견인곡사포용 이동대차형 포탄 이송장치의 인간공학적 적합성 검증

Ergonomic Verification of Suitability of the 4-Wheeled Hand Cart to Transfer a Projectile for Towed Howitzer

  • 투고 : 2015.11.15
  • 심사 : 2016.04.25
  • 발행 : 2016.06.15


The purpose of this study is to investigate the ergonomic verification of suitability of the 4-wheeled hand cart to prevent musculoskeletal problems in the firing test range. Because of the increasing amount of firing test, the needs to develop a projectile transferring device such as 4-wheeled hand cart has been increased. For the 4-wheeled hand cart, the lifting and carrying activity in the manual handling method were transformed to pushing activity. The risk of low back pain for lifting and carrying the projectile by manual was estimated by NLE and 3D SSPP. On the other hand, the risk for pushing the 4-wheeled hand cart was estimated by psychophysical and biomechanical method such as Mital's equation, Snook's table and 3D SSPP. It was shown that the 4-wheeled hand cart reduced the risk of low back pain drastically with higher efficiency and design compatibility.



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