VR 야구 게임의 현실감 강화 방법 연구

A Study on Reality Enhancement Method of VR Baseball Game

  • 유왕윤 (경성대학교 예술종합대학 영상애니메이션학부)
  • 투고 : 2019.03.09
  • 심사 : 2019.04.07
  • 발행 : 2019.04.20


VR 콘텐츠의 대중화가 더딘 것은 시각적인 새로운 경험 즉, '흥미' 이상의 '효용'을 만들어내지 못했기 때문이다. 가상현실 콘텐츠의 효용은 기능적 현실감에서 출발하며 그것을 증진시키기 위해서 사실적인 인터랙션이 요구된다. 본 연구는 구체적으로 네트워크 플레이, 캐릭터 인공지능, 햅틱 구현의 3가지 방법을 제시하고 있다. 가설을 확인하기 위하여 기획에서부터 콘텐츠 제작, 플레이 테스트, 기술 검증까지 야구를 소재로 한 VR 콘텐츠 제작의 전 단계를 수행하였다. 최종 결과물에 대한 사용자 및 평가 기관의 테스트를 통하여 사실적인 시각 효과와 플레이 연출, 진동에 의한 타격감까지 콘텐츠의 현실감을 높이는 데 기여한 것으로 평가되었다.

The popularization of VR content is slow. It's because they have not created a new visual experience, that is, 'utility' beyond 'interest'. The utility of VR content starts from functional reality. And to enhanced it, realistic interaction is required. Specifically, this study presents three methods of network play, character artificial intelligence, and Haptic implementation. In order to confirm the hypothesis, we conducted all phases of VR content production from baseball to contents production, play test, and technical verification. Through the test of the user and the evaluation institution about the final product, it was evaluated that it contributed to the realization of the content realism through the realistic visual effect, the play presentation, and the impact evaluation by the vibration.


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[Fig. 1] Research Procedures

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[Fig. 2] VR Baseball Reference

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[Fig. 3] Main Characters

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[Fig. 4] NPC Characters

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[Fig. 5] Baseball Stadium

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[Fig. 6] Character Animation

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[Fig. 7] Play & Effect

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[Fig. 8] Main & Play UI

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[Fig. 9] Game Play

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[Fig. 10] Intro Movie

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[Fig. 11] Inning Change

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[Fig. 12] Pitching UI

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[Fig. 13] Network Play Architecture

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[Fig. 14] Character AI

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[Fig. 15] Character AI

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[Fig. 16] Haptic Bat

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[Fig. 17] Test

[Table 1] Outline / VR Baseball

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[Table 2] Research content / VR Baseball

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[Table 3] Comparison / VR Baseball_Global

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[Table 4] Specification / VR Baseball

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[Table 5] Structure / Game-mode

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