한부모 가계의 자산과 부채 상태: 남성가구주와 여성가구주 가계의 차이

Assets and liabilities in single-parent households: Differences between male- and female-headed households

  • 고선강 (성신여자대학교 사회복지학과)
  • 투고 : 2014.01.01
  • 심사 : 2014.01.29
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


This study aims to investigate the levels of assets and debts that male- and female-headed households have in comparison to married-couple households. Toward this end, a series of analyses of data from the 2011 Korean Household Finance Survey on the assets and debts of single-parent households are conducted. The empirical results reveal that the amounts of assets and net worth of married-couple households were significantly larger than those of male- and female-headed households. A comparison between male- and female-headed households show that the latter were more likely to hold financial assets such as savings accounts, savings insurance and mutual funds. The amounts of assets of female-headed households were significantly larger than those of male-headed households. Furthermore, the amount of credit card debt in mele-headed households was significantly larger than that in female-headed households.



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