Predictors of Preschooler Readiness for Elementary School: Focusing on Attachment and Effortful Control at Age 1

학령 전이기 유아의 학교준비도 예측요인: 만 1세 영아기 애착안정성과 의도적 통제를 중심으로

  • 문영경 (대전대학교 아동교육상담학과) ;
  • 장혜주 (경북대학교 아동가족학과)
  • Received : 2019.04.15
  • Accepted : 2019.05.27
  • Published : 2019.06.30


Objective: The purpose of this study was two-fold: first to explore the effects of mother-child attachment and effortful control at age 1 on preschoolers' school readiness at age 6, and second, to determine the mediating effect of a child's effortful control on the relationship between mother-child attachment at age 1 in relation to school readiness at age 6. Methods: Participants in this study were 205 five-year-old toddlers(106 boys, 99 girls) recruited for the Korea Child Panel Study. Mother-child attachment was assessed using the Attachment Q-sort(Waters, 1989). Preschooler's effortful control was measured by the Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire: ECBQ(Putnam, Gartstein & Rothbart, 2006). Preschooler's school readness was measured by the School Readiness Scale Murphey & Burns, 2002). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlations, and the structural equation modeling analysis. Results: First, mother-child attachment at age 1 effected school readiness at age 6. Effortful control at age 1 effected school readiness at age 6. Second, effortful control at age 1 mediated the effect of mother-child attachment at age 1 in relation to school readiness at age 6. Conclusion/Implications: Mother-child attachment at age 1 affects school readiness at age 6, and toddlers' effortful control at age 1 mediates the relationship between mother-child attachment in relation to school readiness at age 6.


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그림 1. 만 1세 영아기 애착안정성에서 학령 전이기 유아의 학교준비도로의 직접모형

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그림 2. 만 1세 영아기 의도적 통제에서 학령 전이기 유아의 학교준비도로의 직접모형

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그림 3. 만 1세 영아기 의도적 통제에서 학령 전이기 유아의 학교준비도로의 간접모형

표 1. 관련 변인들 간의 상관관계

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표 2. 연구모형의 경로와 표준화 계수 추정결과

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표 3. 만 1세 영아기의 애착안정성과 의도적 통제의 학령 전이기 유아의 학교준비도에 대한 직·간접효과와 총효과

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