A Comparative Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Universities' Facility Management for Green Campus - Focusing on the Energy Management -

그린캠퍼스를 위한 국내.외 대학시설관리(FM) 비교분석 - 에너지관리 중심 -

  • 신은영 (경희대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 김준하 (경희대학교 주거환경학과)
  • Received : 2011.10.17
  • Accepted : 2012.01.19
  • Published : 2012.01.31


Recently, as the environment issue has been stand out, people's interests in energy consumption of the building have been increased as well. Especially, university has been classified as the one of the main causes of excessive energy consumption. Therefore, domestic and foreign universities are trying to build a green campus in an attempt for sustainable development. Since early 2000s, foreign universities have been aware that one of the main causes of global warming is an excessive consumption of energy in universities. Accordingly, they adopted various energy management programs for the conservation. Ultimately, enforcing energy conservation and using alternative energy resulted in lower expense and it was a great help for the universities. On the other hand, excessive consumption of energy in domestic universities has been considered as serious, which led them to become the second main energy consumers in 2010. However, it seems people do not truly recognize the impotance of energy management, therefore, relatively little attention has been paid to this matter. Based on Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design(LEED) rating systems for on-campus building operation and maintenance, this research suggests the evaluation standard to effectively analyze the energy management activity with the best practices conducted in foreign universities and to solve the problem of campus facilities management in domestic universities. The result shows that domestic universities do not have a designated task force for effective energy management and the lack of energy professionals hinders for the long term development. Therefore, domestic universities should recognize the seriousness of the excessive energy consumption and develop low carbon green campus through proactive management practices since this is very essential for domestic universities to get more competitive in this global era.



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Cited by

  1. Effective University Facility Management Plan Proposal Reflecting the Needs of the Main Users vol.11, pp.None, 2012,