예비 수학교사들의 교육과정 자료 해석: 조건부확률을 중심으로

An analysis of preservice mathematics teachers' reading of curriculum materials: Focused on conditional probability

  • 투고 : 2019.05.23
  • 심사 : 2019.07.01
  • 발행 : 2019.08.31


본 연구에서는 설문조사를 통해 예비 수학교사들이 조건부확률에 대한 교육과정 자료를 어떻게 인식하고 해석하는지에 대해 분석하였다. 예비교사들은 재구성할 수 있는 대상으로서 교육과정 자료를 인식하고 있었으나, 실제로 자신의 지식을 활용하여 교육과정 자료를 적극적으로 해석하기보다는 반복해서 내용을 기술하고 평가하는 경향을 보였다.

It is important to pay attention to how teachers recognize and use curriculum materials in order to link written curriculum and enacted curriculum. In this study, 90 preservice mathematics teachers were surveyed to identify their perspective and reading of curriculum materials. Especially, we focused on the curriculum documents, textbooks, and teachers' guidebooks containing the concept of conditional probability which is addressed in highschool mathematics curriculum. The various misconceptions of conditional probability were reported in the many researches, and there are multiple methods to introduce conditional probability in mathematics classes. As a result, curriculum materials have some limits to be used as they are and considered to be reconstructable by participants, but their curriculum reading were mainly classified to be descriptive and evaluative, not to be interpretive. However, unlike curriculum documents, textbooks and teachers' guidebooks were partially interpreted by participants using their knowledge of conditional probability. The purpose of this study is to investigate the profession of mathematics teachers in terms of curriculum implementation. We expect that this study will provide a basic framework for analyzing mathematics teachers' works and suggest some implications for the professional development of mathematics teachers.



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