Theoretical Interdisciplinarity between Psychological Marketing Practice and Woman's Narcissism in Distribution Channels

  • HAN, Soomin (Lecturer, Department of Art School Korean Paintings, Kyonggi University)
  • 투고 : 2020.10.28
  • 심사 : 2020.12.05
  • 발행 : 2020.12.30


Purpose: This study points out that psychological marketing practice can align to narcissism among women through showing urgency and scarcity. While women are competitive, jealous, and attention seeking, marketers can offer limited-time offers to increase the urge of customers to purchase. Research design, data, and methodology: To conduct a content analysis, the present author obtained data from various databases such as ABI/INFORM, EBSCO/ EBSCO, ProQuest, and EBSCO. Ultimately, this study investigated both latent and manifest themes of narcissism and psychological marketing concepts to find solutions that leaders can use to initiate change in organizations. Results: The current study suggests that narcissistic women insist on having the best things but still have the inability to acknowledge other people's feelings. Therefore, psychological marketing can utilize such traits to ensure that the quality of their commodities matches their promises during marketing and that their customer's needs are not infringed at the expense of another customer's needs Conclusions: One of the implications of narcissism in marketing provides is that brands can easily gravitate towards litigations especially amidst unhealthy competitions. In the process of getting customers to acknowledge another brand as a better option, the competition may stir corporate conflict.


1. Introduction

The main idea behind successful marketing is to understand consumer behavior to devise a way to satisfy client needs in every distribution channel (Kang, 2020). Most marketers therefore align their marketing practices with psychological approaches to grab the attention of their brand’s audience. Although many studies have related narcissism to masculinity, women have the same disorder(Fox, Bacile, Nakhata, & Weible, 2018). A narcissist is drawn to themselves and marketers can leverage on that to increase the demand of their products. A research by Norbert Schwarz found that no matter how little something may seem that it can put one in a better mood to an extent that one feels contented with life. This paper explores marketing psychology in relation to narcissism in women while identifying marketing tactics that are aligned with narcissistic behavior.

Narcissists draw too much attention to personal appearance and the judgments of observers also play a critical role in narcissistic individuals. Since marketing entails promoting sales in a company, the most important part of marketing is identifying consumer behavior. The relationship between psychological marketing and narcissism in women can mostly be applied in cosmetics and fashion industries. A female narcissist is an insecure person who seeks to mask their insecurities through superficial items that improve their social image and physical appearance (Kim & Jang, 2018). Therefore, material items such as clothes and cars can help such women create a social image of themselves that appears fancy. Therefore, drawing from such observations, organizations can develop efficient corporate strategies that can enhance reliable marketing principles to close sales with some individuals. Additionally, female narcissists can emphasize on the image of their children just to enhance their own.

Female narcissists are highly competitive and they aim to become the most successful in the room. Most of the time, narcissists always refer to their own experiences whenever they are having a conversation. Female narcissists can even shame or threaten their colleagues in an attempt to demean them. With such an understanding, companies selling commodities such as mobile phones can leverage on the traits of their customers through marketing new updated product versions. For instance, Apple Inc. processes new iPhone gradually and offers customers an opportunity to return the old ones in exchange for a new one (Barnett & Powell, 2016). Even when the gadgets are satisfactory, customers still want to acquire the newest update since their narcissism makes them competitive and jealous. Therefore, the marketing approach ensures that people yearn for new updates simply because it is the best in the market.

Marketing strategies can align to narcissism among women through showing urgency and scarcity. While women are competitive, jealous and attention seeking, marketers can offer limited offers to increase the urge to purchase. For instance, if an offer has a duration within which it will expire, more people are likely to purchase it to avoid missing out on the opportunity. Additionally, organizations can capitalize on advertising using models whose image is admirable thus giving women a rough idea of what they would look like dressed in a certain outfit or rather if they owned the intended product. In the spirit of competition, a narcissistic woman will want to dress well to feel better about themselves and to get complimented by the people around her.

One of the most common marketing strategies in the current global economy is social media. Through, social media, companies have improved their outreach to different clients around the world. Similarly, social media plays a role in heightening narcissism among women since it is the avenue where people can live in the public eye while getting all the appreciation from their followers. Concisely, psychological marketing entails knowing one’s clientele and acting accordingly to control sales according to the needs of the customers.

2. Literature Review

Usually, a marketing strategy depends on how the marketing practitioners take a look at their market rather than searching what works with the target audience. This occurs very often with particularly business owners who take care of their own promotions and this also happens more worse when professional marketers focus on narcissistic marketing advice. Marketing psychology plays an efficient role in knowing one’s customers and aligning marketing strategies accordingly. Narcissism on the other hand is a psychological trait or even a personality disorder that makes people draw too much attention to themselves. Narcissism is a trait that marketers can leverage on to attract their clients to new products that surpass the existing ones in terms of functionality, appearance, and cost. In some cases, customers may derive more satisfaction from products that are expensive as compared to cheaper ones of the same standard (Neave, Tzemou, & Fastoso, 2020). Therefore, psychology plays an important role in determining the approaches that are critical to organizational performance. Through valuable insight on a consumer’s decision-making process, people can utilize diverse marketing strategies to ensure brand loyalty.

One of the most common psychological approaches that marketers incorporate in their marketing principles is the reciprocity principle. Organizations can therefore offer customers favorable giveaways that can conveniently be exchanged with strategic information. For instance, companies such as Shutterstock offer free images often for free and in exchange, customers share their personal information. A few free images is a small price to pay for customer data because customer data can help organizations know their customers’ needs based on their line of work. Hubspot utilizes a systematic survey to determine the niche within which customers operate to formulate the right products to offer them. In marketing, an organization can either find products for their customers, or find customers for their products. However, marketing psychology enhances the use of customer data to make informed decisions on product development and customer outreach.

According to Harvard University, attractiveness is a vital principle that can increase likeability and trustworthiness in brands. Having a beautiful look can be an advantage to corporations since they can attract customers and inspire brand trustworthiness. The golden rule applies to narcissistic women since they are attracted to prestige. Therefore, whether in web design or designing physical premises, appearance is an important attribute for customer attraction and retention. However, design must never supersede the functionality of a business or rather a website. Organizations must implement proper vigilance to ensure that their companies perform well despite any possible occurrences that can hinder performance.

Organizations can benefit significantly from assuming that all their customers are narcissistic especially in the case of women. In industries such as automobiles, narcissistic parents can be overbearing and controlling to an extent that they dictate the type of vehicles that their children can use. For instance, a narcissistic parent might be so afraid of tainting their image to an extent that they would rather improve that of their children to save their own image. However, being narcissistic does not necessarily mean that one has the purchasing power of any product. Therefore, organizations must capitalize on price leadership to offer value affordably while inspiring customers to keep up with newly formulated products (Nantharath & Kang, 2019).

A female narcissist is attracted to class and prestige and acquisition of Veblen goods serves a meaningful way of feeding their need for attention. Psychological marketing therefore entails identifying what customers need based on their character. The use of convenient surveys using the reciprocity principle also helps in gathering customer data, which companies can use to determine the financial capabilities of different customers. Knowing customers is efficient for determining the types of products to offer them and the pricing strategy that can help the organization deal with the changes arising from the company in general. For instance, in the current COVID19 pandemic, organizations can identify the number of people that need reliable internet providers to facilitate learning and communication. Through a market analysis, an organization can price their internet packages accordingly to accommodate the needs of each customer.

Narcissism among women is not entirely a bad thing especially when in leadership positions. Since a narcissist craves attention and has a strong competitive personality, they implement policies according to their desire to stay cognizable and competent in the market. Therefore, some of the most competitive female leaders are narcissistic and their approach to leadership is transformative in nature since they are receptive to change as long as it is useful for their image and performance (Baek, Yoo, & Yoon, 2018). Retrospectively, CEOs of companies in the 1950s and 1980s were ignorant of the comments from the press as compared to the modern-day CEOs such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Andy Grove. While the past CEOs shunned public opinion, the modern-day CEOs connect with people by gathering information on their consumers.

Nowadays, leaders are in the limelight more often due to their high profiles and due to the growth of business. Sigmund Freud defined narcissistic people as people who try to impress others by being personalities. Therefore, narcissism among leaders can inspire other people to overcome adversities through leaving a trail that others can follow. Despite the toxic side of narcissism of attention seeking, narcissism in leadership can inspire other people using personalities who are concerned with being the best as associated with their highly performing businesses. Public figures are the most common influences on different trends especially in line with product promotion campaigns (Boursier, Gioia, & Griffiths, 2020). Marketers leverage on public figures to attract customers to associate themselves with their idols by experiencing a certain product that a certain celebrity uses.

In light of the above discussion, branding plays a big part in psychological marketing because a brand gives life to the company by improving customer engagement and outreach. Approaching the public relies on skilled personnel who suit the requirements of market analysis in different contexts. Therefore, involvement of human resource consultants can help optimize corporate culture to suit the needs of the audience. Human resource departments must implement change to accommodate any marketing innovations to protect the relevance of a brand and its reputation. For instance, conducting online surveys with narcissistic psychoanalytically interrogative strategies to determine the customer behavior must be followed by the ability to enhance implementation of marketing psychology. Therefore, organizational culture plays a part in delivering public demand through strategic management to enhance client satisfaction amidst the economic dynamics.

Narcissists are mostly concerned with inspiring people and shaping the future especially in a social dimension. In the industrial era, men such as Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison orchestrated the American industrial revolution through exploiting new technology that restructured the American industry and economy (Kalemi, 2019). In the pursuit for the best technology, narcissists can achieve their standards through utilizing the best quality of commodities. In interactions where a client is an organization, narcissism applies to marketing psychology in terms of the objectives of the prospects. Although narcissism has been identified with men over the years, women also have narcissistic traits. Therefore, organizations must conduct market research surveys that can help them determine products, marketing strategically and creating a viable work environment.

Marketing psychology and narcissism in women are variables that go hand in hand especially when marketing female products. However, the negative side of narcissism is their level of distrust that makes them outrageous (Kang & Park, 2016). As much as marketing psychology helps businesses to supply according to demand through analyzing the market, dealing with female narcissists requires quality management to ensure that a client is retained through quality of service. Narcissism among women determines psychological marketing in cosmetics through the guarantee for good looks and elegance. Cosmetic brands must therefore handle competition through marketing in a way that provokes a desire to acquire a certain appearance.

Narcissism can productive or unproductive based on how a person perceives it. For instance, narcissism among leaders proves to be useful and even necessary in some instances. Productive narcissists see the bigger picture and create strategies towards risky propositions that contribute to innovative work. Therefore, implementation of a psychoanalytic approach can help an organization identify the needs of their customers according to their responses on strategic marketing surveys (Ingersoll, Glass, Cook, & Olsen, 2019). The principle of reciprocity plays an effective role in ensuring that people consider responding to online surveys that request their personal data. Achieving major contracts requires identification of the market gap at the right time with the necessary resources. Therefore, narcissism propels innovation to keep up with the competitiveness of the global business environment.

Table 1: Key Summary of Narcissistic trait

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3. Research Method

3.1. Research Design

Research designs are a comprehensive approach that a researcher tries to integrate various components of a research logically. The researcher needs to mention particular research problem effectively and the research design is a key for the data collection, data measurement and data analysis. Thus, a research design may be suitable and come together in agreement with the methodology. A method for social investigation obtains credibility and persuasiveness when those fields act in performing jointly with one another, when having their parts that overlap together. Also, their connections are smooth and welldesigned when the overall arrangement is strong, logical, well-attached, and thus persuasive. As such, the present author obtained data from existing prior studies and analyzed data through a content analysis tool. The process of this study finally created diverse system to produce numerous themes which provide solutions regarding the research problem.

The new findings available should indicate the brief suggestion and might exist in the form of written words, disclose data, or striving theories and interpretations. This research is qualitative study which means that subjective meanings indicate the context of this study. Nonetheless, to measure the study, if there is no accessible means, the entire study can suffer from invalidity. For that reason, the research design for this study is appropriate because: “(1) The literature review provided adequate evidence for data collection; (2) The data collected were analyzed using an online software tool; (3) The analyzed data encompassed the independence of observations among diverse themes; (4) Additional evidence that is independent of this research can validate the data from the content analysis on the solutions found for augmenting environmental sustainability in mediation with leadership” (Woo & Kang, 2020, pp. 7-8).

3.2. Methodology

The advantage of qualitative study can be mentioned by the ability to use detailed textual descriptions, focusing on how human beings encounter phenomena. Qualitative data requires different behaviors, norms, and also cultural variables that are subjectively collected by individuals. In comparison to quantitative research that forecasts, quantifies, and explains statistical data only logically, qualitative research aims to help researchers understand problems and explain differences, relationships, and experiences in this way. The researcher used qualitative analysis because it is more versatile and it is more concise than in quantitative studies because it adapts qualitative methods and can reduce the researchers' anxiety in violation regarding of issues for research ethics (Hwang & Youn, 2016). The advantages of conducting qualitative research are that it is culturally important for the researcher. Study also indicates that researcher does not expect qualitative research and needs the to examine different subjects and meanings, which adds a scope of study comprehension. One of the most key issues in research is to justify why researchers apply objectivist or interpretivist epistemologies for their research (Woo & Kang, 2020).

The prior studies noted in their study that where factual evidence is required to address the research questions, researchers should use qualitative method. The previous research also found out that when reacting to questions regarding thoughts, behaviors, perceptions, values, and desires qualitative research is preferable. Regardless of the procedure, if there is a high degree of trustworthiness linked to a detailed definition, interpretation, and rationale for the methods used, research is sufficient (Kitto, Chesters, & Grbich, 2008; Hammarberg, Kirkman, De Lacey, 2016). These themes shape the new findings that business practitioners can use to improve environmental sustainability and to undertake more research by other researchers as well. In addition, research can be satisfactory as long as its validity can be demonstrated sufficiently by the researcher. The study, in this case, sought to use a qualitative way to provide answers for business practitioners. It would also be suitable for detailed documentary research that can be done.

3.3. Content Analysis

In several ways, such as posts, letters, and speeches, content analysis can be used to evaluate the written text. Maintaining the advantages of the qualitative content analysis that has been developed in communication science is the core concept of the approach of this analysis. It can be used for text information that is both manifest and latent. The manifest text refers to the obvious textual variables that are countable while the secret material refers to the data analysis behind the manifest data. For instance, advertisements containing environmental concerns may involve fires, melting, snow, and extreme temperatures when evaluating the study data process (Woo & Kang, 2020).

These factors are manifest, but these concerns apply to the effects of climate change for the next fifty years, in a more comprehensive study. The prior study stated that both types of data taken from a content analysis need explanation, but that abstraction depth and level of elucidation differ. In order to identify solutions that leaders can use to initiate change in organizations, the current study explored both latent and manifest themes of narcissists and marketing in distribution channels (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004).

It is critical to remember that the purpose of this study is to present the relationships between narcissism and psychological marketing concepts that explore business strategy. Therefore, the aim is to show comprehensive and predictive outcomes. The present author tackles the characteristics of a message when providing descriptive analysis and on the contrary, predictive outcomes might indicate the effects of the study of terms. For example, advertisement printing had an effect on product recalls in a content analysis (Jain, Roy, Daswani, & Sudha, 2010; Naccarato & Neuendorf, 1998)

Figure 1: Essential Components for Qualitative Content Analysis

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4. Findings

In a scarcity-related buying scenario, the prior study examined how narcissists participate in information processing. The author suggests that narcissists engage in the processing of purchase-related knowledge in a manner consistent with their conception of themselves as unique and distinctive and that scarce items that impart unique value appear to have a strong preference. The study also predicted that without deliberate information processing on utilitarian product characteristics, narcissists would prefer to buy scarce items. Moreover, the prior study observed that as opposed to their non-narcissistic peers, narcissists had a greater preference for scarce products and that narcissists appear to purchase scarce products without participating in the deliberate collection of knowledge on utilitarian product characteristics (Lee & Seidle, 2012).

Psychology marketing uses women’s Narcissism to tap into prospects’ emotions to attract customers to buy new products through emphasizing on appearance. Narcissists want to be the center of attraction in social settings and marketers must find products that can enhance them to standout. As shown in the figure above, awe is the best emotion to use to engage customers. Engaging clients must therefore target certain emotions that can influence the buying decision of the customer. Customer satisfaction by itself is a form of marketing since it makes customers want to put in a good word and recommend other customers to a certain client.

Women narcissism in psychological marketing not only entails the client side but also the management side. Narcissistic leaders who have achieved a public figure status to enhance them represent their brand on different avenues can guide psychological marketing. It takes narcissism to introduce change to an organization and at the same time ensure that it sticks and becomes the default mode of operation. Models such as Kotter’s eight-step change management process depicts a leader as the agent of change within the organization (Pruysers & Blais, 2019). Therefore, women narcissism can be termed as productive depending on how it influences people to see things in a new dimension according to the rapid changes in customer demand. A narcissist leader can help an organization see the meaning of something and take the necessary risks for better organizational performance.

The main risks of narcissism are that they can be unproductive when they lack knowledge of restraining anchors. Women narcissists push through massive transformations to nurture grand schemes and orchestrate projects that can work out in their favor although they can also fail due to circumstances beyond their control (Smith, 2017). Therefore, unproductive narcissism among women leaders can lead to bad financial decisions especially when their predictions become unrealistic. Therefore, narcissistic leadership can lead to unpredictability in managerial operations and some instances can lead to extreme losses.

There are various psychological marketing approaches that are critical to female narcissism such as; sensitivity to criticism. In product promotion, companies tend to compete each other through concealing information that works against other brands that offer the same service. For instance, a brand that uses a green theme color can make an advertisement that shows the weaknesses of a different brand using its theme color to identify (Kimmel, 2018). Through such approaches, the narcissistic people using the demeaned brand are likely to try another company that claims to be a better option. Client retention is all about reputation and organizations must work to deliver better services that can inspire brand loyalty among customers. Therefore, to gain new clients in a competitive industry, marketers must utilize criticism to other brands while introducing customers to a new product that can be useful in the modern era.

Passive aggressiveness is another dominant trait that arises from narcissistic people and it includes stubbornness, expression of sullenness and procrastination. Marketing psychology involves knowing a client and the developing marketing strategies that help that particular client arrive at their buying decisions. In global corporations, the frequency of sales is what drives the organizational performance thus making marketing a significant component in management. Therefore, organizations can identify customer behavior and determine measures that work on them to attract them to purchase. For instance, when marketers make their offer scarce by indicating that only a few products are available, even procrastinators will rush to purchase the product because it is a limited offer. Additionally, predicting customer behavior can help companies keep track of customer engagement and quality of service offered by the organization in general.

Narcissistic women also love prestigious spending of money without remorse. One of the most common marketing approach that arises from this trait is the packaging and display used in supermarkets. In the modern day, websites and advertisements have also been optimized to provoke impulse buying through improving the visual display. In restaurants, display also plays a huge role in marketing as it shows what the hotel offers and drives the attention of the customer to things they had not planned to buy. Marketing properly requires people to maximize their visual attraction through using the right colors to attract and inform people regarding a brand. Through providing good products and services, organizations can capitalize on narcissists who find it necessary to live in high standards.

While narcissism is commonly found among men, women too have shown signs of narcissistic disorders such as fantasizing about power, beauty, brilliance, and perfect spouse. Identifying such information requires the market analysts to study the demographics of their business environment and determine the stage at which certain age groups have a certain mentality. Understanding marketing psychology helps organizations determine what they can offer to their clients that can make them have an experience that almost feels like their fantasies. In fashion industries for instance, making stylish official outfits can match women who work in corporate jobs and the best way to make the new designs known is using a public figure to advertise. Celebrity advertising works perfectly because it capitalizes on their sphere of influence to show class and encourage customers to experience the same brand.

Celebrity advertising is one of the most common psychological marketing that taps into female narcissism. Women who have been known for their great work such as Oprah Winfrey inspire many other women who agree with their ideology and ability to overcome adversity. Therefore, such public figures can be advertising agents because their followers respect and agree to most of their decisions. Being that narcissistic women have a ridiculous sense of selfimportance; marketers can advertise products using popular people to drive more sales. For instance, using a basketball to advertise a new brand of shoes can be effective method to tap into the niche of basketball fans. A simple engagement with the audience can be useful in finding out strategies that can propagate receptiveness towards certain products.

In real estate business, Grant Cardone, founder of the Cardone capital hosts global summits meant to educate people on financial literacy through investing in real estate and mastering sales. One of the reasons why Grant’s summits have great numbers showing up is because of the guests who are invited. Grant Cardone’s approach to business is customer-oriented in such a manner that his publicists must carefully craft their posts to gain as much information about their audience as possible. For instance, during the planning of 2019’s global summit, he encouraged the social media managers on the celebrities they would love to see at the 10X global summit meeting (Mead, Baumeister, Stuppy, & Vohs, 2018). Therefore, by the time the conference occurred, celebrities such as Steve Harvey and Kevin Hart were onboard thus giving prospective clients more reasons to attend. Therefore, narcissism among women can help predict their influence and determine the relevant marketing principles that can capitalize on their behavior to make them purchase tickets.

Psychological marketing principles encompass tapping into the traits that narcissistic women have of exaggerating their achievements and talents. Since narcissists want to live up to their full potential for a good image, marketers advertise their investment opportunities as a life-changing opportunity. Grant Cardone’s real estate business uses financial education as their means to resonate with customers to ensure that their customers feel motivated to invest and sail on the same boat with their favorite celebrities. Among the people attending financial literacy summits, at least 10% are prospective customers waiting to identify new opportunities (Lamkin, Lavner & Shaffer, 2017). Therefore, Cardone capital utilizes psychological marketing strategies to ensure that customers invest in the organization for the belief that their wildest financial dreams are possible and also because other successful people recommend it already. Therefore, narcissistic marketing approaches can help organizations control the purchasing decision of customers especially in large-scale operations.

Narcissistic women insist on having the best things but still they have the inability to acknowledge other people’s feelings. Therefore, psychological marketing can utilize such traits to ensure that the quality of their commodities matches their promises during marketing and that their customer’s needs are not infringed at the expense of another customer’s needs (Naderi & Paswan, 2016). For instance, a company that makes wedding gowns should not tell a couple that they had another urgent dress to attend to as an excuse for not having made satisfactory progress according to the client. Instead, public relations principles encourage marketers to mention factors that seem to be client-centered to guard their loyalty and motivate their patience through reassurance and quality of service in the product.

For example, an exclusive product that cannot be consumed in a conspicuous manner may satisfy the cognitive element of perceived uniqueness inherent in a narcissistic individual. however, the associated absence of an opportunity to arouse envy and admiration on the part of others may attenuate this benefit. when communicating to high narcissism individuals could use scarcity claims that will be particularly resonant with this subset of customers, who need to validate their strong positive self-perception through the approval and admiration of others.

Table 2: Summary of Narcissistic trait and its relationship to marketing psychology

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All forms of marketing require positive word of mouth as the most effective means of generating more clients. Therefore, marketers can use narcissistic traits such as their need for constant appreciation as a tool to keep them loyal to a particular brand. For instance, offering a client a watch after they shop to a certain amount is something positive that a customer can remember to say whenever they talk about their experience with the brand (Naderi & Paswan, 2016). Therefore, utilizing psychological analytics in determining marketing strategies can help land clients and understand their behavior. Client retention is only as effective as the ability of an organization to master the behavior of their clients and devise policies that match the requirements of that particular business environment.

5. Conclusion and Implication

Concisely, marketing in the distribution science begins from understanding clients in terms of behavior, purchasing ability and aspirations and ends with creating means of serving them and gaining their trust. Therefore, good market analysis helps organizations come up with effective solutions for improving the frequency of sales through employing psychoanalytic methods in their market analysis. Women narcissism is a personality that can be useful in determining the type of marketing psychology to employ under certain circumstances. Additionally, organizations must also have efficient methods of detecting narcissistic traits among women through improving the accuracy of their surveys.

Marketing, sales and financial performance go hand in hand thus making marketing a critical component in organizational goal setting and achievement. Marketing generates leads for a business while sales is the means of generating revenue in the business (Kirk, Peck, & Swain, 2018). Marketing must target the needs of the consumers to ensure that the products meet the demands of their customers. As discussed above, companies such as Hubspot capitalize on reciprocity by offering customers enticing offers and in exchange learning about them and making their market research simpler in terms of predicting customer behavior and preferences. Offering customers gifts in exchange for information can help marketers understand the needs of their clients based on information provided by their responses.

Customer engagement helps organizations determine the products that their clients require and the best methods of approaching them. For instance, leaders such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates used innovations to get ahead and orchestrate industrial revolution. Simple solutions to life problems drive the innovative direction of industries through creating solutions that guarantee maximum results using minimum effort. Narcissism among leaders inspires a yearning for high standards of service delivery and simplicity of operations. Identifying problems in the real world and determining standards to guarantee performance is the most common approach towards developing products that propagate high demand.

One of the implications of narcissism in marketing is that brands can easily gravitate towards litigations especially amidst unhealthy competitions. In the process of getting customers to acknowledge another brand as a better option, the competition may stir corporate conflict. For instance, two companies like Safaricom and Airtel may use advertisements that point out the weaknesses of their counterparts through illustration. While the approach can help to gain new clients, lawsuits can arise from a breach in the principles of advertisements during the competition. However, the main advantage of competition is that each company strives to meet the requirements of their clients through keeping up with innovations in technology to guarantee client retention.

The role of marketing is to provide sales departments with consumer insight through introducing psychoanalytic strategies for accuracy in generating leads (Semenyna, Vasey, & Honey, 2019) and whenever business strategies and approaches implement, following gestures are essential (Kang, Nantharath, & Hwang, 2019). Additionally, consumer insight also informs the product development teams with the needs of the customers to enhance them to adjust to suit their needs. For instance, corporations that have franchises in different regions across the world can learn about the markets that they have not ventured into through collecting online surveys. Kentucky Fried Chicken can construct different joints for their products but before then, having carefully guided market research can improve their decision-making process. Information on newly opening malls can help administrations determine where to locate their businesses.

Establishing a rapport between managements and customers can help the organizations devise marketing policies that are aligned to the organizational goals and objectives (Kirk, 2017). Consumer insight is important in creating brand awareness and devising a marketing methodology that ensures that the organization is in a position to generate sales. However, no matter how much marketing is utilized, organizations can never succeed in generating revenue without teamwork. Therefore, being a team player must be embedded in organizational culture to deliberate better organizational performance through using customer-oriented strategies (Kang & Hwang, 2017).

Concisely, marketing determines organizational performance in different settings. Narcissism plays an important role in determining how marketers can utilize the irresistible sources of impulses that determine clients’ inclination to purchase commodities. Therefore, efficient marketing requires knowledge on the customers and marketing psychology is a source of consumer insight that improves the ability of an organization to generate more sales and keep up with competition in different markets, making customers recognize the positive image of their products and services (Kim, Hwang, & Song, 2014).


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피인용 문헌

  1. Sports Leadership Theories for Improving Retail Service Quality on Customer Value vol.19, pp.5, 2020,
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