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Canola oil is an excellent vehicle for eliminating pesticide residues in aqueous ginseng extract/
[Cha, Kyu-Min;Lee, Eun-Sil;Kim, Il-Woung;Cho, Hyun-Ki;Ryu, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Si-Kwan;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
Total ginsenosides suppress monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats: involvement of nitric oxide and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways/
[Qin, Na;Yang, Wei;Feng, Dongxu;Wang, Xinwen;Qi, Muyao;Du, Tianxin;Sun, Hongzhi;Wu, Shufang;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
Proteomic analysis reveals that the protective effects of ginsenoside Rb1 are associated with the actin cytoskeleton in β-amyloid-treated neuronal cells/
[Hwang, Ji Yeon;Shim, Ji Seon;Song, Min-Young;Yim, Sung-Vin;Lee, Seung Eun;Park, Kang-Sik;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
Ginseng consumption and risk of cancer: A meta-analysis/
[Jin, Xin;Che, Dao-biao;Zhang, Zhen-hai;Yan, Hong-mei;Jia, Zeng-yong;Jia, Xiao-bin;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
A single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study on the efficacy and safety of "enzyme-treated red ginseng powder complex (BG11001)" for antiwrinkle and proelasticity in individuals with healthy skin/
[Park, Sang-Yong;Shin, Yu-Kyong;Kim, Hee-Taek;Kim, Yong Min;Lee, Don-Gil;Hwang, Eunson;Cho, Byung-Goo;Yin, Chang Shik;Kim, Ki-Young;Yi, Tae Hoo;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
Effects of Panax ginseng, zearalenol, and estradiol on sperm function/
[Gray, Sandra L.;Lackey, Brett R.;Boone, William R.;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
Complete 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectral assignment of five malonyl ginsenosides from the fresh flower buds of Panax ginseng/
[Wang, Yu-Shuai;Jin, Yin-Ping;Gao, Wei;Xiao, Sheng-Yuan;Zhang, Yu-Wei;Zheng, Pei-He;Wang, Jia;Liu, Jun-Xia;Sun, Cheng-He;Wang, Ying-Ping;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
Anti-inflammatory and antifatigue effect of Korean Red Ginseng in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease/
[Hong, Meegun;Lee, Yoon Hyeong;Kim, Seungwoo;Suk, Ki Tae;Bang, Chang Seok;Yoon, Jai Hoon;Baik, Gwang Ho;Kim, Dong Joon;Kim, Myong Jo;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
Antihypertensive effect of Korean Red Ginseng by enrichment of ginsenoside Rg3 and arginine-fructose/
[Lee, Kyung Hee;Bae, In Young;Park, Song I.;Park, Jong-Dae;Lee, Hyeon Gyu;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016    
Effect of Korean Red Ginseng extraction conditions on antioxidant activity, extraction yield, and ginsenoside Rg1 and phenolic content: optimization using response surface methodology/
[Lee, Jin Woo;Mo, Eun Jin;Choi, Ji Eun;Jo, Yang Hee;Jang, Hari;Jeong, Ji Yeon;Jin, Qinghao;Chung, Hee Nam;Hwang, Bang Yeon;Lee, Mi Kyeong;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2016