극한 문제의 풀이 과정에서 대수적 절차와 그래프를 이용한 방식의 연결에 대한 사례연구

A case study on students' expressions in solving the limitations of functions problems

  • 투고 : 2019.01.04
  • 심사 : 2019.02.12
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


This study is a study to collect information about 'Limitations of functions' related learning. Especially, this study was conducted on three students who can find answers by algebraic procedure in the process of extreme problem solving. Students have had the experience of converting from their algebraic procedures to graphical expressions. This shows how they reflect on their algebraic procedures. This study is a study that observes these parts. To accomplish this, twelfth were teaching experiment in three high school students. And we analyzed the contents related to the research topic of this study. Through this, students showed the difference of expressions in the method of finding limits by using algebraic interpretation methods and graphs. In addition, we examined the connectivity of the limitations of functions problem solving process of functions using algebraic procedures and graphs in the process of converting algebraic expressions to graph expressions. This study is a study of how students construct limit concepts. As in this study, it is meaningful to accumulate practical information about students' limit conceptual composition. We hope that this study will help students to study limit concept development process for students who have no limit learning experience in the future.


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[그림 1] 교수실험의 도식 [Fig 1] Figure of teaching experiment

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[그림 2] 교수실험 공간에 대한 그림 [Fig 2] Figure about spot of teaching experiment

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[그림 3] 학생3이 $\lim_{x{\rightarrow}1}f(x)$에서 구성한 예 [Fig 3] Examples of students composed of lim $\lim_{x{\rightarrow}1}f(x)$

[표 1] 교수실험 참여 학생이 학습한 교과서에서 함수의 극한 도입 순서 [Table 1] Sequence of task introduction among extreme contents of function, in the textbooks taught by the participating students

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[표 2] 교수실험 차시별 개요 [Table 2] Sequence of teaching experiment contents

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[표 3] 교수실험 과제 [Table 3] Tasks of teaching experiment

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