서울 북촌한옥의 변화양상에 관한 연구 - 북촌 가꾸기 사업에 따른 2002~2007 한옥 대수선 사례를 대상으로 -

A study on the Changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Bukchon, Seoul

  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


This study focused on changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Bukchon, Seoul. There are 10 representative cases which have been renovated through the policy of 'Preservation & Regeneration of Bukchon' by Seoul metropolitan government and other experts. Changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Buckon are as follows. First, Changes of scale. Trough removing extension parts, facade of renovated Hanoks are 'transformed' into recovering their identity. Using basements or lofts, intensive application of spaces is transformation which promotes the vitality of Hanoks. Second, changes of space organization. As Hanok changes its function from residence to commercial or cultural use, il a1so changes space character or reorganizes space organization. It is important that deciding function of Hanok has to adjust its scale and organization. Third, changes of construction performance. Through introducing new material and constructing method, performance of wall has been changed respecting its wooden structure and interior-exterior figure. However, technical studies must back it up not to destroy its value of eco-friendly architecture. Fourth, changes of facility systems, like floor heating system. They changes floor level of Hanok equally, and then sections of Hanok have became simple. Furthermore, inserting new facility space, such as boiler room, stand-up kitchen, bathroom and toilet, organization of space also changed. It is necessary that wise alternative proposal through the method of transformation or mutation must be presented. These four changes can be classification into method of 'transformation' and 'mutation'. Changes of scale are method of transformation and changes of space organization are method of mutation. Also, while changes of construction performance are mutation, changes of facility systems are transformation. Recently, as price of lots have been increased, a lot of Hanoks have been commercialized. Thc commercial energy threat 'the identity of Bukchon as residential area'. From now on, to operate 'identity' and 'vitality' complementary, it is necessary to make up for the preservation policy of Hanok and consolidate renovating standards of Hanok which correspond to character of particular region and building usage.



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