청오경(靑烏經)의 문헌적 연구

A philological Study on Qingwujing(靑烏經)

  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


This study was to analyze the philological character of Qingwujing(靑烏經). Qingwujing is the oldest and representative documents of FengShui, especially famous for FengShui XingQi(形氣) theories. In spite of is fame, a systematic research for Qingwujing was not yet fulfilled up to now in Korea. In is the main reason why have to research the philological character of Qingwujing. The results from this research were described as following. Qingwujing(靑烏經) as knows of Qingwujing's writer is very famous already in Han 한(漢) dynasty for his accurate FengShui methods. His FengShui thories getting more powerfyl from WeiChen(魏晉) to Tang(唐) dynasty. In Tang(唐) dynasty Qingwujing was abolished by government rulers, but it recovered and retouched by some scholars from Tang(唐) and Song(宋) dynasty. In the process, the block book of Qingwujing were changed for four or five kinds. Qingwujing's block books of Ming(明) dynasty are Yimenguangdu(夷門廣牘), Xiaoshisanjing(小十三經), Jujiabibei(居家必備), and Shuofu(說郛). It's block books of Qing(淸) dynasty are Gujintushujicheng(古今圖書集成), Sikuquanshu(四庫全書), Xuejintaoyuan(學津討原), and Ershierziquanji(二十二子全集). It's block book of Choson(朝鮮) dynasty is KyujangKak(奎章閣). Among them distinctive characters been founded, but the basic contents and theories are almost same. In Korea, Qingwuzi's FengShui theories were confirmed in Silla(新羅) dynasty, and it recoreded in Soongboksa inscription written by Choi-CheeWon. Qingwu(靑烏) or Qingwuzi were known for a great FengShui master of a FengShui standing theories in Koryeo(高麗) and Choson dynasty among royal families and the aristocratic classes. And Qingwujing was a representative FengShui theory book in wh0.1ole period of Choson dynasty. Now for understanding traditional FengShui theories, we have to understand the main FengShui theories on Choson dynasty at first. For understanding Choson FengShui, the study on philological character of Qingwujing is the basic works. If those works fulfilled successfully, we can understand FengShui theories and FengShu itself more correctly.



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