국내외 공공도서관 직원배치기준의 분석과 시사점

Analysis and Implications of Staffing Standards for Public Library in Korea and Foreign Countries

  • 윤희윤 (대구대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.07
  • 심사 : 2011.03.28
  • 발행 : 2011.03.30


공공도서관시스템의 성공과 실패는 인적 자원의 효과적인 관리에 달려 있다. 그것은 공공도서관의 직원이 운영과 서비스 제공에 가장 중요한 자원이라는 것을 의미한다. 그러므로 공공도서관이 지역사회에 최선의 서비스를 제공하기 위해서는 정보자원을 효과적으로 이용하고 지역사회의 요구를 충족시키기 위한 우수한 직원을 확보할 필요가 있다. 이 연구는 국제기구, 주요 선진국, 한국의 공공도서관 직원기준과 지침을 비교 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 그리고 연구결과로 도출된 시사점은 후속연구인 최적 배치기준 제시의 중요한 이론적 배경과 논리적 근거로 활용될 것이다.

The success or failure of the public library system depends upon the effective management of the human resources. It means that public library's staff is the most important resource in the operation and delivery of services. In order to provide the best service to the community, therefore, it is necessary to maintain excellent staff to make effective use of the information resources of the library and to meet the demands of the community. The goal of this study is to compare and analyse the staff standards and guidelines of public libraries in international organizations(IFLA/UNESCO, ISO), major developed countries(USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Japan), and Korea. In addition, the implications derived from this study will be used to provide a valuable theoretical background and rationale for the future research.



  1. Philip Gill, The Public Library Services : IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development(MUchen : K. G. Saur, 2001), p.66.
  2. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 11620 : Information and Documentation : Library Performance Indicators(GenEve : ISO, 1998), pp.10-54.
  3. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 11620 : Information and Documentation : Library Performance Indicators, 2nd ed.(Geneve : ISO, 2008), pp.15-18.
  4. Christine Hamilton-Pennell and Mosaic Knowledge Works, Public Library Standards : A Review of Standards and Guidelines from the 50 States of the U.S. for the Colorado, Mississippi and Hawaii State Libraries(word document, 2003), pp.1-14.
  5. Hennen's American Public Library Ratings Home page, State Library Standards : Overview, .
  6. PLSC Home page, Public Library Standards by State, [cited 2010. 12. 5]
  7. State of Utah, Department of Community & Culture, Standards for Utah Public Libraries(2009), p.10.
  8. Library of Virginia, Planning for Library Excellence : Standards for Virginia Public Libraries(2009), p.24.
  9. North Carolina Public Library Director's Association(NCPLDA) Home page, Guidelines for North Carolina Public Libraries, 1998, .
  10. Colorado State Library & Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Public Library Standards(2005), p.12.
  11. Florida Library Association, Standards for Florida Public Libraries(2010), p.19.
  12. GPLS Standards Committee, Georgia Public Library Standards(2005), p.9.
  13. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Public Library Standards, Fifth ed., (2010), p.37.
  14. Illinois Library Association, Serving Our Public : Standards for Illinois Public Libraries(1997), p.61.
  15. Louisiana Library Association, Standards for Louisiana Public Libraries(2003), p.5.
  16. Kentucky Public Library Association, Kentucky Public Library Standards : Direction And Service for the 21St Century, 2nd ed.(2006). pp.7-8.
  17. Texas State Library and Archives Commission and Texas Library Association, Texas Public Library Standards (2004), pp.9-11.
  18. Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Comprehensive, Efficient and Modern Public Libraries : Standards and Assessment, 2001, [cited 2010. 12. 21].
  19. Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Public Library Service Standards 2007/08, 3rd Rev. ed.(London : DCMS, 2008), pp.4-10.
  20. Welsh Assembly Government, Welsh Public Library Standards 2008-2011(2008), p.18.
  21. Administrators of Rural and Urban Public Libraries of Ontario, Guidelines For Rural/Urban Public Library Systems(2005), p.10.
  22. Alberta Government, Standards for Member Libraries within Alberta's Regional Library Systems(2003), p.14.
  23. Department of Education and Nova Scotia Provincial Library, Standards for Nova Scotia Regional Public Libraries, 2nd ed.(2001), p.15.
  24. Australian Library and Information Association and the Public Library Associations, Standards and Guidelines for Australian Public Libraries(2010), pp.15-16.
  25. Library Council of New South Wales, Living Learning Libraries : Standards and Guidelines for New South Wales Public Libraries, 2nd ed.(2009), pp.12-13.
  26. Queensland Government, Queensland Public Library Standards and Guidelines, Staffing Standard(2008), p.2.
  27. 教育部 Home page, 公共圖書館設立及營運基準, 中華民國 91年 10月 28日, [cited 2010. 11. 29].
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  30. 한국도서관협회 기준분과위원회 편, 한국도서관기준(서울 : 한국도서관협회, 1981), p.15.
  31. 한국도서관협회 도서관기준작성특별위원회 편, 2003년판 한국도서관기준(서울 : 한국도서관협회, 2003), p.9.