고등학생의 자살사고 예측모형 : 데이터마이닝을 적용한 위험요인과 보호요인의 탐색

A Forecast Model on High School Students' Suicidal Ideation: The Investigation Risk Factors and Protective Factors Using Data Mining

  • 이주리 (중앙대학교 아동복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.01


This study examined risk factors and protective factors in high school students’ suicidal ideation. Participants were 2000 adolescents from the KEEP(Korean Education and Employment Panel). Data mining decision tree model revealed that: (1) Irrespective of sex, the most important predictor was father-adolescent relationship. (2) Positive mother-adolescent relationship was predicted as protective factor in condition of negative father-adolescent relationship. (3) Family activities was predicted as risk factor in condition of negative mother-adolescent relationship under the circumstances with negative father-adolescent relationship. (4) Low self-evaluation was predicted as risk factor in condition of serious agony about personality under the circumstances with positive father-adolescent relationship.



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