A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Person-Centered Care Experienced by Critical Care Patients

중환자실 환자가 경험한 인간중심 간호에 관한 질적 내용분석

  • 홍희진 (부산대학교병원 외상중환자실) ;
  • 강지연 (동아대학교 간호학과)
  • Received : 2018.05.01
  • Accepted : 2018.05.19
  • Published : 2018.06.30


Purpose : To explore the person-centered care (PCC) experienced by critical patients. Method : This qualitative study deductively examined the attributes of the PCC model proposed by Jakimowicz and Perry. The participants were 16 patients who were recently discharged from intensive care units at a university hospital. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and were analyzed using the deductive method of content analysis. Results : A total of 4 categories, 16 subcategories, and 33 codes were generated from 171 meaningful statements. The final 4 categories were "compassionate presence," "professional interaction," "outstanding competency," and "patient identity." These were consistent with the main attributes of Jakimowicz and Perry's model. However, most of the codes belonged to the "compassionate presence" and "patient identity" categories. Among the attributes of the model, "continuity of nursing," "therapeutic relationship," "expert knowledge," "clinical knowledge," "evidence-based intervention," and "patient's rights" were not derived as codes. Conclusion : These findings deepen the understanding of the PCC model from the patient's point of view. The main attributes of PCC identified in the current study can be applied to the development of practical guidelines for intensive care nursing. In addition, we recommend the development of a PCC measurement tool for critical care patients.



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