우리나라 위인전에 나타난 어머니 역할 내용분석

Content Analysis of Mother's Role in Korean Biographies

  • 김영주 (울산대학교 아동.가정복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mother' role appeared in Korean biographies. The method used for this study was the content analysis of the context related with mothering in Korean biographies. The categories for content analysis were pregnancy-delivery, nurturing, teaching, disciplining, interfacing between home and social institutions and counselling. It was found that the most frequent mother' role appeared in Korean biographies was nurturing role such as to care development, health and hygiene of children. And the second frequent mother's role in Korean biographies was disciplining role such as to internalization of social roles. The third role was teaching. These results have been discussed in the light of former studies, and the limits of study method also have been discussed.



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