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Repair bond strength of resin composite to three aged CAD/CAM blocks using different repair systems/
[Gul, Pinar;Altinok-Uygun, Latife;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
Evaluation of the repair capacities and color stabilities of a resin nanoceramic and hybrid CAD/CAM blocks/
[Bahadir, Hasibe Sevilay;Bayraktar, Yusuf;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
The effect of the improperly scanned scan body images on the accuracy of virtual implant positioning in computer-aided design software/
[Park, Se-Won;Choi, Yong-Do;Lee, Du-Hyeong;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
Effect of surface finishing treatments on the color stability of CAD/CAM materials/
[Ozen, Funda;Demirkol, Nermin;Oz, Ozge Parlar;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
The biocompatibility and mechanical properties of plasma sprayed zirconia coated abutment/
[Huang, Zhengfei;Wang, Zhifeng;Yin, Kaifeng;Li, Chuanhua;Guo, Meihua;Lan, Jing;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
Effect of repetitive firing on passive fit of metal substructure produced by the laser sintering in implant-supported fixed prosthesis/
[Altintas, Musa Aykut;Akin, Hakan;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
Comparison of three-dimensional digital technique with two-dimensional replica method for measuring marginal and internal fit of full coverage restorations/
[Hasanzade, Mahya;Koulivand, Soudabeh;Moslemian, Naeime;Alikhasi, Marzieh;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
Evaluation of corrosion resistance of Co-Cr alloys fabricated with different metal laser sintering systems/
[Tuna, Suleyman Hakan;Karaca, Erhan;Aslan, Ismail;Pekkan, Gurel;Pekmez, Nuran Ozcicek;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
Evaluation of marginal discrepancy in metal frameworks fabricated by sintering-based computer-aided manufacturing methods/
[Kaleli, Necati;Ural, Cagri;Us, Yesim Olcer;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020    
The effects of repetitive firing processes on the optical, thermal, and phase formation changes of zirconia/
[Ozdogan, Alper;Ozdemir, Hatice;] / The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / 2020