A Study on Obstacle Avoidance and Autonomous Travelling of Mobile Robot in Manufacturing Precess for Smart Factory

스마트 팩토리를 위한 제조공정내에서 모바일 로봇의 장애물 회피 및 자율주행에 관한 연구

  • Kim, D.B. (Graudate school, kyungnam univercity) ;
  • Kim, H.J. (Graudate school, kyungnam univercity) ;
  • Moon, J.C. (Graudate school, kyungnam univercity) ;
  • Bae, H.Y (Beumaec Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Han, S.H. (Dept, of Mechanical Enginenering, kyungnam univ.)
  • Received : 2018.10.01
  • Accepted : 2018.12.04
  • Published : 2018.12.31


In this study, we propose a new approach to impliment autonomous travelling of mobile robot based on obstacle avoidance and voice command. Obstacle Avoidance technology of mobile robpot. It has been used in wide range of different robotics areas to minimize the risk of collisions. Obstacle avoidance of mobile robots are mostly applied in transportation systems such as aircraft traffic control, autonomous cars etc. Collision avoidance is a important requirement in mobile robot systems where they all featured some kind of obstacle detection techniques in order to avoid colliding. In this paper it was illustrated the reliability of voice command and obstacle avoidance for autonomous travelling of mobile robot with two wheels as the purpose of application to the manufacturing process by simulation and experiments.


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Fig. 1 The process of distance detection of ultrasonic sensor

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Fig. 2 The pprogram flowchart of ultrasonic sensor system

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Fig. 3 The hardware structure of voice recognition system

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Fig. 4 The flowchard of softward of voice recognition system

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Fig. 5 The structure of control system for mobile robot

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Fig. 6 Block diagram of test board.

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Fig. 7 Block diagram of global control

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Fig. 8 The process of voice recognition.

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Fig. 9 Registration word and realization word about “Junbi”

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Fig. 10 Registration word and realization word about “Apuro”

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Fig. 11 The travelling path of mobile robot.

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Fig. 12 Performance experiment scene of mobile robot control by voice recognition

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Fig. 13 The result of voice recognition.


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