피동·사동과 관련한 국어사전의 뜻풀이에 대하여

A Study on Definition Related to Passive and Causative in Korean Dictionary.

  • 투고 : 2010.06.15
  • 심사 : 2010.07.24
  • 발행 : 2010.08.30


When defining the word related to passive and causative in Korean dictionary, the meaning of headword can be explained by linking them to other related words. The link could be expressed into two forms; the one is 'passive verb causative verb of A' and the other is 'passive form causative form of A.' Whichever the dictionary takes, the important thing is that the content to which it refer should be correct. However the format of 'passive verb causative verb of A' and 'passive form causative form of A' is problematic because the definition of headword does not contain semantic information but syntactic or morphological information. Generic concept 'passive form causative form' and 'passive verb causative verb' refers to respectively morphological and syntactic level but specific concept 'A' refers to semantic level. These morphological, syntactic and semantic level can not be a same dimension so the size of their denotation can not be compared. The way of transform syntactic dimension 'passive verb causative verb' and morphological dimension 'passive form causative form' into semantic dimension is removing 'verb' and 'form' from 'passive verb causative verb' and 'passive form causative form' respectively. Therefore the expression 'passive verb causative verb of A' or 'passive form causative form of A' ought be changed into 'passive causative of A.'



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국학술진흥재단