제조업 기반 R&D 조직에서의 품질경영

Evaluation of TQM Implementation in Manufacturing-based R&D Organizations

  • 홍순욱 (영동대학교 산업경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


The research literature presents that Total Quality Management (TQM) has been successfully embraced by firms for strategic and operational management in the last decades. However few studios analyze the role of TQM practices in the R&D environment. The objective of this study is to evaluate TQM practices implemented in manufacturing-based R&D organizations with respect to R&D performance. Our research model is primarily based on Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence framework, including three moderating variables (industry type, organization size, quality management system certification), to propose hypotheses on the relationships between leadership practice, management practice and R&D performance. Results of canonical correlation analysis using data from 130 R&D organizations show that in aggregate leadership practice is positively related to management practice which is, in turn, positively related to R&D performance. These relationships are, however, affected by the moderating variables. Our results imply that TQM practices can be strategically adopted in the R&D organization.



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