해양오염 위험지수와 방제능력을 고려한 방제선 재배치 전략에 관한 연구

A study on the relocation strategy of the control line considering the marine pollution risk index and control capacity

  • Song, Youn-Hee (Department of Business Administration, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee, Gi-Whan (Department of International Trade, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2022.04.06
  • 심사 : 2022.05.20
  • 발행 : 2022.05.28


해양 유류오염 및 유출량 증가에 따라 방제능력을 추가로 확보에는 많은 위험이 있다. 현재 해역에 배치된 방제선을 재배치하여 유휴능력을 개선하고 부족한 해역에 배치하고자 하고자 해양오염지수를 도출하고 해역별 해양오염지수 대비 방제능력을 비교하여 방제선 배치의 적절성을 검증하였다. 해양오염을 유발하는 항목에 대한 해역별 수치에 전문가 집단에서 도출한 가중치를 곱하여 해양유류 오염위험지수를 도출하였다. 해역별 해양오염 위험지수(F) 대비 방제능력(A)이 부족한 해역은 목포(F:13.4, A:1.9), 부산(F:14.3, A:6.4), 여수(F:21.5, A:16.6)이고, 여유있는 해역은 마산(F:5.9, A:13.3), 군산(F:1.7, A:8.3), 제주(F:2.7, A:6.9)이다. 따라서 해양오염 위험도에 비례한 평준화된 방제능력을 제고하기 위해 방제능력 여유 해역인 마산, 군산, 제주의 방제선을 방제능력 부족해역인 목포, 부산, 여수으로 재배치되어야 함을 시사한다.

The numbers of occurrences and the amount of spills of marine oil pollution have increased, and accordingly, it is necessary to secure additional control capabilities. Therefore, it was intended to present an empirical basis for improving the overall idle capacity through the relocation of control ships existing in each region. First, the marine pollution index was derived and the control capability compared to the marine pollution index of each region was compared to examine the appropriateness of the deployment of control ships. The marine oil pollution risk index was derived by multiplying the nine items that cause marine pollution by the weight derived by experts. We checked the control capacity (A) compared to the marine pollution risk index (F) for each sea area. Mokpo (F:13.4, A:1.9), Busan (F:14.3, A:6.4), and Yeosu (F:21.5, A:16.6) are the areas that lack control capabilities compared to the marine pollution risk index. On the other hand, the areas that have room for control compared to the marine pollution risk index for each sea area are Masan (F: 5.9, A:13.3), Gunsan (F:1.7, A:8.3), and Jeju (F:2.7, A:6.9). Therefore, for improving the standardized control capacity proportional to the risk of marine pollution nationwide, it is suggested that the control ships of Masan, Gunsan, and Jeju should be relocated to Mokpo, Busan, and Yeosu, which lack control capacity.



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