이 논문 또는 저서는 2022년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임 (NRF-2022S1A5A2A01046238)
- H.Y. Cha, "Formation novel and development ideology," Sanghur Hakbo, Vol. 12, pp. 129-130, Feb 2004.
- J.W. Kim, "Cultural Indentity of Korea Animation," Korean Society for Science of Art & Design, No. 7, p. 216, Jun 2005.
- J.H. Yoon, "The Propaganda Strategy and Its Meaning of The Anticommunist Animation in South Korea," The Learned Society of Korean Drama and Theatre, No. 46, p. 159, Dec 2014. DOI : 10.17938/tjkdat.2014..46.157
- H.S. Lee, "An analysis on the factor and types of plagiarism of Korean animation," Journal of Digital Convergence, Vol. 17, No. 9, p. 330, Sep 2019.
- M.K. Sung, "A Study on analysis of Korean animation : centering on image component part of animation," Sangmyung University, Department of Cartoon and Department, Mater thesis, p. 47, Feb 2005.
- J.Y. Kim, "Changes and Dilemmas in North Korean Animation : Between the propaganda and the market," Cartoon & Animation Studies, No. 55, p. 13, Jun 2019. DOI : 10.7230/KOSCAS.2019.55.001
- J.O. Hong, J.C. Moon, "A Study on the North Korea's First Animation Works," The Animation Socienty of Korea, Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 268, Sep 2016.
- J.Y. Kim, "Changes and Dilemmas in North Korean Animation : Between the propaganda and the market," Cartoon & Animation Studies, No. 55, p. 14, Jun 2019. DOI : 10.7230/KOSCAS.2019.55.001
- E.J. Kim, "Desire for a in Young Warriors of Koguryo, a North Korean Animation for Children," KOREA CHILDREN'S LITERATURE SOCIETY, No. 32, p. 109, Jun 2017. DOI : 10.24286/KJCLS.2017.06.32.103
- J.Y. Kim, "Changes and Dilemmas in North Korean Animation : Between the propaganda and the market," Cartoon & Animation Studies, No. 55, p. 14, Jun 2019. DOI : 10.7230/KOSCAS.2019.55.001
- J.O. Hong, J.C. Moon, "A Study on the North Korea's First Animation Works," The Animation Socienty of Korea, Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 274, Sep 2016.
- John B. Thompson, Ideology and Modern Culture, Stanford University Press, pp. 31-74, 1991.
- Han Zhe, "A Comparative Study of Korean-Chinese Animations Reproduced with Cold War Ideology - Focusing on Animation in the 1960s and 1970s-," Dongseo University, Department of Video Contents, PhD thesis, p. 21, Feb 2022.
- https://terms.naver.com
- Y.Y. Jang, "A Study for Expressing the Image of Anticommunistic Ideology Reflected in〈Ttori Jangun〉," The Korean Society of Cartoon and Animation Studies, No. 15, pp. 115-116, May 2009.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5QpWPoObAM
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX0iWICaT78 &list=PLjSOqYsgV4mpty4foVEdewlPhIq32RP6K
- J.H. Yoon, "The Propaganda Strategy and Its Meaning of The Anticommunist Animation in South Korea," The Learned Society of Korean Drama and Theatre, No. 46, p. 168, Dec 2014. DOI : 10.17938/tjkdat.2014..46.157