4, 5세 유아의 선 형태 및 공간차원에 따른 그리기 세부묘사 발달

The Development of Detailed Description of Drawing according to the Shapes of Lines and Dimension of Space from 4 to 5 Years-old Children

  • 투고 : 2009.09.23
  • 심사 : 2009.11.30
  • 발행 : 2011.03.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the development of detailed description for drawing houses according to the shapes of lines, and dimensions of space from 4 to 5 years-old children. Participants were 76 children from a daycare center in Busan, Korea. Each child was asked to draw 4 different houses according to the shapes of lines and dimensions of space, such as: straight lines and 2-dimensional pictures straight lines and 3-dimensional Models, curved lines and 2-dimensional pictures and curved lines and 3-dimensional models. The children's drawings were scored based on a "detailed description rating table" which consisted of 10 items. Summarizing the overall results, first, 5 year-olds scored significantly higher than 4 year-olds in the detailed description of 4 different house models. Second, the houses with straight lines scored significantly higher than those with curved lines in the detailed description. Third, there were no significant differences between 2-dimensional houses and those of 3-dimensional models in the detailed description. These results suggest that the detailed description of young children's drawing is developed as children grow older, and drawing with straight lines are earlier developed than curved lined drawings.



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