단일 호이스트 생산시스템에서 다양한 주문을 처리하기 위한 분지한계 기반의 휴리스틱 일정계획

Branch-and-Bound Based Heuristic Scheduling for the Single-Hoist and Multiple-Products Production System

  • 이정구 (대한항공(주) 항공우주사업본부 품질경영부) ;
  • 김정배 (부경대학교 기술경영전문대학원) ;
  • 고시근 (부경대학교 시스템경영공학부)
  • Lee, Jungkoo (Quality Management Department, Aerospace Business Division, Korean Air Co.) ;
  • Kim, Jeongbae (Graduate School of MOT, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Koh, Shiegheun (Department of Systems Management and Engineering, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2015.12.07
  • 심사 : 2016.04.26
  • 발행 : 2016.06.15


This paper deals with the single-hoist and multiple-products scheduling problem. Although a mixed integer linear programming model for the problem was developed earlier, a branch-and-bound based heuristic algorithm is proposed in this paper to solve the big-size problems in real situation. The algorithm is capable of handling problems incorporating different product types, jobs in the process, and tank capacities. Using a small example problem the procedure of the heuristic algorithm is explained. To assess the performance of the heuristic we generate a bigger example problem and compare the results of the algorithm proposed in this paper with the optimal solutions derived from the mathematical model of earlier research. The comparison shows that the heuristic has very good performance and the computation time is sufficiently short to use the algorithm in real situation.



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