Semiconductor manufacturing has been emerged as a highly competitive but profitable business. Accordingly it becomes very important for semiconductor manufacturing companies to meet customer demands at the right time, in order to keep the leading edge in the world market. However, due-date oriented production is very difficult task because of the complex job flows with highly resource conflicts in fabrication shop called FAB. Due to its cyclic manufacturing feature of products, to be completed, a semiconductor product is processed repeatedly as many times as the number of the product manufacturing cycles in FAB, and FAB processes of individual manufacturing cycles are composed with similar but not identical unit processes. In this paper, we propose a production scheduling and control scheme that is designed specifically for semiconductor scheduling environment (FAB). The proposed scheme consists of three modules: simulation module, cycle due-date estimation module, and dispatching module. The fundamental idea of the scheduler is to introduce the due-date for each cycle of job, with which the complex job flows in FAB can be controlled through a simple scheduling rule such as the minimum slack rule, such that the customer due-dates are maximally satisfied. Through detailed simulation, the performance of a cycle due-date based scheduler has been verified.