제3자물류업체의 택배사 선호에 관한 연구

The Third-Party Logistics Provider's Preference on Home Delivery Company

  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


Third Party Logistics (TPL) providers offer outsourced logistics services to companies for part or sometimes all of their supply chain management. Although TPL market is increasing rapidly and drawing much attention from various aspects, it is not easy to find the researches dealing with relations between TPL providers and home delivery companies dealing with small-sized cargo. This study focused on service dimensions which TPL providers consider when they choose a home delivery company. In this paper, we found five factors of service dimensions including delivery charge, logistics management shills, partnership, and then investigated which dimensions affect TPL providers' preference. In addition, we showed that the logistics management skills are more important than the delivery charge which has commonly been considered the most important factor. This study offers managerial insights on TPL providers' prefer once which we can hardly find in theoretical and practical perspective.



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