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A Study on Particulate Matter Formed from Plasma Decomposition of SF6 (SF6의 플라즈마 분해로부터 생성된 입자상 물질에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Woo;Kim, Jong-Bum;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Kim, Rae-Hyeong;Ryu, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.326-332
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    • 2017
  • SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride) gas has an extremely high global warming potential (GWP). Therefore, there has been an effort to reduce of SF6 its emission into atmosphere. In this study, SF6 was injected into the plasma reactor directly, decomposed particulate matter of SF6 was analyzed. Destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of SF6 were tested with varying degrees of plasma power and initial concentrations of SF6 (1,000 ppm). This study is conducted with plasma power which are 4.4 kW, 5.5 kW, 6.0 kW, 6.6 kW, 7.6 kW, 8.1 kW and 9.1 kW. It was confirmed through experiment that the decomposition efficiency of SF6 is 100% at 7.6 kW of the plasma power. In addition, the particulate matter is formed as minute particles of which size is 1μm and the main component of particulate matter is identified as AlF3.

Detection of major genotypes combination by genotype matrix mapping (유전자 행렬 맵핑을 활용한 우수 유전자형 조합 선별)

  • Lee, Jea-Young;Lee, Jong-Hyeong;Lee, Yong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.387-395
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    • 2010
  • It is important to identify the interaction of genes about human disease and characteristic value. Many studies as like logistic analysis, have associated being pursued, but, previous methods did not consider the sub-group of the genotypes. So, QTL interactions and the GMM (genotype matrix mapping) have been developed. In this study, we detect the superior genotype combination to have an impact on economic traits of Korean cattle based on the study over GMM method. Thus, we identified interaction effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) responsible for average daily gain(ADG), marbling score (MS), carcass cold weight (CWT), longissimus muscle dorsiarea (LMA) using GMM method. In addition, we examine significance of the major genotype combination selected by implementing permutation test of the F-measure which was not obtained by Sachiko et al.

A taxonomic review of Korean Asparagales and Liliales (Liliopsida) (한국산 비짜루목 및 백합목(백합강)에 대한 분류학적 재검토)

  • Jang, Chang-Gee;Pfosser, Martin F.
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.449-465
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    • 2002
  • A systematic review for Korean Liliopsida was carried out with rbcL and atpB sequence data. Congruent phylogenetic trees were obtained from two different data sets. Korean Liliopsida consists of the three orders, Asparagales, Liliales, and Dioscoreales sensu Dahlgren et al. Members of Dioscoreales were used as an outgroup for inferring relationships among Asparagales and Liliales in the molecular studies. Iridaceae showed close relationship to Asparagales both in the rbcL and atpB sequence trees rather than to Liliales. Family Nartheciaceae (previously included within Melanthiaceae s. lat.) appeared as a paraphyletic assemblage basal within Liliales, but did not show relationships to other orders. Genera of Ruscaceae (previously Convallariaceae) like Disporum, Clintonia, and Streptopus had to be transferred to Colchicaceae, Liliaceae, and Calochortaceae, respectively. A revised list of families for Korean members of Liliopsida is suggested.

On Reliability and Comparison of JRice-Resistance considering Optimal Strength Ratio and Jδ-Resistance Curves converted from CTOD using Appropriate Strength chosen according to Strain Hardening Level (강도비를 적용한 Rice-저항곡선과 변형경화를 고려한 Jδ-저항곡선과의 비교)

  • 장석기
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2002
  • The comparison of JRice-resistance considering a few strength ratio in Rice J-integral formula and Jδ-resistance curves converted from experimental CTOD using appropriate strength chosen according to strain hardening level, n=10.6 (A533B steel) and n=8.1 (BS4360 steel) is carried out. The optimal dimensionless strength ratio like the factor of revision, (see full text)reflecting strain hardening level in Rice\`s experimental formula is found out and the reliability of appropriate reference strength chosen according to strain hardening level in different materials is investigated through doing that CTOD is transformed from Jδ-integral using relationship between J-integral and CTOD. The results are as follows; 1) The optimal factor of revision is when m equals to 3 in (see full text) for Rice's and the above optimal factor of revision multiplies by coefficient, η in Rice's experimental formula instead of n=2, 2) and the pertinent reference strength for high strain hardening material like BS4360 steel is ultimate strength, σu and for material like A533B steel is ultimate-flow strength, σuf. The incompatible of the behavior of both experimental J-resistance curves using Rice's formula and CTOD-resistance curves for A533B and BS4360 steel by Gordon, et al., could be corrected using the optimal factor of revision in Rice\`s and the pertinent reference strength in J=mj×σi×CTOD.

Electrical and Structural characteristics of ITO thin films deposited under different ambient gases (분위기 가스에 따른 ITO 박막의 전기적 및 구조적 특성)

  • Heo, Ju-Hee;Han, Dae-Sub;Lee, Yu-Lim;Lee, Kyu-Mann;Kim, In-Woo
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2008
  • ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) thin films have been extensively studied for OLED devices because they have high transparent properties in the visible wavelength and a low electrical resistivity. These ITO films are deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering under different ambient gases (Ar, Ar+O2 and Ar+H2) at 300C. In order to investigate the influences of the oxygen and hydrogen, the flow rate of oxygen and hydrogen in argon has been changed from 0.5sccm to 5sccm and from 0.01sccm to 0.25sccm respectively. The resistivity of ITO film increased with increasing flow rate of O2 under Ar+O2 while it is nearly constant under Ar+H2. And the peak of ITO films obtained (222) and (400) orientations and the average transmittance was over 80% in the visible range. The OLED device fabricated with different ITO substrates made by configuration of ITO/α-NPD/Alq3/LiF/Al to elucidate the performance of ITO substrate for OLED device.

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Blue Emitting Cationic Iridium Complexes Containing Two Substituted 2-Phenylpyridine and One 2,2'-Biimidazole for Solution-Processed Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)

  • Yun, Seong-Jae;Seo, Hoe-Joo;Song, Myungkwan;Jin, Sung-Ho;Kim, Young Inn
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.3645-3650
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    • 2012
  • Two new blue emitting cationic iridium(III) complexes with two substituted 2-phenlypyridine ligands as main ligands and one 2,2'-biimidazole as an ancillary ligand, [(L1)2Ir(biim)]Cl (1) and [(L2)2Ir(biim)]Cl (2), where L1 = 2-(2',4'-difluorophenyl)-4-methylpyridine, L2 = 2-(2',4'-difluoro-3'-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-methylpyridine and biim = 2,2'-biimidazole, were synthesized for applications in phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PhOLEDs). Their photophysical, electrochemical and electroluminescent (EL) device performances were examined. The photoluminescent (PL) spectra revealed blue phosphorescence in the 450 to 485 nm range with a quantum yield of more than 10%. The iridium(III) compounds studied showed good solubility in organic solvents with no solvatochromism dependent on the solvent polarity. The solution-processed OLEDs were prepared with the configuration, ITO/PEDOT:PSS (40 nm)/mCP:Ir(III) (70 nm)/OXD-7 (20 nm)/LiF (1 nm)/Al (100 nm), by spin coating the emitting layer containing the mCP host doped with the iridium phosphors. The best performance of the fabricated OLEDs based on compound 1 showed an external quantum efficiency of 4.5%, luminance efficiency of 8.52 cd A1 and blue emission with the CIE coordinates (x,y) of (0.16, 0.33).

Determinants of Smoking-Cessation Behaviors in Female University Students (여대생의 금연행위에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜원
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.48-60
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    • 1999
  • This study was done to determine the factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior in female university students. A total of 534 students participated in this cross sectional study by answering a questionnaire. The data collection was done between September 1 and October 31, 1997 The measurement tools used in this study were the self help change process scale (Cronbach's alpha=.9930 : developed by Oh & Kim, 1996) for smoking-cessation behaviors, the self efficacy scale(Cronbach's alpha=.8250 : developed by Sherer et al, 1982), the sex role acceptance scale (KR-20=.7757 : developed by Kim, 1991) and the social support scale(Cronbach's alpha=.9172 : developed by Park, 1985). The summarized results are follows : 1. The mean scores for smoking-cessation behaviors in smokers (N=150) was 91.72 that was considered a middle score compared to the total possible score of measurement tool (150.0). The mean score for smoking-cessation behaviors by smoking-cessation step showed significant different between the groups(F=11.71, p=.000). 2. The group with no experience in smoking(N=332) showed a high general self efficacy score (t=5.24, p=.000), and more openness to sex role acceptance(t=-2.15, p=.032) compared to the group with smoking experience (N=202). 3. General self efficacy, sex role acceptance, and social support were not different significantly between the groups according to the steps in smoking-cessation. 4. Significant factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior (total, sub concepts) were religion, sex role acceptance, social support, smoking duration, smoking attitude, time of smoking onset, amount of smoking, drinking, and perception of health status. 5. Smoking-cessation behaviors which explained 11% of the variance were smoking attitude, and smoking duration. In conclusion, this study identified factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior. Thereby it will help in the development of smoking-cessation intervention strategies. For future research, exploration other determinants of smoking cessation behaviors, evaluation of intervention efficiency, and comparative study by gender characteristics are needed.

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Micro Heater Characteristics of Pt-Co Alloy Thin Films (Pt-Co 합금박막의 미세발열체 특성)

  • Seo, J.H.;Hong, S.W.;Noh, S.S.;Che, W.S.;Chio, Y.K.;Chung, G.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07g
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    • pp.2544-2546
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    • 1998
  • The electrical and physical charateristics of Pt-Co alloy thin films on Al2O3 substrate, deposited by r.f cosputtering respectively, were analyzed with thickness of thin films (170010000\AA) and increasing annealing temperature (8001000C). At input power of Pt : 4.4 W/cm2, Co : 6.91 W/cm2, working vacuum of 10 mTorr and annealing conditions of 1000C) and 60 min, the resistivity and sheet resistivity of Pt-Co thin films with thickness of 3000\AA was 15μΩcm and 0.5 Ω/, respectively. The TCR value of Pt-Co alloy thin films was measured with various thickness of thin films and annealing conditions. The optimum TCR value of 3850 ppm/C in temperature range(200400C) is gained under conditions 3000\AA of thin films thickness and 1000C of annealing temperature. The thermal charateristics of Pt-Co micro heaters were analysed with Pt-Co RTD integrated on the same substrate. In the analysis of characteristics of Pt-Co micro heaters, the Pt-Co micro heaters with thickness of 3000\AA and annealing temperature of 1000C had a good linearity and temperature is up to 468.2C with 2.1 watts of the heating power.

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  • Park T. W.
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1979
  • The utilization of x-ray for diagnosis and examination is increasing by about 5-15% every year, therefore, it would be mandatory to protect the patients from exposures and so, studies in this field are performed even now. In dental field, the area of irradiation is limited any to the head and neck area, but the irradiated angle is varied following the objected tooth, so the adjacent structures lens and thyroid gland would be fragile to radiation. And the scattered radiation is one of the complicated problems in the protection because of specificity of dental x-ray and its object structures. The author, by using TLD (Thermo luminescent Dosimeter; Teledyne Isotopes-Model 7300, Element; TLD 200(CaF₂:Dy) and Capintec(Capintec Model 192, PM-30 Diagnostic chamber 28㎖ active volume), tried a measurement of air dose distribution of the scattered radiation and the irradiated dose of lens and thyroid gland under the condition of taking the film on the left maxillary molar. The results were as follows: 1. The half value layer of adapted dental x-ray machine was measured, and is 1.44㎜ Al. 2. The time of irradiation on the left maxillary molar in the Alderson Rando Phantom, the measured doses of left and right lens, and thyroid gland were 8,9mR, 1,2mR and 2,8mR. Under the same conditions, the scattered radiation at the distance of 1 meter from the phantom were 84 μR at the front side, 11μR at the back side, 18μR at the right side and 72μR at the left side. 3. Under the same conditions, the dose showed higher value by about 5% in the presence of object(phantom) than in the case of absence.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.585-586
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    • 2015
  • 4U 1323-62, a low mass X-ray binary with an orbital period of 2.94 hr, exhibits periodic X-ray dips, which are due to absorption by the bulge of the outer accretion disk. The purpose of this study is to search for orbital period changes using archived X-ray data over a time span of 20 years. We present our preliminary results from analyzing light curves observed by RXTE, BeppoSAX, XMM-Newton and Suzaku. We used the method proposed by Hu et al. (2008) to estimate dip center time and adopted the Observed - Calculated method to measure changes in period. We obtained an orbital period of 2.941917(36) hr and a period derivative of ˙Porb/Porb=(9.9±3.5)×107yr1. The F-test result shows that the quadratic ephemeris is describes the evolution of the dip phases better than the linear ephemeris at a greater than 95% confidence level. More X-ray data collected from the early 80s will be included to further refine the orbital ephemeris.