한미FTA에 대한 소비자전망과 소비자태도

Consumers' Expectation and Consumers' Attitude on Korea-U.S.A. FTA

  • Kim, Kyung-Ja (Dept. of Consumer & Housing, The Catholic Univ. of Korea)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This study examined the expectations and attitudes of urban Korean consumers with respect to the Korea-USA Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which was drafted on April, 2007. The data were collected through online surveys in which 527 adults answered structured questionnaires. The results showed that the number of consumers who favored the Korea-U.S.A. FTA was almost twice the number of those who objected to it. Most of the consumers surveyed expected not only positive effects but also negative ones from the FTA, and the more consumers expected positive effects from the FTA, the more they tended to have positive attitudes toward the trade agreement. The effects of consumers' individual characteristics on their expectations and attitudes were also analyzed in this experiment.



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