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Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea(대한화장품학회지)   DOI

Cited Journal Data Citing Journal Data
Indicators 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
① Docs. 47 49 43 53 41 40 41 40
② Docs. (2years) 84 91 96 92 96 94 81 81
③ Docs. (3years) 124 131 140 139 145 137 134 122
④ Docs. (5years) 204 211 220 223 236 233 226 218
⑤ Refs. 959 1038 941 1135 1022 968 806 999
⑥ Cited 0 1 3 4 1 2 1 2
⑦ Cited (2years) 41 33 18 19 38 36 23 21
⑧ Cited (3years) 49 39 35 24 46 44 40 40
⑨ Cited (5years) 61 57 64 32 61 47 72 102
⑩ Self Cited 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 0
⑪ Self Cited (2years) 19 12 6 5 14 10 3 9
⑫ Self Cited (3years) 18 14 9 7 16 11 4 17
⑬ Self Cited (5years) 20 16 14 9 18 12 10 43
ⓐ Impact Factor (2years) [⑦/②] 0.488 0.363 0.188 0.207 0.396 0.383 0.284 0.259
ⓑ Impact Factor (3years) [⑧/③] 0.395 0.298 0.25 0.173 0.317 0.321 0.299 0.328
ⓒ Impact Factor (5years) [⑨/④] 0.299 0.27 0.291 0.143 0.258 0.202 0.319 0.468
ⓓ Immediacy Index [⑥/①] 0 0.02 0.07 0.075 0.024 0.05 0.024 0.05
ⓔ ZIF (2years) [(⑦-⑪)/②] 0.321 0.231 0.125 0.152 0.25 0.277 0.247 0.148
ⓕ ZIF (3years) [(⑧-⑫)/③] 0.25 0.191 0.186 0.122 0.207 0.241 0.269 0.189
ⓖ ZIF (5years) [(⑨-⑬)/④] 0.201 0.194 0.227 0.103 0.182 0.15 0.274 0.271
ⓗ Self Citing Rate [⑩/⑤] 0 0.001 0 0.004 0 0.002 0 0
ⓘ Self Cited Rate [⑩/⑥] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

1. Docs.

2. Refs.

3. Cited.