A Case Study on Development of Fine Dust STEAM Program for Enhancing Engineering Creative Problem Solving Ability of Chinese Elementary School Students

중국 초등학생의 공학 창의적 문제해결력 향상을 위한 미세먼지 STEAM 프로그램 개발 사례 연구

  • Quan, Hai Yan (Department of Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Byun, Moon Kyoung (Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 권해연 (성균관대학교 아동청소년학과) ;
  • 변문경 (성균관대학교 인공지능융합학과)
  • Received : 2020.01.22
  • Accepted : 2020.03.04
  • Published : 2020.03.31


Based on the constructivist learning environments model and the learner-centered psychological principles, STEAM education program with the theme of eliminating smog was developed. Through the program, senior elementary school students will learn and apply the convergence knowledge of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics such as the human body's respiratory system (S), immune system (S), big data (M, T), computer programming(M), and aduino sensor utilization (E) directly to solve the problem. After expert validity testing, we found that developed program meet the standards of STEAM education program development and can develop creative thinking skills to find and solve problems in students' daily lives. In addition, this study is meaningful in providing a reference example for the development of STEAM education programs that enhance convergence knowledge in the future.



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