Verification of moderation effect that job characteristic has on the relationship between Security Guard job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior

경호원 직무만족과 조직시민행동의 관계에서 직무특성의 조절효과 검증

  • 김창호 (경기대학교 경호보안학과) ;
  • 염대관 (경기대학교 경호보안학과)
  • Received : 2016.05.18
  • Accepted : 2016.06.20
  • Published : 2016.06.30


The objective of this study is to closely examine the relationship between intrinsic extrinsic job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior and closely examine a moderation effect that job characteristic variable has, focusing on workers in private security guard industry. In order to attain the above-mentioned objectives, a purposive sampling method was used as sampling method. Data on 207 people were used for analysis. A frequency analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, structural equation model analysis, multiple group analysis of the collected data was made by utilizing SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 22.0. The results of study can be summarized as follows. First, it was shown that intrinsic satisfaction, sub-factor of intrinsic extrinsic job satisfaction, had a positive (+) effect on altruism. Second, it was shown that intrinsic satisfaction had a positive (+) effect on conscientiousness. Third, it was shown that intrinsic satisfaction had a positive (+) effect on participation. Fourth, it was shown that extrinsic satisfaction didn't have significant effect on altruism. Fifth, it was shown that extrinsic satisfaction didn't have significant effect on conscientiousness. Sixth, it was shown that extrinsic satisfaction didn't have significant effect on participation. Seventh, it was shown that skill variety had a moderation effect on the relationship which intrinsic satisfaction had with altruism and participation. Eighth, it was shown that task identify had a moderation effect on the relationship which intrinsic satisfaction had with altruism and participation. Ninth, it was shown that task significance had a moderation effect on the relationship which intrinsic satisfaction had with altruism, conscientiousness and participation.

본 연구는 민간경호경비산업의 경호원을 중심으로 내 외재적 직무만족과 조직시민행동의 관계를 규명하고 직무특성 변인의 조절효과를 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이상의 목적을 달성하기위한 표본 추출방식은 유의표집방법을 사용하였으며 207명의 자료를 분석에 사용하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 21.0과 AMOS 22.0프로그램을 활용하여 빈도분석, 상관분석, 탐색적 요인분석, 신뢰도 분석, 구조방정식 모형분석, 다중집단분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 내 외재적 직무만족의 하위요인인 내재만족은 이타행동에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 내재만족은 양심행동에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 내재만족은 참여행동에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 외재만족은 이타행동에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 외재만족은 양심행동에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 외재만족은 참여행동에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 일곱째, 기술다양성은 내재만족과 이타행동, 참여행동의 관계에서 조절효과를 나타내었다. 여덟째, 직무정체성은 내재만족과 이타행동, 참여행동의 관계에서 조절효과를 나타내었다. 아홉째, 직무중요성은 내재만족과 이타행동, 양심 행동, 참여행동의 관계에서 조절효과를 나타내었다.



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