This study was attempted in order to offer basic data for performing systematic and desirable task through improving job by surveying the actual condition and the task weight in dental hygienists. As a result of analyzing daily task weight in subjects of this study, the ratio of medical-cure cooperation task was indicated to be highest with 35.45%. It was indicated to be in order of periodontal therapy service with 21.54%, of administration & management task with 16.08%, of oral health education task with 15.88%, and of preventive treatment service with 11.23%. As for kind-based utilization ratio of the oral health education contents and oral health education data, a toothbrushing education method by subject was indicated most highly with 3.70 points. It was indicated to be in order of usage on oral hygiene device with 3.51 points, of educational method on regular check-up with 3.26 points, of educational method of preventing dental disease with 3.13 points, and of educational method on diet control with 1.39 points. Jaw-plate model was indicated to be used the most with 38.0%. It was indicated to be in order of orally explaining with 23.9% and of camera inside the mouth with 12.2%. Thus, establishment of a system is considered to be necessary in order to promote quality of oral health education for patients in the future by performing diverse programs with high utilization value in addition to a steady interest.
본 연구는 치과위생사들의 업무실태 및 비중을 조사함으로써 직무의 개선을 통한 체계적이고 바람직한 업무수행을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 시도되었다. 본 연구대상자의 일일 업무비중을 분석한 결과, 진료협조업무의 비율이 35.45%로 가장 높게 나타났고, 치주처치업무 21.54%, 행정 및 관리업무 16.08%, 구강보건교육업무 15.88%, 예방처치업무 11.23% 순으로 나타났다. 구강보건교육내용 및 구강보건교육자료의 종류별 활용비율에서는 대상자별 잇솔질 교육법이 3.70점으로 가장 높게 나타났고, 구강보건위생용품사용법 3.51점, 정기검진에 대한 교육법 3.26점, 치과질환 예방교육법 3.13점, 식이조절교육법 1.39점 순으로 나타났으며, 악치모형물이 38.0%로 가장 많이 이용하는 것으로 나타났고, 구두로 설명 23.9%, 구강내 카메라 12.2% 순으로 나타났다. 따라서 치과위생사의 고유 업무라 할 수 있는 구강보건교육 및 구강질환의 예방관련 업무비율이 높이 않아 이에 지속적인 관심과 활용가치가 높은 다양한 프로그램을 수행하여 향후 환자의 구강보건교육의 질 향상을 도모하기 위한 제도수립이 필요하다고 사료된다.