An Investigation on the Mathematical Instruction Utilizing Performance Tasks according to the Backward Design

수학 교과에서의 수행과제를 활용한 수업 방안 탐색 -백워드 이론을 기반으로-

  • Received : 2015.10.10
  • Accepted : 2016.01.27
  • Published : 2016.02.28


The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of mathematical instruction through performance task activities based on the The Backward Design, which was suggested at first by Wiggins & McTighe in 1998. The Design deals with a performance assessment task involving the whole objective and its entire content of a lesson. Based on the Backward Design, this study established the mathematical instructional materials, which deal with the concept of 'the sector' taught in middle school, with one large performance task including three small tasks. It is important that in the lesson students be guided to achieve the several learning goals by themselves through reasoning activities. For this purpose, a formal interview was carried out by the subject of three middle school mathematics teachers. As a result, in order to implement the instruction utilizing the performance tasks more efficiently in future, it is required that a large performance task should be selected or developed including the content or problem contexts to be relevant with the real-life challenging situations. In addition, to make students enhance reasoning skills, it is strongly requested that the tasks including the utilization of supplementary materials such as technological devices or manipulatives be dealt with in a lesson.



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