노천명 시에 나타난 여성성의 발현 양상

A Study on Form of Femininity in Noh Cheon Myeong’ Poetry

  • 발행 : 20090000


This thesis discusses the femininity of Noh Cheon Myeong’ Poetry. This thesis divided femininity of Noh Cheon Myeong’ poetry into the confined femininity, the simplehearted femininity, and the introverted femininity. This three matters of femininity help to grasp the point of Noh Cheon Myeong’ poetry. Chapter 2 ‘confined femininity and exposing of agony’ handled problem of suffering which women feel in life. He knows difficult life of women living in Korea society. He expressed repression of a male-dominated society as poetry. Chapter 3 ‘simplehearted femininity and yearning of union’ deals whit yearning for home and being attached to family. He knows importance of one’s hometown and family. This spirit is concerned with the Confucian view of world to some degree. Chapter 4 ‘introverted femininity and longing of freedom’ handles the spirit of solitude and liberty in Noh Cheon Myeong’ Poetry. The solitude of Noh Cheon Myeong poetry is natural and female. He aimed at liberty through the solitude transcending social environment. The three femininity in Noh Cheon Myeong’ poetry is the core of his poetry. He knew the anguish in female life and joys and sorrows in life very well, and knew the way which can sublimate this matter. He transcended the pain of female life with union and the spirit of freedom.
