Process Analysis of Elbow-shaped Tubes using a Mandrel

맨드렐을 이용한 엘보우 성형 공정해석

  • 오일영 (기계공학부 정밀가공시스템전공, 부산대학교) ;
  • 박성환 (기계공학부 정밀가공시스템전공, 부산대학교) ;
  • 박준영 (기계공학부 정밀가공시스템전공, 부산대학교) ;
  • 이성훈 (기계공학부 정밀가공시스템전공, 부산대학교) ;
  • 이의용 (품질보증팀, (주)에스티밴드) ;
  • 문영훈
  • Received : 2016.09.08
  • Accepted : 2017.01.16
  • Published : 2017.02.01


In this study, process analysis of elbow-shaped tubes using a mandrel has been performed. To reach the final shape within the dimensional tolerance, the process analysis has been performed at various processing parameters such as tube dimensions, the curved cutting surface and the radius of curvature. The area outside the boundary of the target shape was expressed as a quantitative index to analyze the formability. The validation experiments have also been performed in order to increase the reliability of the process analysis. For the processing of elbow-shaped tubes, it is preferable to make the angle of the portion where the punch touches the tube smaller than the opposite angle. And the convex cutting surface is advantageous due to the increased contacts between the punch and the tube ends during the bending process. Elbow tube having larger radius of curvature shows higher dimensional accuracy due to the relatively uniform strain distribution.



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