Fig. 1. ARIMA process by Box-Jenkins
Fig. 2. Quarterly sales revenue of food and beverage (left bar : food, right bar : beverage)
Fig. 3. Time series data of food ales from June 2015 to Dec. 2020
Fig. 4. Differencing data of food sales from June 2015 to Dec. 2020
Fig. 7. White noise residuals ACF and PACF of food
Fig. 8. Forecasting food revenue from Sep. 2018 to Dec. 2020
Fig. 9. Time series data of beverage sales from June 2015 to Dec. 2020
Fig. 10. Differencing data of beverage sales from June 2015 to Dec. 2020
Fig. 11. Auto correlation function of beverage
Fig. 12. Partial auto correlation function of beverage
Fig. 13. White noise residuals ACF and PACF of beverage
Fig. 14. Forecasting beverage revenue from Sep. 2018 to Dec. 2020
Fig. 5. Auto correlation function of food
Fig. 6. Partial auto correlation function of food
Table 1. Categories of food and beverage
Table 2. Model fitness and statistics of food
Table 3. Model fitness and statistics of food
Table 4. Prediction of food & beverage sales
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