진로인식을 위한 미술과 진로 융합 수업 -동네직업지도 그리기를 통하여-

Art and Career Convergence Class for Career Recognition - Through drawing a Neighborhood Job Map -

  • 김지현 (국민대학교 교육대학원 미술교육전공) ;
  • 허윤정 (국민대학교 예술대학 미술학부)
  • Kim, Ji-Hyun (Graduate School of Arts Education, Kookmin University) ;
  • Huh, Yoon Jung (College of Arts, School of Fine Arts, Kookmin University)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.28
  • 심사 : 2019.01.20
  • 발행 : 2019.01.28


진로교육과 미술교육을 융합하여 동네직업지도 그리기를 활용한 진로교육 수업지도안을 개발하고 적용하였다. 그리하여 학생들의 진로인식을 확장하고 하고자 하였다. 수업은 초등학생 5~6 학년 16명을 대상으로 3차시로 진행되었으며 사전, 사후 질문 및 학생 작품과 인터뷰를 통해 직업인식의 하위 개념인 직업가치관과 직업편견, 자기이해와 진로태도의 변화를 분석하였고 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학생들은 동네직업지도를 제작 수업을 통해 직업인식이 확장되었다. 직업의 필요성과 그 가치, 목적 등을 파악하는 능력이 향상되어 모든 직업은 가치가 있다는 직업가치관의 변화와 직업 편견의 변화가 나타났다. 둘째, 자신이 좋아하는 분야를 새롭게 이해하고 그 역할을 고민하는 과정에서 자기 이해를 바탕으로 진로태도가 변화하였다. 그리하여 본인의 의지보다는 사회가 요구하는 진로를 결정하는 상황에서 동네직업지도 그리기 수업이 학습자들의 초등학교 고학년 학생들의 전반적인 진로인식에 효과적이었다.

We have developed art and career convergence class for career recognition through drawing a neighborhood job map. Thus, we want to expand the students' career recognition. 3 Classes were conducted in 16 elementary school students from 5th to 6th. Through pre & post-questionnaire, and the interviews with the students' work, job recognition with job value and job prejudice, self-understanding and career attitude were analyzed. As follows. First, students' job recognition was expanded. The ability to identify the needs, values and purposes of jobs has improved. Changes in job values that all jobs are worth have occurred and job bias has changed. Second, the career attitude changed on the basis of self-understanding. Thus, in the context of deciding the job demanded by the society rather than the student's will, art and career convergence class was effective in career recognition.


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Fig. 1. Sub Region of Career Recognition[11]

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Fig. 2. A picture of one's own dreams in 1st class

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Fig. 3. A picture of one's own dreams in 3rd class

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Fig. 4. 5th grade girls' neighborhood job map

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Fig. 5. 6th grade boys' neighborhood job map

Table 1. Lecture schedule of class (60 minutes to 90 minutes per class)

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Table 2. Elementary school students' career recognition test questions

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Table 3. Questions about change in job value

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Table 4. Questions about change in job prejudice

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Table 5. Questions about the area of job recognition

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Table 6. Questions about number of jobs you know

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Table 7. Questions about the area of self understanding & career attitude

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Table 8. Answers about question of desired jobs

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  11. Ministry of Employment and Labor. (March 1, 2017). Employment information system, Worknet.
  12. B. H. Kim. (2012). The role of personality traits in the relationship between socioeconomic status, sexuality, gender stereotypes and career alternatives perceived by elementary students. Hongik University, Doctoral thesis, Seoul.
  13. M. Y. Ru. (2006). Perception of science and technology-related profession of scientifically-talented students and normal students at elementary school. Kunkook University, M. A. thesis, Seoul.
  14. B. S. Park & S. B. Yang. (2017). The Effect of Parent's Neglect on Adolescents' Career Identity in the Times of Convergence : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Experience Satisfaction and School Adjustment, Journal of Convergence for Information Technology, 7(3), 139-146.
  15. K. H. Jung & C. S. Sung. (2017). The Effects of Entrepreneurship Education, Individual Environmental Factor and Individual Trait on University Student's Career Decision Self-efficacy, Journal of Digital Convergence, 15(6), 179-187.