• Title/Summary/Keyword: $\omega$-distance

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Characteristics of Dual Transverse Injection in Supersonic Flow Fields II-Combustion Characteristics (초음속 유동장 내 이중 수직분사의 특성에 관한 연구 II-연소특성)

  • Shin, Hun-Bum;Lee, Sang-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2002
  • Combustion characteristics of dual transverse injection of hydrogen in supersonic air flows were studied using computational methods. Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes with a non-equilibrium chemical reaction model and the k-$\omega$ SST turbulence model were used. A parametric study was conducted with the variation of the distance between two injectors. Combustion characteristics of dual injection are very different from those of single injection. The combustion characteristics of two injection flows are very different from each other, and the ignition and combustion characteristics of the rear injection flow are strongly influenced by those of the front injection flow. The increase of the distance between two injectors up to a specific distance results in the increase of burning rate. However, the increase of the distance over the specific distance gives no increase of burning rate but makes more losses of stagnation pressure. From the results it can be stated that there exists a distance between two injectors for optimum combustion characteristics.

Characteristics of Dual Transverse Injection in Supersonic Flow Fields I-Mixing Characteristics (초음속 유동장 내 이중 수직분사의 특성에 관한 연구 I-혼합특성)

  • Shin, Hun-Bum;Lee, Sang-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2002
  • Based on the analyses of the single transverse injection in supersonic flow fields, the mixing characteristics of dual transverse injection of hydrogen in supersonic air flow are studied with computational methods. Three-dimensional Navier -Stokes and the k-$\omega$ SST turbulence model were used. A parametric study is conducted with the variation of the distance between two injectors. The flow patterns and the mixing characteristics of two injection flows are very different from each other, and the flow patterns and the mixing characteristics of the rear injection flow are strongly influenced by those of the first injection flow. The increase of the distance between two injectors up to a specific distance results in the increase of mixing rate and penetration of fuel. However, the increase of the distance over the specific distance results in the decrease of mixing rate and penetration of fuel. From the results it can be stated that there exists a distance between two injectors for optimum mixing characteristics.

A Study on Volume of Difference of Two Joint pdf′s, Focused on the Relation to Normal Theory LR Tests

  • Lee, Kwangjin
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.749-764
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    • 2003
  • In this paper we explain that normal theory likelihood-ratio tests(z, t, $x^2$. F) for mean(s) or variance(s) can be geometrically related to volume of difference of two joint pdf's. One is an estimated joint pdf under null parameter space $\omega$ and the other is an estimated joint pdf under full parameter space $\Omega$. For explanations, ‘distance between two distributions’ is defined. We study properties of it, and derive some results on the distance between two multivariate normal distributions.

A Study on V-I characteristics depend on a distance between semiconductor-semiconductor (반도체-반도체 사이의 거리 변화에 따른 전압-전류 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Cheon, Min-U;Park, Yong-Pil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.52-56
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    • 2004
  • The movement of electron in the semiconductor-gap-semiconductor was observed by the variation of V-I characteristic as a distance two ZnO(1010) single crystals. When the resistance between two crystals was $10^2{\sim}10^4{\Omega}$, V-I characteristics had the pattern of the field emission or ohmic contact. On the other hand, when the resistance was larger than $10^7{\Omega}$ by increasing the distance between two crystals, the effect of surface barrier was prominent. This result leads to the conclusion that both the field emission (or ohmic contact) and the surface barrier effect including the tunneling have the influence on V-I characteristics of mechanically contacted crystals.

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Numerical Study on $\kappa-\omega$ Turbulence Models for Supersonic Impinging Jet Flow Field (초음속 충돌 제트 유동에 대한 $\kappa-\omega$ 난류모델의 적용)

  • Kim E.;Park S. H.;Kwon J. H.;Kim S. I.;Park S. O.;Lee K. S.;Hong S. K.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2004
  • A numerical study of underexpanded jet and impingement on a wall mounted at various distances from the nozzle exit is presented. The 3-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and $\kappa-\omega$ turbulence equations are solved. The grids are constructed as overlapped grid systems to examine the distance effect. The DADI method is applied to obtain steady-state solutions. To avoid numerical instability such as the carbuncle that sometimes accompany approximate Riemann solver, the HLLE+ scheme is employed for the inviscid flux at the cell interfaces. A goal of this work is to apply a number of two-equation turbulence models based on the $\omega$ equation to the impinging jet problem.

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A Study on the Optimal Magnet for ECR (ECR 용 최적 마그네트에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Y.T.;Kim, Y.J.;Kim, K.S.;Lee, Y.J.;Son, M.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1992.07b
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    • pp.649-652
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    • 1992
  • ECR(Electron Cyclotron Resonance) occure at ${\omega}_c$=${\omega}$, ${\omega}_c$:electron cycltron frequency, ${\omega}$:electromagnetic wave frequency. ECR system have several merit, 1) power transefer efficiency 2) low neutral gas pressure (below 1 mTorr) 3) high plasma density($10^{12}$ $cm^{-3}$). It is applicated variously in the field of semiconductor and new materials as the manufacturing equipment. Magnetic field in ECR system contruct resonance layer (${\omega}$=2.45GHz, $B_z$=875 Gauss) and control plasma. Plasma is almost generated at resonance layer. If the distance between substrate and resonance layer is short, uniformity of plasma is related with profile of resonance layer. Plasma have the property "Cold in Field", so directonality of magnetic field is one of the control factors of anisotropic etching. In this study, we calculate B field and flux line distribution, optimize geometry and submagnet current and improve of magnetic field directionality (99.9%) near substrate. For the purpose of calculation, vector potential A(r,z) and magnetic field B(r,z), green function and numerical integration is used. Object function for submagnet optimization is magnetic field directionality on the substrate and Powell method is used as optimization skim.

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  • Ahn Sang-Hyeon;Choi Yun-Hee;Kim Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2006
  • There are many astronomical records of comets in Korean history books. We collected those of the comet that appeared in the winter of the year 1664. These records were written in Daily Reports of the Royal Observatory on Astronomical Events (星變測候單子), Final Reports of the Royal Observatory on An Astronomical Events (天變謄錄), the Daily Records of the Royal Secretariat of the Joseon Dynasty (承政院日記), and the Chronicle of the Joseon Dynasty (朝鮮王朝實錄). We used the Olbers' method for determination of preliminary orbit of the comet, and compared the result with the previous researches. In the Oblers' method the orbit is assumed to be parabolic (e=1). We obtained the following orbital elements: perifocal distance q=1.07\pm0.008AU, perifocal passage time $T=2329165.50\pm0.72$ days, argument of the perifocus $\omega=318^{\circ}.2\pm2^{\circ}.29$, longitude of ascending node $\Omega=85^{\circ}.23\pm2^{\circ}53(J1665)$(J1665), inclination $i=160^{\circ}.28\pm1^{|circ}.56$.

Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Impinging Slot Jet (정상상태의 이차원 슬롯 충돌제트에 관한 수치 해석)

  • Park, Tae-Hyun;Choi, Hyoung-Gwon;Yoo, Jung-Yul
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.603-608
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    • 2000
  • The characteristics of laminar and turbulent slot impinging jet flows are examined using segregated FEM with SUPG. Turbulent flows are modeled using $Wilcox^{(1)}$ $k-\;{\omega}$ turbulence model. The results are validated by comparing with velocity field of the existing experimental data. The distance of the target plate from the nozzle varies between 2, 4 and 5 times the slot jet width. Present study shows that the $k-\;{\omega}$ model gives results which agree well with the existing experimental data. In turbulence flows, the velocity profile of present calculation is more accurate than the existing numerical calculations. In laminar flows, We found tertiary vortex which was not found in the previous numerical study by M. $chen^{(6)}$ et al due to the numerical difference.

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