the ruling class, and Dream Works showed the individual values, not the values of society. In the third units completion, Disney showed the main character who live in the world of the ruling class rebuilded, and Dream Works removed the ruling class and went back to the Individual life. Through the structure of Disney and DreamWorks, we learned how to utilize the mythical structures that transform according to ideologies. The right way to organize works will require the strategic approach to storytelling.

The Assessment for Nutrient Intakes of Korean Patients with Heart Failure (우리나라 일부 심부전 환자의 영양소 섭취량 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Ran;Kang, Bo-Rum;Chung, Hye-Kyung;Do, Hyun-Joo;Shim, Jee-Seon;Bae, Soon-Hwa;Kang, Seok-Min;Shin, Min-Jeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.224-232
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    • 2010
  • The prevalence of heart failure (HF) is increasing globally and growing evidence has shown that dietary factors play an important role in preventing and improving prognosis of HF. However, little data on nutrient intake in Korean HF patients which are available to develop dietary guidelines for HF. The aims of this study were to estimate nutrient intake in 78 HF patients and evaluate whether the estimated nutrient intake is appropriate compared to dietary reference intake for Koreans. Data are presented as the ratio of actual intake and estimated average requirement (EAR) for each nutrient. The result showed that the average nutrient intakes including total energy and protein met EAR in total patients. However, the deficiencies in mineral and vitamin intakes were found. Moreover, the proportion of subjects with lower intake than EAR was substantial. The results showed that the proportion of male HF patients with inferior intakes to EAR in calcium, potassium (compared to adequate intake: AI), folate and vitamin $B_{12}$ were 38%, 79%, 38%, and 65%, respectively. Also, the proportion of female HF patients with inferior intakes to EAR in calcium, potassium (compared to AI), folate and vitamin $B_{12}$ were 35%, 88%, 38% and 40%, respectively. In particular, the elderly with HF ($\geq$ 70 yrs, n = 28) showed more serious deficiencies in calcium, potassium (compared to AI), folate and vitamin $B_{12}$. In summary, the intakes of potassium, calcium, folate, and vitamin B12 were not sufficient to meet EAR in HF patients. Furthermore, the proportions of subjects with lower intake than EAR in these nutrients were substantial, raising the possibility that these micronutrients may be involved in the pathogenesis of HF. Practical dietary guideline for HF patients is needed to improve prognosis of HF.

The Effects of a Nutrition and Body Shape Education Program as Part of Health Promoting Projects in an Elementary School (초등학교 건강한 학교 만들기 사업에서 수행한 영양 및 신체상 교육 프로그램의 효과)

  • Shim, Eu-Gene;Kim, Jin-Soon;Ji, Se-Min;Sohn, Tae-Yong;Hwang, Jin-Ah;Chung, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.382-394
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a nutrition education program as part of health promoting projects in an elementary school. A total of 168 students in the 4th grade were enrolled in the program for 6 months. A self-administered questionnaire was developed to assess nutrition knowledge and dietary habit. Nutrient intakes and body shape perceptions were measured using 24-hour recall method and self-ratings of body shape figures, respectively. The education program was conducted in various ways, focused on healthy dietary behavior, nutrients' roles and sources, and proper body shape perceptions, etc. After the education program, nutrition knowledge and dietary habit were significantly improved. Dietary habit scores were significantly and positively related to nutrition knowledge levels. Body shape perceptions were significantly and properly changed after the program. Dissatisfaction with perceived current body shape and discrepancy between shapes desired and considered healthy were significantly decreased. But girls still indicated a desire to be leaner than shapes which were perceived current and considered healthy. Nutrient intakes were partly improved by the program, but some nutrients, such as calcium, folate, zinc, sodium and niacin, were still remained deficient or excessive. These findings indicate that enhancement of nutrition knowledge is extended to the improvement of dietary habit. In addition, establishment of proper body shape perception is closely related to healthy dietary habits and is required to good nutrition and health.

A Study on the Guideline Amounts of Sugar, Sodium and Fats in Processed Foods Met to Children's Taste (어린이 기호식품의 당, 나트륨 및 지방류의 영양기준안 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Sun;Chang, Nam-Soo;Joung, Hyo-Jee;Cho, Sung-Hee;Park, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.561-572
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    • 2008
  • Currently, Korea is facing dramatic nutrition transition among children, which may increase risk of degenerative diseases due to excessive intakes of fats, sugars and sodium. Promotion of eating healthier foods among children is difficult because the present nutrition label is not easily understood. Therefore, to promote healthier foods this study was aimed at developing guidance of standard amounts of high, medium and low levels of sugars, sodium, fats and other components contained in foods or drinks that are promoted to or formulated for consumption by children. Multipronged approach was used to collecting information, including key word searches in Medline and other databases, internet searches, reports from world organization, and contact of key individuals who work in organizations. We reviewed dietary reference intakes for Koreans, nutrient reference values, nutrient content claims of nutrition labeling, guideline daily amounts of United Kingdom, dietary guidelines and consumption data of nutrients, and selected components for labeling. And we decided goals of guideline daily amounts for children and nutrient criteria to underpin the high, medium and low content of each component. Then we collected data on processed foods sold at 12 middle schools and 11 high schools in Seoul, and classified processed foods into food category. Sales per one student per day were in the order of snacks, breads, and non-carbonated drinks. One hundred forty five mostly consumed products were selected and classified into criteria of high, medium and low total fat or sodium. Eighty five(58.6%) were classified into high fat food and only 11(7.6%) into high sodium food, in case that the base is chosen per 100 g or 100 mL. In conclusion, the nutrient criteria and choice of 100 g base, which we suggest in this study, need to be tested by simulation with more processed foods and refined in view of the practical issues suggested by stakeholders in future.

Association between intake of antioxidant vitamins and metabolic syndrome risk among Korean adults (한국 성인의 항산화 비타민 섭취와 대사증후군 위험 간의 관련성)

  • Ahn, Seoeun;Jun, Shinyoung;Kang, Minji;Shin, Sangah;Wie, Gyung-Ah;Baik, Hyun Wook;Joung, Hyojee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.313-324
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between intake of antioxidant vitamins and prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) among Korean adults. Methods: A total of 614 subjects aged 30~60 years were recruited from those who received a medical checkup at a general hospital in South Korea between 2009 and 2012. Presence of MetS was determined based on criteria issued by the NCEP ATP III. Intakes of antioxidant vitamins (vitamin A, retinol, carotenoids, vitamin C, and vitamin E) were estimated by combining 3-day diet records with an antioxidant vitamin database for common Korean foods. We used multiple logistic regression analysis to assess the association between dietary intakes of antioxidant vitamins and MetS. Results: Men in the highest tertile for retinol (OR = 0.40, 95% CI = 0.23~0.71, P for trend = 0.0009), carotenoids (OR = 0.57, 95% CI = 0.32~1.00, P for trend = 0.0470), and vitamin E (OR = 0.52, 95% CI = 0.30~0.92, P for trend = 0.0190) intakes had a lower likelihood of having Mets than those in the lowest tertile. The OR of high fasting blood glucose among men in the highest tertile for vitamin A (${\mu}g$ RE: OR = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.32~0.97, P for trend = 0.0417, ${\mu}g$ RAE: OR = 0.52, 95% CI = 0.29~0.92, P for trend = 0.0211), carotenoids (OR = 0.41, 95% CI = 0.23~0.73, P for trend = 0.0036), and vitamin E (OR = 0.47, 95% CI = 0.26~0.82, P for trend = 0.0080) intakes was lower than those in the lowest tertile. In women, subjects in the highest tertile of retinol intakes had a lower prevalence of MetS than those in the lowest tertile group (OR = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.30~0.98). The OR for abdominal obesity was lower among women with the highest vitamin A (${\mu}g$ RE) intakes compared to those in the lowest tertile (OR = 0.51, 95% CI = 0.28~0.93, P for trend = 0.0293). Conclusion: These results suggest that dietary intakes of antioxidant vitamins might be associated with reduced risk of having MetS among Korean adults.

The immunogenicity and safety of three-component DTaP vaccine in Korean infants (우리나라 영아에서 3가 정제 백일해 항원 DTaP 백신의 면역원성 및 안전성)

  • Kang, Jin Han;Kim, Jong Hyun;Lee, Jung Hyun;Lee, Soo Young;Hong, Young Jin;Kim, Chang Hwi
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : We conducted the study to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of three component DTaP vaccine ($Infanrix^{(R)}$) in a group of Korean healthy infants on a three-dose primary vaccination. And we compared the immunogenicity of this DTaP vaccine with two component DTaP vaccine which has been widely used in Korea. Methods : We enrolled one hundred fifty one healthy infants aged 8-9 weeks. These infants were vaccinated at age 2, 4 and 6 months of age with three component DTaP vaccine. Solicited adverse events were actively monitored for 72 hours following each vaccination, and all adverse events after each vaccination were observed for three weeks. Anti-diphtheria toxoid Ab., anti-tetanus toxoid Ab., anti-pertussis toxin Ab., anti-filamentous hemagglutinin Ab., and anti-pertactin Ab. were measured using ELISA for assessing immunogenicity of study vaccine in 60 infants. Immunogenicity analysis of two component DTaP vaccine was performed with same methods in 14 infants as control. Results : The seroconversion rates of anti-diphtheria toxoid Ab, anti-tetanus toxoid Ab. anti-filamentous hemagglutinin Ab. were 100% in both group. Seroconversion rate of anti-pertactin Ab in study group was 100%, but the rate in control group was 50%. However, geometric mean concentration of anti-pertussis toxin Ab. was higher in control group. Mild local and systemic reactions were observed within three days after vaccination, and no serious adverse events related study vaccine were happened during study period. Conclusion : Our study results suggest that three component DTaP vaccine ($Infanrix^{(R)}$) is a well-tolerable and high immunogenic vaccine, especially anti-Pertactin Ab. of the study vaccine is very immunogenic. It can be available as routine DTaP vaccination in our infants.

Clinical significance of serum vascular endothelial growth factor in Kawasaki disease (가와사끼병에서 혈청 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor의 임상적 의의)

  • Lee, Ho Seok;Yun, Sin Weon;Jung, Young Soo;Chae, Soo Ahn;Lim, In Seok;Lee, Dong Keun;Choi, Eung Sang;Yoo, Byung Hoon;Lee, Mi Kyung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.10
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    • pp.995-1004
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Kawasaki disease is a systemic vasculitis, leading cause of pediatric acquired heart disease. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has functions as vascular permeability factor, plays an important role in coronary artery lesion (CAL). We studied the clinical significance of serum VEGF in Kawasaki disease. Methods : Kawasaki group was 49 patients, and control group was 15 patients. Diagnosis followed AHA (American Heart Association) diagnostic criteria, with blood sampling in acute, subacute, and convalescent phase. Echocardiographic abnormalities were defined and the definition of intravenous gamma globulin (IVGG)-responsive and IVGG-resistant was determined. Results : Serum VEGF of Kawasaki group was significantly higher than of control group. Comparison of serum VEGF between CAL and non-CAL group, between carditis group and non-carditis group showed no significant differences. Subacute serum VEGF was statistically higher in IVGG-resistant group than in IVGG-responsive group, and serum VEGF of IVGG-resistant group in subacute phase was statistically higher than in the other phases. Serum VEGF of convalescent CAL and non-CAL group in acute and subacute phase had meaningful differences. Total fever duration and subacute serum VEGF had positive correlation. Acute serum VEGF had positive correlation with ESR and CRP, all phases serum VEGF had also positive correlation with WBC. Acute and subacute serum VEGF had negative correlations with hemoglobin and albumin. Conclusion : Serum VEGF can help to determine the severity of Kawasaki disease, especially subacute serum VEGF seems to be used as a prognostic factor of coronary complication. Afterward, further studies needed with more strict diagnostic criteria and more study groups.

Pressor Action of Intracerebroventricular Nicotine and Muscarine in the Rabbit (가토 측뇌실내 Nicotine 및 Muscarine의 혈압상승작용에 관하여)

  • Lee, Choong-Kyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 1991
  • When administered intracerebroventricularly (icv), cholinergic nicotinic agents, nicotine and DMPP, as well as cholinergic muscarinic agents, muscarine and bethanechol, produced pressor responses in urethane-anesthetized vagotomized rabbits. The response patterns to nicotine and to DMPP were similar, while the bethanechol response resembled the muscarine pattern. The pressor response to nicotine and DMPP was markedly inhibited by icv mecamylamine but not by icv pirenzepine, whereas the response to muscarine and bethanechol was inhibited by icv pirenzepine but not by icv mecamylamine, suggesting that both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors in the brain are involved in the action. Intravenous pretreatments of animals with regitine, reserpine, enalapril, saralasin, both regitine and enalapril, both regitine and saralasin, SK&F-100273 did not prevent the pressor response to nicotine and muscarine. Iv pretreatments with both regitine and SK&F-100273 inhibited the nicotine response without affecting the muscarine response, whereas pretreatments with three agents, regitine, enalapril and SK&F-100273, inhibited the muscarine response. The nicotine-induced elevated blood pressure as well as the muscarine-induced were lowered by regitine but not by enalapril or by SK&F-100273. Enalapril was without effect on the nicotine hypertension in rabbits treated with regitine or both regitine and SK&F-100273, whereas SK&F-100273 lowered the nicotine hypertension in regitine-treated animals. Enalapril did not enhance the lowering effect of SK&F-100273 in regitine-treated ones, nor did it cause a fall of the muscarine hypertension induced in regitine-treated rabbits, but it did lower the blood pressure in animals treated with both regitine and SK&F-100273. Likewise, SK&F-100273 did not cause a fall of the muscarine hypertension induced in regitine-treated rabbits, but it did lower the blood pressure in animals treated with both regitine and enalapril. These data suggest that the nicotine-induced hypertensive state is related to at least two systems in the periphery-sympathetic and vasopressin, whereas in the muscarine-induced hypertensive state three systems in the periphery are involved, i.e., the sympathetic, vasopressin and angiotensin system. The hypotensive effect of regitine on basal arterial blood pressure levels of rabbits was not influenced by pretreatment with either of enalapril or SK&F-100273, but significantly potentiated by treating with both enalapril and SK&F-100273, suggesting participation of the sympathetic and the renin-angiotensin system as well as the vasopressin system in maintenance of arterial blood pressure.

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Limitation of Nitrogen ion Implantation and Ionplating Techniques Applied for Improvement of Wear Resistance of Metallic Implant Materials (금속 임플란트 소재의 내마모성 향상을 위하여 적용되는 질소 이온주입 및 이온도금법의 한계)

  • 김철생
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2004
  • Nitrogen ion implantation and ion plating techniques were applied for improvement of the wear resistance of metallic implant materials. In this work, the wear dissolution behaviour of a nitrogen ion implanted super stainless steel (S.S.S, 22Cr-20Ni-6Mo-0.25N) was compared with those of S.S.S, 316L SS and TiN coated 316L SS. The amounts of Cr and Ni ions worn-out from the specimens were Investigated using an electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Furthermore, the Ti(Grade 2) disks were coated with TiN, ZrN and TiCN by use of low temperature arc vapor deposition and the wear resistance of the coating layers was compared with that of titanium. The chemical compositions of the nitrogen ion implanted and nitride coated layers were examined with a scanting auger electron spectroscopy. It wat observed that the metal ions released from the nitrogen ion implanted S.S.S surface were significantly reduced. From the results obtained, it was shown that the nitrogen ion implanted zone obtained with 100 KeV ion energy was easily removed within 200,000 revolutions from a wear dissolution testing under a similar load condition when applied to artificial hip joint. The remarkable improvement in wear resistance weir confirmed by the nitrides coated Ti materials and the wear properties differ greatly according to the chemical composition of the coating layers. for specimens with the same coating thickness of about 3$\mu\textrm{m}$, TiCN coated Ti showed the highest wear resistance. However, after removing the coating layers, the wear rates of all nitrides coated Ti reverted to their normal rates of below 10,000 revolutions from Ti-disk-on-disk wear testing under the same load condition. From the results obtained, it is suggested that the insufficient depth of the 100 Kel N$\^$+/ ion implanted zone and of the nitrides coated layers of 3$\mu\textrm{m}$ are subject to restriction when used as frictional parts of load bearing implants.